SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Tried to fixed the #2 issue.
Hi @W01F, I have tried to replicate the issue in my local but not able to replicate the same.
Drupal 10.1
PHP 8.1
Steps to Replicate the issue:-
1. Download & Enable the tablefield module.
2. Created a Content Type & added a Field Type Table Field.
3. Adding data in table Caption filed, some other language (e.g. Chinese)
4. Saving that node and reopen in edit mode.
5. Looks all good to me.
Please let me know, Is this the right process I am following ?
Hi @DiDebru, I got the same issue while trying to add New Rows in table. After your patch, its working fine.
Marking this ticket to Needs Review.
Hi @chsdaiguil, Easy Install → need drupal 10 upgrade. So i have created that issue on that module. 📌 Compatible with drupal 10 Needs review .
SandeepSingh199 → created an issue.
Hi @garethhallnz, I verified your patch and its working fine in my local. We can move this ticket to RTBC.
Thanks for the patch @Gauravvvv, after applying the patch, it is focusing to that textbox but Error Message not showing.
Hi, MR & Patch both are same and working fine. Marking this ticket to Needs Review.
Patch #2 🐛 Class "\Drupal\meet_on_time\Controller\GetUserData" does not exist Needs review worked for me. Iet's wait for maintainers to review. Thanks
SandeepSingh199 → created an issue.
Please add conditions on each strtotime function. after your patch merged, getting Deprecated function: strtotime(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($datetime) of type string is deprecated in Drupal\meet_on_time\Form\UserTimeSlotBooking->buildForm() (line 49 of modules/contrib/meet_on_time/src/Form/UserTimeSlotBooking.php).
Drupal\meet_on_time\Form\UserTimeSlotBooking->buildForm(Array, Object) Error.
SandeepSingh199 → created an issue.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Do we really need to replace Views::pluginManager($type) and Views::handlerManager($type) with \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.views.' . $type)
, as pluginManager
is a centralised function and inside it we are using plugin.manager.views.
So in future dates whenever we want to change the service, we have to only change
public static function pluginManager($type) {
return \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.views.' . $type);
, we have to only change the name of the service.
@dipakmdhrm, Its a duplicate issue & the solutions was already given.
Ref :
Error TypeError: Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypeCategory::getDescription() if a FieldType has 'description' missing in its annotation
I am not using any additional modules or specific configurations. It might be issue exists & I am not able to replicate. Thanks for the patch. Marking this to Needs Review.
I have tried in my local with drupal 10.1, but not able to replicate. Everything is working fine in this module.
smustgrave → credited SandeepSingh199 → .
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Its not a module related issue, its a Drupal Core issue. I have fixes the issue.
Error TypeError: Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypeCategory::getDescription() if a FieldType has 'description' missing in its annotation
Hi @chebbro, I tried to replicate the issue in my local with drupal 10.2 but not able to replicate. I am also working with drupal10.2 from last 1 month and many times created content type & added fields on it. Please provide more information regarding your issue.
I tried to replicate the same issue in my local with drupal 10.1, but not able to replicate it. Thunder Admin Theme 8.x-3.x-dev has not issue as per your screenshot.
If I apply your patch, it has some UI issue like Filter button shift little bit up. Also responsive not working.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@adityarawat_ln, thanks for your patch. Its working fine now. lets maintainer verify this ticket & mark it Fixed.
Can you provide the steps to reproduce this issue.
This is the issue of ckeditor5 alignment tool. This bug CF in drupal11 too. for quick fix you can write inline style in edit mode(html) of table <table style="margin:0 auto;">
I have checked with Claro & Gin, table took by default 100% width. Olivero theme is working fine but the issue with table alignment.
I am looking into it. I will add a patch if found anything.
Hi @siddhant.bhosale, please provide the proper steps to replicate in local.
Hi @kubokura, I have tried in my local with Drupal 10.1 but not able to replicate. Can you add some screenshots or short video.
thanks @vaish, I am also looking for this solution. I verified in my local drupal 10.1 with PHP 8.1 its working fine. we can move this ticket to RTBC+1.
There are two different things
1. If the path of the url is valid and the file/image name is different/wrong, on that time it will display 404 A Client Error Happened (e.g. /sites/default/files
2. If the file/image name is valid but path is invalid on that time it will display 404 Not Found, the normal messages. (e.g. /sites/default/files_1
I think the message is okay for two different situation.
As I go through the code, the class nav nav-tabs
is hard coded in ckeditor5-bootstrap-tabs.js, We haven’t control over classes and can’t give the functionality to add a custom class. So for the quick fix for your project, you can directly add your class flex-column
in ckeditor5-bootstrap-tabs.js & it will be reflect with the classes nav nav-tabs
Steps to add custom class :-
1. navigate to js/build/ckeditor5-bootstrap-tabs.js inside ckeditor_bootstrap_tabs
2. Find nav nav-tabs.
3. Once you found that class you can add your custom class.
Hi @adityarawat_ln, Patch Skipped, unable to merge. also remove console.log.
Hi, as per request, created that functionality. I have added a new option in Period dropdown & as per selection a new field will visible No of days. You can enter the days & it will work the same.
I have verified #3 🐛 Error in the Settings Form Needs review patch and its working. Move this ticket to RTBC+1.
SandeepSingh199 → created an issue.
This issue only happens in Popup. If we open the same link Re-use an existing field in new tab and use down arrow, its working fine and this not only for Re-use an existing field popup, its entire website popup like Block Layout Place block popup & In view Format > settings popups.
thanks @ChristianAdamski, In this issue summary you also provided solution. This bug need to fixed in Drupal 10.1, 10.2 & Drupal 11.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Some time PHPStan might warn about the Unsafe usage of new static() because the late static binding might not work as expected in some scenarios. So insted of using static use self.
@codebymikey, updated parameter type Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition to Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig .
Hi @RdeBoer, I tried to reproduce the same error in D10.1 with Facebook Comments Block 8.x-2.6 & found everything is working fine. I also checked in browser console, no error showing.
@Keshav Patel, @krishnarp asking for a functionality by which user can change the position of the feedback link either left or right. I have attached screenshots for your help.
@krishnarp, I have created a patch as per to your need.
@markdc, I have tested this module in Drupal 10.1 & PHP 8.1, but I didn’t get any error. Its very helpful if you provide steps to reproduce this error.
SandeepSingh199 → changed the visibility of the branch 3404853-add-a-disabled to active.
SandeepSingh199 → changed the visibility of the branch 3404853-add-a-disabled to hidden.
@Anybody, Its good idea, to have a disabled option in Installation Type dropdown. So I have added that functionality.
@philiph91, Did you tried with #2 ✨ add css class for theming the link Active patch ?
@viren18febS, I reviewed #4 patch and its throwing other issue.
@jurgenhaas, thanks for the patch, I am also looking for this patch & tried to fix but unable to do that. I have tested #5 this patch and its working fine for me.
Hi @webmestre, The warning "Deprecated function: Use of 'self' in callables is deprecated" typically occurs when a class method references itself using the self keyword in a way that involves a callable. This is a change introduced in PHP >=8.1. You can modify your code to use the static keyword instead of self. The static keyword refers to the class in which it is used, allowing for late static binding. This change ensures compatibility with PHP >=8.1 and eliminates the deprecation warning.
In my case I am not facing any deprecated function error, but if you getting this error, try with this patch.
@mrit4406, If you facing difficulty while applying patch, you can add manually in your theme file.
@sahal_va, Try with this patch.
Hi @danielspeicher, We have to first initialise the property before access. Try this patch.
Steps to merge the patch :-
1. Hope You have alreay downloaded the Creative & Innovative theme using composer, if not yet then run composer require 'drupal/creative_innovative:^9.1' on CLI.
2. Move to creative_innovative theme folder (e.g. cd themes/contrib/creative_innovative)
3. Download the patch using wget (e.g. wget →
5. Finally apply the patch (e.g. git apply -v 3403068-1.patch)
@mrit4406, I have removed that NO Of Slide: dropdown with textbox, now you can set as much as slider you want.
@ivnish, attaching a patch for this issue.
Steps to merge the patch :-
1. Move to fasttoggle contrib folder (e.g. cd modules/contrib/fasttoggle)
2. Download the patch using wget
3. Apply the patch (e.g. git apply -v 3402086-4.patch)
Please validate & let me know if you found any discrepancies on it.
SandeepSingh199 → created an issue.
@wombatbuddy, created a patch for it please verify.
Verified. MR working fine. Help link showing in module list page and clicking on that help link will redirect to /admin/help/unpublished_node_permissions
page. We can mark this issue as fixed and close.
Hi @Gowtham.Boopathiraj, I have downloaded and enabled Group 3.2.0 module in Drupal 10 and run drush cr, drush updb and drush cex but didn’t found any issue related The service "group_permission.calculator" has a dependency on a non-existent service "flexible_permissions.chain_calculator". or other issue at log file.
Can you provide more information regarding that issue & steps to reproduce the issue.
@philiph91, added a class as you requested. Please verify and confirm.
Steps to merge the patch :-
1. Move to cd fasttoggle contrib folder (e.g. modules/contrib/fasttoggle)
2. Download the patch using wget
3. Apply the patch (e.g. git apply -v 3401421-1.patch)
@darko_antunovic, I have followed the same steps on D10, but not able to reproduce the issue. Please provide more details on it.
@Nitin shrivastava, I had also checked this module and I think it is not a bug, its a style. Maintainer can confirm it well.
Hi @goose2000, I have tested in D10 and found the same issue. Attaching a patch for it.
thanks @gintass, I am also facing the same issue & {% apply spaceless %} {% endspaceless%}
fixed the issue. So I have created a patch for it.
@Abh1shek Chauhan please verify it and close this ticket.
Changing status to Needs Review.
I think you are working on D10 & in D10 drupal_get_path()
is deprecated, So instead of drupal_get_path()
use \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath('MYTHEME')
@rahul_sankrit, I had followed the same steps which you mentioned but not able to replicate the issue on drupal 9.5 & drupal 10.1, Can you provide more information on it.
btw if you still getting the issue you can use $maxAge = is_null($maxAge) ? 0 : $maxAge;
in ape/src/EventSubscriber/ApeSubscriber.php after line no 137.
Hi @tonka67, try with this patch.
Hi @rajeevk, try with this patch.
@df_11, $renderCache = \Drupal::service('cache.entity'); $renderCache->invalidateAll();
is working fine, but if we have lots of files, images videos are their, it might be decrease the site performance. For quick fix we good to go. Marking this ticket to Needs Review.
Hi try with this patch
Hi try with this patch
Hi, I tested this module with your given steps, but not able to replicate the issue. If Flexible Date Range field is mandatory then form will not submit until End Date not filled.
Checked on Drupal Version 9.5.11, Flexible Daterange 8.x-1.1. Can you please provide more details on it, with attach some screenshots.
Hi @jsheffers, I followed your steps & unable to replicate the issue in drupal9.5. Can you please tell, which drupal version are you using ?
Attached a screenshot
Yes. In form_alter we can’t get $node_type->id(). I think while creating a new Content Type we don’t need panel like Node Keep defaults , instead of that after Content Type created, we can add that functionality in Manage Form Display.
For now if we remove that two functions node_keep_form_node_type_form_alter() & node_keep_form_node_type_form_builder() module's functionality is working fine.
Attaching a patch file.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @mrwood, Slider is not working because of GLightbox, Swiper & PureCounter not defined, throwing error in web browser console error log at galactic_dreamscape.js file. I don’t think we are using theses js library anywhere in Galactic Dreamscape theme.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
For now added a logger in catch block. I am also looking into this issue.
SandeepSingh199 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @reszli, I am unable to replicate the issue in local.
Steps to Verify :-
1. Get clone of composer require 'drupal/rocketship_core:6.1.x-dev@dev'.
2. Enable the module drush en rocketship_core.
3. Moved to /admin/config/regional/language page.
4. Added four languages.
5. Re-ordered the language & Saved.
6. Displays a successful message.
Can you please give a screenshots of your steps. It will help us to analyse the issue
Hi @chandrahasd, Please mark this ticket to Needs Review.
By the way I reviewed your changes & its working fine in local.
Steps to Verify :-
1. Get clone of composer require 'drupal/change_pwd_page:2.x-dev@dev'.
2. Enable the module drush en change_pwd_page.
3. Move to module/contrib/change_pwd_page.
4. Download the patch wget →
5. apply the patch git apply -v 3393256_restrict_old_patch_1.patch
6. Clear cache drush cr
7. Run drush uli command to generate admin url.
8. After first time change password, clear cache and re-visit that same url. It will show You have tried to use a one-time login link that has either been used or is no longer valid. Please request a new one using the form below..
Requesting maintainers to please validate & move this ticket to RTBC+1.
Hi @cobenash, I am facing the same issue & using your patch its working fine. Requesting maintainers to move this ticket to RTBC+1 & merge with the main codebase.
Hi @NikolaAt, Is this patch really needed ? I have tested Admin Toolbar with your given Steps. But I am unable to replicate the issue. Its working fine for me. Can you please provide more explanation on it.
Thanks @bobi-mel, Issue 1 is fixed now & Issue 2 is my fault, i haven’t run that drush updb command, now i run that & found Description filed data is Saving now. All looks good to me, we can move this to RTBC+1.
@cedewey Created a re-roll patch of entity_bundle.patch. Please take a look & let me know if you can successfully applied this patch.