🇳🇿New Zealand @jonathan_hunt

Account created on 3 August 2005, almost 19 years ago

Recent comments

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I think this patch needs work as it places invocation of roleMatchSync() inside the condition for new account, so role sync will only be evaluated for newly provisioned accounts and not for subsequent logins.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

fwiw, this change has stopped the bots smashing our facet links. It would be great if this patch could be committed.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Patch #9 applies cleanly and allows the module to be used on Drupal 10.2.5. Can this be committed and a new release made please?

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

The patch applies for me ok on Facets 2.0.7. This patch is very useful as I have several sites where bots are aggressively indexing all search facet links. I hope that changing the facets to genuine form checkboxes will reduce the bot impacts.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Thanks for the patch. I have VBO on a large taxonomy and found that if an error occurred "No items selected" when choosing term merge action, the VBO checkboxes would disappear. With this patch the error doesn't even occur...

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I've dug further into the site where this is occurring and the underlying challenge is OCRed text being rendered into a field modelled as `basic_html`. When html_tag_usage analyses the site, it picks up this content and processes it, but in the subsequent report it is is trying to generate routes for html tags that are not valid tags, e.g. <..:><code><..gt:> causing errors in the route generation.

The root cause is mine to resolve but this module could check whether the "tag" encountered is a..z, A..Z etc. characters before attempting to build a route.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Is this module abandoned? Perhaps the module status could be updated to reflect the availability of maintenance? It would be good to have this module updated to Drupal 10 by committing these changes and updating the info.yml file, thanks.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Please create a release so that this module doesn't list as unsupported for D10...

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I was not able to reproduce this using Chunker formatter alone, as output format for basic page body. However, with Sector ToC the `` present in the body text area is not rendered. This is on a text area that is not using CKEditor5. So it's either Sector ToC or toc_api at issue...

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Patch works for me, thank you, but the change hasn't been applied to the module code so status "Finished" is premature.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Unfortunately the change in patch #11 as released in 2.0.0-beta3 fails in the case of drupal/facets_range_dropdowns since $build['0']['#facet'] is not set. For now, I am using

if (isset($build['0']['#facet'])) {
  $title = $build['0']['#facet']->getName();
else {
  $title = $block_plugin->label();

$facets[] = [
  '#block_plugin' => $block_plugin,
  'title' => $title,
  'content' => $build,
  'attributes' => new Attribute($build['#attributes']),
🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

The form is invoked a second time and $form_state->isRebuilding() is true.

Appears to work if I add at L69

if (!isset($index)) {
  $index = $this->getEntity();

This could possibly be added as part of the isRebuilding() == true code path.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

* PHP 7.433
* Drupal 9.5.11
* Drush 11.0.2
* Migrate devel 2.2 The "--migrate-debug" option does not exist.

Downgraded to Migrate devel 2.1, "--migrate-debug" works as expected.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

The 'core_version_requirement' constraint (^9 || ^10) requires the 'core' key not be set in modules/contrib/http_auth/http_auth.info.yml

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

views-view-field-* is singular, replace "fields" with "field"

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I can confirm this issue. Path becomes available if Devel module is uninstalled.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Applying patch allows this module to pass Upgrade Status Drupal 10 compatibility check.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

@wxman I simply ran composer require "drupal/fivestar:dev-1.x" with no specific references in composer.json. composer.patches.json:

    "drupal/fivestar": {
      "#3287600 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-09-01/fivestar-3287600-72.patch"
🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

fwiw, applying patch from #72 allows FiveStar to pass the Upgrade Status Drupal 10 readiness checks.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

This patch applies to 8.x-1.x-dev ok and allows Facets Range Dropdowns to pass Upgrade Status compatibility check.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

fwiw, I found changing from source field timestamp to source field changed worked for me, no patches needed.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Hi, it would be good to know how the work towards CKEditor5 is tracking. There is no mention of spellcheck on https://www.drupal.org/docs/core-modules-and-themes/core-modules/ckedito...
I see this module has a https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ckeditor_scayt/-/tree/5.0.x branch, but it's not exposed for composer install.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Patch in #4 was against 8.x-1.0-beta3. Attached is a revised approach that works for me on 8.x-1.x-dev

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Apologies, I was working with 8.x-1.0-beta3 but 8.x-1.x-dev does cope with negative values.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

@fl-49 Are you able to share more details of your solution? I have ckeditor5_dev set up as a starting point to generate a new module and plugin but it would be great to see how you approached it.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Patch #25 applies to 3.0.0-beta1 and works. However, I have another facet (a) on the same page as facet (b) with base path. facet (a) does not have base path set, and if facet (a) is submitted first, the base path on facet (b) is ignored when the facets are re-rendered.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Thanks for the patch, that solves the problem of range value being reset after submission. I've extended MR !3 to also show active facet value, and to avoid min facet value being null. For some reason I couldn't change the MR in Gitlab, so patch attached here.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Actually it looks like {{ content|without('group_introduction' }} excluding a field group works as you would expect. I misinterpreted my test data.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Looks like name will continue to be allowed if CKEditor Anchor plugin is used, for both CKEditor4 and CKEditor5.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

To add to the list, Devel devel doesn't appear in the list of additional projects. What else is needed to progress the patch offered above>

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I get the same error. I would be great to have this field sortable.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

I triggered a build by using Chrome Dev Tools to edit the select optgroup for Latest and paste in <option value="8.x-1.x-dev">8.x-1.x-dev</option> as an option that I could select before clicking "Launch Sandbox" button. So the issue is that Latest optgroup is not correctly populated (when only 1 version exists and that version is dev?)

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

Actually the work-around doesn't work. After clicking "Launch Sandbox" button the error "additionalProjects.0.version: This value should not be blank." appears, even though the only available version of File Access Fix is selected (see screenshot)

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

$tag was defined in 7.x-2.x when token was parsed using [[ and ]] https://git.drupalcode.org/project/media/-/blob/7.x-2.x/modules/media_wy..., but didn't survive the change to json.

🇳🇿New Zealand jonathan_hunt

@larowlan Argh, it's right there in the README! How did I miss that? Thanks for the pointer.

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