Account created on 20 July 2023, 11 months ago

Merge Requests

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🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have created a MR where I have set the max-height of UI dialog content for workspace module.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Hi @xavier.masson The patch from #3 doesn't seem to work to fix the issue. Please check the code and update it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@LeDucDuBleuet I could replicate the issue and created a patch to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@Nitin shrivastava Steps are mentioned in the description.
1) Create a vocabulary and create a taxonomy term in it which is at least 112 characters long.
2) Add the taxonomy in a content type and change the autocomplete to select list in manage form display.
3) Now add content in same content type, and now you can see the page is broken due to select list.

I have opened a MR for fixes.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I can replicate this issue when select option has very long text, I have provided a patch to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Hi @kksandr Can you add steps to reproduce this issue along with screenshots to understand it clearly?

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I could replicate the issue in dark mode of gin theme. The toggle checkbox was not visible in paragraph reference entity added in content types, to fix this I made a slight change in color of checkbox in dark mode and created a patch for it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to replicate the issue and applied the patch from MR request, it removes the extra space and make the alignment proper.
Moving this to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Hi @Nitin shrivastava I have added a patch for the requested feature. Please review and let me know if the background color which I have added needs to be changed.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Hi @geles I have added a patch to make the main navigation horizontal. It includes basic styling and I haven't styled submenus yet. Please let me know if there is more changes to be done.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Hi @Hetal chavda This is not an issue, disabling checkbox "Use the favicon supplied by the theme" also disables 'shortcut icon' which hides favicon accordion.
So please enable "shortcut icon" checkbox and favicon accordion will be visible.
This ticket can be closed as it is working as expected.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to replicate the issue in Safari. Below are the steps I followed:

1) Install the redirect module
2) Open an article -> In right sidebar under 'URL redirect' -> Click on "Add URL redirects" and add 1 redirect.
3) Once redirect is added, refresh the same article and check 'URL redirect' in right sidebar again. Now "Add URL redirects" bitton is not clickable on Safari.

This needs to be fixed in latest version so I have added a patch.
cc: @saschaeggi

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@Anybody I have create MR req for the changes I have done, I tried to shift the button on right side but overall UI was not looking good. This needs to be reviewed by maintainer.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Verified the patch from #4, it applied cleanly and fixes the regression issue in fieldset leged positioning 📌 Refactor Claro's fieldset stylesheet Fixed .
Moving this ticket to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@saschaeggi I cleared the cache but issue is still visible.
Drupal version: 10.1
Theme version: 3.x-dev@dev (Installed through composer)
Browser: Chrome

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I reviewed patch #7, it applies cleanly and fixes the issue. Moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@shiv_yadav I am not able to apply patch from your MR request. Please check it once.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@Anybody I reduced the bottom space and made button less prominent. Please check the screenshot attached and let me know if it looks fine or needs more changes. Based of that I will create a patch.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@chetan 11
User account icon code is added in twig file, if you want to remove it you can go to 'menu--main.html.twig' and remove the code added.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Tested the patch form MR, it applied cleanly and fixes the issue. Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

This issue is duplicate, another similar issue is already active 🐛 Search button is not aligned. Needs review
This issue can be closed.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I reviewed the patch from MR raised, it applies cleanly and fixes the issue. Gitlab-ci.yml has been also added in the commits so this should be mentioned in description as well. Beside this, it can be moved to RTBC++.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

swatidhurandhar made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I applied your patch but the heading is not fully visible and content is not aligned with arrows. Please refer attached screenshot.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@chetan 11
Your patch from MR request is not applying for me in Drupal10.1 and I used composer to apply it. Please check your patch once.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@saschaeggi I was able to reproduce this issue in Drupal9.5 and installing theme version 8.x-3.x-dev through composer. I have raised a MR to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I tested the patch of MR #3, it applies cleanly and fixes the issue. Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to replicate this issue in Drupal9.5 with Gin version 8.x-3.x-dev. I have raised a MR to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Issue was reproducible and can be seen in dev tools as well. The patch from #2 applies cleanly and fixes the issue.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Reviewed the patch from #5, it applies cleanly and changes the twitter logo.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have created a new patch since #11 was failing through some test cases.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Tested patch from #15 in D9.5. It applies cleanly and fixes the margin issue in themes like claro and olivero. In seven theme issue wasn't there, so patch doesn't affect it much.
This ticket can be moved to RTBC + 1.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@hcanning This issue seems to be occurring in Barrio Bootstrap 5 theme, so I believe this issue needs to be raised in that theme.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have raised a MR to fix the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I tested the patch, it applies cleanly and fixes the issue. Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I tested the patch. It applies cleanly through composer and fixes the issue. Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@alok_singh Your patch is not applying for me. It is getting skipped through git apply, please recreate and update the MR.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I found issue in Drupal10.1 when I installed the theme using composer command from its info page "composer require 'drupal/holy:^2.0'".
Please try to install in suggested way, and let me know.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I can't find any patch attached to this ticket, so I created a patch to fix the issue.
Please review.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I also tried to apply patch from #3 in Drupal10.1 but it had some error. So I created a new patch for icon overlapping issue in all the devices and changed the color of search icon in admin toolbar as well. Please review.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@sonam_sharma I was able to reproduce the issue but your patch fails to apply on both drupal 10 and 9. Please look into it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@Tanuja Bohra
I tried to reapply my merge request as patch and it works fine for me.
Please try with Drupal10.1 and Insha version 3.0 as I mentioned in the ticket.
You can also try applying patch through composer using below patch url:

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have added a patch to fix the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to reproduce this issue. Text with strong tag in body field was looking light for a bold text, so added a patch to increase the font-weight of strong tags.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have added a patch for the requested feature where 'Enable Overrides' needed to be changed to 'Override the admin theme options' in user form.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

The category shouldn't be bug report, it is more likely a feature request.

The indentation of css in styles.css is incorrect, it needs to be fixed.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I reviewed the merge request and it adds the styling to read more button. Attached screenshots for reference.
The category shouldn't be bug report, it is more likely a feature request.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

After reviewing above patch #4, I found that important tag is added unnecessarily for all styling in patch. Moreover, in scss file code is not added in scss format.
So, I have created a new patch for the fixes.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have raised a MR request to fix the color of paragraph action buttons.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Patch #10 was not applying for me so I raised a MR to fix the issue.
Please find the before and after screenshots attached for reference.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have created a MR request to fix the issue.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

The checkboxes were not visible but that issue is fixed in 🐛 Checkboxes are not visible on advanced search page. RTBC .
So I verified the space issue, and MR fixes it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have replicated the issue in 2.0.x as well. Though my advance search looks different than screenshot attached, MR request fixes the issue.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Moreover, content on top is hiding behind the header which needs to be fixed as well.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I replicated the issue with Drupal8 and verified the MR. It resolves the issue, moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have updated my previous changes in MR with gin variables. Please review.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I replicated the issue in drupal8 and found bottom space is needed in all the labels. So I raised a merge request to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

swatidhurandhar made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@shweta MR only works if user is logged out. If user is logged-in and toolbar is vertical or closed, we can still see the gap above the header on scroll of page. Moving it to needs work.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Created a patch to fix the above issue.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

It is designed in such a way that we have checkbox on top of image in gin theme. So I believe it doesn't needs to be changed.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Was able to replicate this in D9.5 and MR request fixes the issue. Attached screenshots for reference and moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@shweta__sharma I tried to replicate issue in D9.5 but hamburger toggle works fine there. I have attached video for reference.
Please add detailed steps to reproduce this.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I updated MR with hover changes. Now button looks proper with and without hover effect.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to reproduce this issue but my button size as well as color was different in first transition. Based on that, I have created a patch to fix it.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I verified the MR request and it fixes the issue.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

swatidhurandhar made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

The ajax throbber has global styling which is working for all the tables. The reason for throbber coming to next line was due to the space issue that's why reduced the width of column in views table.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

This issue is due to a lack of space in the table columns; if the operations column width is not enough, then the progress throbber moves to the next line. I have checked other tables, like on the content page, where throbber comes next to operation links since there is enough space.

All the columns in the views page table have a width defined, which is added in the views UI module. So I changed the width of two columns in theme to provide enough space for the throbber icon, which then moved to the right side of the operations button.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Forgot to upload the patch in #5 so uploaded it here.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I have created a patch to fix the issue.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

I was able to reproduce the issue and after applying the patch it gets fixed.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@2dareis2do I am not able to replicate this issue. I can't see any hidden class on div of site slogan and it can only be hidden by site branding block settings.
Drupal version: 10.1.1
Bootstrap Barrio v: 5.5.13

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

No @ulmeyda I tried the same thing you mentioned above. It didn’t happen to me.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

@arti_parmar Not able to replicate the issue.

🇮🇳India swatidhurandhar

Tried to replicate this issue in D9.5 but it seems issue is fixed now. Attached screenshot for reference.
This bug can be closed now as it is working as expected.

Production build 0.69.0 2024