@sandip poddar

Account created on 20 September 2024, 4 months ago

Recent comments

Hi @akshay kashyap, i have updated as per your feedback on #6. Please share your review.

I have added some padding in the search icon. Can you verify the alignment once.

Hi @sourojeetpaul,
I was previously working on this issue in Drupal 9, and I have now reproduced it in Drupal 10. Could you please review the MR From my side, the hover effect appears to be working as expected.

Additionally, I resolved the merge conflict and made updates to menu--main.html.twig to address the issue.

Hi @solideogloria, i think the version should be 1.x-dev instead of 2.x-dev. Can you please verify it once.

Please review the changes. I have attached before and after Screenshots for reference.

Apologies for the confusion earlier. I have now identified the issue, and your merge request resolves it effectively. I am attaching a screenshot of before and after for reference. I am moving this as RTBC++.

I am not able to reproduce this issue in local.
Drupal version: 10.4.1
default admin theme: Gin

Hi @anoopsingh92, after disabling Bigpipe module the issue is not coming. But instead of disabling Bigpipe module we can go with this solution

use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\StatusMessages;

function flexi_style_preprocess_block__system_messages_block(&$variables) {
  $variables['content'] = StatusMessages::renderMessages();
  $variables['#cache']['max-age'] = 0;

you can see this core issue for reference: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3456176#comment-15738200 🐛 10.3 upgrade now missing status-message theme sugestions Active . Kindly share your review on the changes.

Hi @emanuelcoelho,
I think we can check the authenticated user condition in function autologout_page_attachments_alter(array &$attachments) from where function autologout_attach_js(array &$element, array $settings) is called.
If you agree i will start working on it.

I have named the components as shown in the attached screenshot. If the naming isn't appropriate or could be improved, could you please suggest more standardized names?

Does this work for you? Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!

I think We should consider using the latest version of Font Awesome to support the class for displaying the X (formerly Twitter) logo. Relying on a consistent icon framework, such as Font Awesome, ensures uniformity across all icons and eliminates the need to manually implement a separate SVG for the X logo. This approach maintains code consistency and reduces redundancy by leveraging the same icon library for all social media logos.

For now i am moving it to NW.

The MR resolves the issue, but we need to manually modify the .scss files instead of the .css files. However, there is a problem in the gulpfile.js where every .css file gets deleted when running gulp watch. This issue should be addressed in a separate ticket. Therefore, I am marking this issue as NR, since the .scss files need to be changed, and the .css files should be automatically generated via the gulpfile.

Thanks for clarifying the RTBC process. I appreciate your guidance!

Hi @pameeela,
I believe this issue has been resolved. If you agree, we can move it to RTBC. Thank you!

Fix the CSS linting (stylelint) pipeline.

Note: Only dropbutton.pcss.css should be modified. The corresponding dropbutton.css file is auto-generated via yarn run build:css. Manual changes to the .css file are not required; edits should be made solely to the .pcss.css source.

Please review the MR. Here i also fixed some Merge conflicts.

Yes @joachim, I believe we can remove that specific item from the baseline file, as the check is no longer relevant due to the removal of the create method in the BaseSettingsForm class. This should resolve the PHPStan errors effectively.

If you agree, I will proceed to update the baseline file accordingly in the MR.

@quietone, Thank you for the feedback. The PHPStan errors are occurring because the .phpstan-baseline.php file is still expecting a return type for the create method in the BaseSettingsForm class. However, I have removed the -- create() method from this class as the ThemeHandler is no longer used in this context. This discrepancy is causing the PHPStan checks to fail. Kindly share your feedback on this.

$ignoreErrors[] = [
	// identifier: missingType.return
	'message' => '#^Method Drupal\\\\views_ui\\\\Form\\\\BasicSettingsForm\\:\\:create\\(\\) has no return type specified\\.$#',
	'count' => 1,
	'path' => __DIR__ . '/modules/views_ui/src/Form/BasicSettingsForm.php',

After working on this i got to know the issue is resolved in the latest 1.0.x-dev branch. However, it still exists in the 1.0.1 branch. Since the 3460961-navigation-and-button branch was cut from the latest 1.0.x-dev, so the issue is marked as resolved in that branch. This issue will get resolved in the next release.

@anybody can you please guide me should i remove jquery from the codebase and can we use Drupal Behaviors here? As in the code it is mentioned we cannot use Drupal behaviors also.

/* jslint white:true, multivar, this, browser:true */

// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
(function ($) {
  // We do not use Drupal.behaviors, as the Drupal object
  // is not available due to drupal.js having been removed

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-ready, func-names
  $(document).ready(function () {
    const mailDiv = $('#restrict_ip_contact_mail');
    const contactMail = mailDiv.text().replace('[at]', '@');
    mailDiv.html(`<a href="mailto:${contactMail}">${contactMail}</a>`);

Update the css with BEM class of checkbox. Please review it :)

Please have a look into it. I have added specfic class to the modal and it is working fine.

Yes @pameeela, I am looking into it to add specific class to the model.

Please review the MR. I have also attached Screenshots for reference.

@tanuja bohra, but in this theme the buttons of comment section is green colour thats why i match the colour of read more and add new comment button with it.

Updated css file but i did not find .diff-responsive-table class in table instead it is .diff-revisions.

I am making the changes. Thanks @jurgenhaas and @jan kellermann for correcting me.

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