Account created on 23 April 2006, about 18 years ago
  • Senior Software Developer at Thunder 

Merge Requests


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🇩🇪Germany volkerk

@saschaeggi: Could you please link to the issue in core?

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

I tested this and moving the action buttons to static on configuration pages is a nice touch!
About the more actions dropdown I had a few thougths.

* Does it make sense to have the more actions functionality only kick in when there is more than a number of actions?
Also might be nice to have that configurable.
* I would suggest that we introduce alter functionality to be able to exclude certain actions from the dropdown button.
* I am not sure about having the meta sidebar toggle inside the more dropdown button. It is somehow central to the edit experience and also shows state?

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

volkerk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Closing since remaining tasks have been fixed.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

@greenSkin Please do not reopen fixed issues. Support of layout_paragraphs is a feature request.
Please open a new issue.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

@greenSkin Please add a follow-up for layout paragraphs support.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

We need a more in depth review other than posting two screenshots.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Tested with latest chrome and firefox esr, both default vertical toolbar and experimental new core nav.

Lgtm, nice.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Added check for libraries/dropzone/dist/min/dropzone.min.js in the test.
I am not sure for which library version / distribution libraries/dropzone/dropzone-min.js is applicable.

The module folder is concatenated with issue number in mr tests, therefore removed relevant part. See

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Ah, I see. Aligned the MR to use only the variant with dist and dot

🇩🇪Germany volkerk


When trying to enable la_eu_default_content it fails because of missing module dependency:

The following module(s) will be enabled: la_eu_default_content, default_content

 // Do you want to continue?: yes.                                                                                      

In ExtensionList.php line 524:
  The module swiftmailer does not exist.  

Script drush pm:enable la_eu_default_content -y handling the __exec_command event returned with error code 1
🇩🇪Germany volkerk

For triggering creation of a sanitized db artifact, simply trigger a pipeline on 'staging' branch.

You can see a job and artifact here:

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Added phpcs.xml.dist, required drupal/coder.
This pipeline shows cs errors:
In this pipeline cs errors are fixed:

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Tested this in drupal 10.1 standard profile and chrome:

* Create paragraph type text with text, formatted long field
* Add paragraphs field to article
* Add Split Paragraph Button to Basic HTML Input filter

On the create article (node/add/article) route I get js warning in console

ckeditor5-dll.js?v=39.0.1:5 toolbarview-item-unavailable {item: 'splitParagraph'} 
Read more:

Pasting some text into the text paragraph, position cursor somewhere in the text and clicking the
split paragraph buttton in ck toolbar I get

ckeditor5-dll.js?v=39.0.1:5 Uncaught TypeError: this.splitNode is not a function or its return value is not iterable
    at split_paragraph.js?s42b6u:1:1261

Additionaly there is not build step config for rebuilding the js in build dir.
Add .nvmrc to specify node version used.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

When the media edit form (and others) are loaded in ajax context (overlays, etc) assure that gin content form layout is not applied.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

volkerk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

volkerk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Needs patch from 🐛 gin-table-scroll-wrapper prevents nested paragraph buttons from being clickable Fixed as well, we do not have a dependency on gin, so we cannot add the patch here.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

volkerk made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

Tested with thunder 6.5.x, lgtm.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

"Place block" looks good now.
Added margins for the "Paragraphs Add dialog

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

I tested again with drupal 9.5, drupal 10 using standard profile, with chrome latest and firefox esr on macos.
Strange enough positioning of the dialog close icon is too low for me under all of these conditions.

I did a different solution now, similar to what claro is doing.

🇩🇪Germany volkerk

@heddn can you elaborate on the regression you mentioned in the reverted #2901158: Changes are lost when collapsing a paragraphs subform including an inline_entity_form

This commit caused regressions with non paragraph IEF fields. I have an (albiet complex) IEF implementation for user that completely broke after this commit. Any chance this could see a revert while a test coverage and fixes are added?

I guess we need a test for this, otherwise this issue is going nowhere.

Production build 0.69.0 2024