I've moved the code from the patch in #13 to the branch and created a PR.
It still needs testing though.
arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I am currently upgrading one of our sites to Group 2, and we kept seeing this warning.
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\group_taxonomy\GroupTaxonomyService::$db is deprecated in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/group_taxonomy/src/GroupTaxonomyService.php on line 82
The changes pushed should fix the error.
So far most of the stuff seems to be working that has to do with the patch. I will keep working on code on our side and if all goes well I'll leave feedback on this issue.
arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have also attached document to the function, as this is used multiple times within the javascript file and therefore probably needed within the code.
Here is a patch, I will also create a MR for easy merging.
arantxio → created an issue.
@japerry It's just best practice when hosting your website to get the libraries locally. This is so that your libraries don't suddenly get updated when its not required and also so that in case a CDN is a little slow to reach your end users wont notice it, because its just loaded through your webserver.
As for the warning, its something I see basically all modules do, so its something I also implemented. We can implement something so the warning is suppressible, but I don't think it's worth it, as people can choose to ignore it anyway.
Updated the patch to work with the latest dev branch updates.
I've made some commits to fix a lot of the errors, haven't been able to fix the eslint errors yet, there are quite a lot.
I've ignored the stylelint css files for now due to the way we compile the css this gives errors. In the future it would be nice if we changed to compiler to comply with stylelint.
So this ticket needs more work for sure.
Arantxio → changed the visibility of the branch 3458103-make-code-pass to active.
Arantxio → changed the visibility of the branch 3458103-make-code-pass to hidden.
@NexusNovaz, your issues with the test where due to a problem with the gitlab templates, this has been fixed now, I've rerun the test and saw that there were 2 words that needed ignoring.
This should fix the pipeline issues.
Arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
All tests seem to pass and I see no unnecessary changes to the code.
I've also created a patch based on #14 but then for 3.0.3 and with the fix mentioned in #19, hope this helps
I've update the MR to be based back on the 3.0.x branch, which should work no problem, as we have been using it for some time.
The dev branch can be checked out as followed:
"composer require 'drupal/media_library_edit:3.0.x-dev@dev'"
Here is the current git tree:
And how its set within our composer file:
I've noticed that it missed a import, so here is the adjusted patch.
As there has been a update already and the patch made by @andersmosshall was not applying anymore I've rerolled the patch.
We would still have to wait for the other issue to land, but for now this will work for people who want to update to 1.5
I've created a Merge request for this issue, please review.
Arantxio → created an issue.
We had an issue where we got the following error:
Notice: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/ckeditor_accordion/src/Plugin/Filter/CKEditorAccordion.php on line 59
This resulted in text not being shown.
Adjusted it with examples from github and php.net
I've also adjusted the MR based on the changes made in 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Needs review , and added the TrustedCallback tag to ProductLazyBuilders:ajaxAddToCartForm as stated in the Upgrade Status module.
I've adjusted the MR based on the feedback from @marioki.
I've tested this on our site and it seems to be working as expected.
Arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@daisyleroy If you would like to use the MR, you would have to use the dev branch for media_library_edit, as it is one change ahead of the release tag.
I do have to say, we experienced some visual bugs with the MR like in #18. So some work on styling has to be done first imo.
I've merged the branch with the latest changes from 8.x-1.x.
I have tested this on one of our sites and it still seems to be working.
Arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I can confirm that it also works properly on our site now.
I've even tried it on tugboat and here i can also see the whitespace, in this case black space because of the theme.
Here are some screenshots:
The cramped layout:
The whitespace:
I've tested this on one of our sites, but I noticed that with a lot of roles, it creates loads of blank space next to the permissions wrapper div.
Adding the css: "table-layout: fixed;" kinda fixes this problem, however now everything gets cramped together which is also not wanted.
As there are currently no real changes to this lets leave it open until a actual beta or RC release is ready for D11, if nothing changes in compatibility than we can merge it and close the ticket.
For people wanting to use this module for D11, you can use Drupal lenient, once they make it compatible for D11.
Until then you can also use the merge request branch within your composer.
More info on how to do that here: Stackoverflow
The changes in the merge request seems to be working as expected.
As we are only adding commands and not adjusting any functionality from Drush this should be fine to merge.
Tested with Drush 12 on a test site and commands still work as expected.
I've added most of the patch to a merge request, however some of the code has changed already and some classes are gone.
I don't see any more tests that reference Drupal\Driver or Drupal\\Driver. But a check on it would be great.
I couldn't run the tests locally so I hope someone else could go through it.
I've merged the changes from the latest commit on the Dev branch.
I excluded the part for the FormattableMarkup as we display it different, also it creates a visually hidden span element, which makes it obviously visually hidden.
I've tested this and it seems to be working, but i think it would be better if we add a option on the specific alerts once this is enabled. Now it will always show untranslated items, even if you don't want it to.
I've created a patch that adds the date filtering, I only tested this on a environment that doesn't really use webform_analysis, but non the less it seems to be working there. I only didn't get to use the charts. If anyone could test it further, much appreciated.
Ill try to look into getting this in the view.
We have been using this fix for a while, and is the fix is only removing the line for the pattern is should be fine.
The fix is based on how they handle it within the Matomo module itself.
It is especially useful if you cannot use non encrypted connections.
Arantxio → created an issue.
So when using 10.2 we also got introduced to a new issue with the header, due to the change from 📌 Use position: sticky for views sticky table header Fixed , we now use position: sticky on the header instead of creating a separate table with the header inside of it.
This causes the header to not stick to the top anymore, this is due to the 'overflow: auto' we use on the "gin-table-scroll-wrapper" class.
Removing the overflow: auto resolves the issue of it not sticking to the top anymore, but obviously this makes the permissions go out of bounds of the wrapper that we are using, which creates another problem on its own.
Due to the change from 📌 Use position: sticky for views sticky table header Fixed we now have a 'position-sticky' class instead of the 'sticky-enabled' class, which also needs some rewriting I suspect.
I don't know if its better to put this into another issue or change up this issue a little bit to fix both of the issues that now revolve around the header.
I've found the issues with paragraphs previewer mentioned in #30 and adjusted the MR for it.
I also saw that @alexis_mc had a change for the &:last-child statement to change it to &:delta-order. I've added this as well.
Unfortunately I currently don't have a site with paragraphs_table to check the issue in #34, so i'm currently unable to test this. If i find some time i will create a test environment for this. Otherwise it would be best if someone else could look into this as well.
Here is the example of the issue:
I've updated the merge request and added a change for the draggable tables handle. they added a min-width but in some cases this breaks nested paragraphs. Still have to look into the issues from #30 and #34.
fixed the phpcs checks
Rerolled the MR to a patch to work on D10.2.
I've rerolled the MR to work on D10.2.
I've created a patch that applies to D10.2, it's kinda the same as #22, except it uses the margin-block instead of margin-top and bottom.
I created a patch for 10.2 based on the MR @bkosborne updated.
Because the merge request is currently not mergeable I've created a new patch that applies to D10.1.x
Forgot to make the label translatable.
I've updated the patch, also added the apply button to the dropdown facet.
I've created a issue fork for easy merging once everything is reviewed.
I've added a fix for the problems @Johan was experiencing with the Tables.
Arantxio → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I've adjusted the MR with the changes suggested by @Bohus Ulrych. Thanks for checking it out.
Thanks for the updated code @roaldnel, looks fine to be released.
+++ b/cm_commerce.info.yml
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ type: module
+core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
We add D10 support here, but that is handled in another issue so it doesn't fit in here. 📌 Drupal 10 update Needs work
Otherwise I do not see any problems here.
I would recommend removing the "core: 8.x" tag in the info.yml and also drop support for D8 because error logging change.
@xjm Thanks for the feedback en hiding the patch file, i've forgotten about that.
I've updated the MR with the suggested fixes.
I've created the branch and made a MR.
In the MR I've removed the comment mentioned by @poker10 in #12.
Some test fail because off the javascript test instability, but I saw one test that i seem to have missed, so here is a updated patch.
I've updated some of the tests, this is because the variation has to be reloaded.
Included the interdiff.
@coaston I've updated the existing branch to use the patch that I had created. Hope this helps.
Here is the patch that uses Symfony JsonResponse instead.
Arantxio → created an issue.
Here is a patch that i've just created and seems to be working. haven't tested completely yet.
This might be useful for someone, we updated openid_connect to version 3.0@alpha2 and windows_aad to 2.0@beta6.
For some reason the latest release didn't work for us so we have adjusted the patch from #33.
It also includes a fix from: 🐛 Call to a member function getKeyValue() on null Needs review
Here is a patch that fixes the problem with the filters going back to default state and also added the option to only filter on the blocked request.
Might need some refinement, but at least its a start.
Hereby the requested changed from Batigolix.
So apparently it was due to old referenced links. After the update the code has changed from blank spaces to underscores, when links are referenced they still had the blank space in them and now the better exposed filters doesn't handle the old way.
It would be nice if we could handle this so people upgrading don't have to update all their content.
So we have noticed that this issue still existed on our site and created a patch based on the code from @scott_euser.
It should apply to both 5.x and 6.x
Here is the patch, because the MR needs to be updated first. @robpowell could you update your MR to target the dev branch origin/3.0.x ? I don't seem to be enable to do so, I could create a new MR, but that wouldn't be the best option IMO.
I've added the changes from
Add option to select form display mode
. Which adds the option to set the form_mode.
Tested it on our local environment and seems to be working fine.
This should make it work on the latest dev branch.
we will still have to look at the problems in comment #18. with the allignment.
and I also haven't looked into #19 yet.
Two things I noticed with the patch is that the SVG is minified now, it should not have to IMO.
We could also maybe get away removing the translate function. As X is not really translatable:|
line 248: 'twitter' => $this->t('X'),
We noticed that some users still had issues with this, so I started testing some more. I noticed that when I removed the entire logic for the buttons, they still stay at the bottom and do not give me any errors.
I added a new patch, but it will need plenty of testing it seems.
Here is also a patch where it is '1 + i'. As on a different server '2 + i' doesn't solve it but making it 1 does.
So we also had the same problem and I found out where the problem lies.
It has to do with the placement of the confirm and cancel buttons. It's in the file: 'editoradvancedlinkui.js' on line 123 and 124.
We place the buttons at the end by using '3 + i', but for some reason this is out of bounds for the index CKEditor expects. You can see that because only the confirm button is showing and not the close button. Replacing it to just 'i' places the buttons all the way at the top of de window so that's unwanted. For us making it '2 + i' fixes the error in the console and makes Linkit work again.
I've added a patch which works for us. But a better solution would be to check how many children are currently active and place it after that. I don't have enough experience with this code nor CKEditor to find out how to do so. But I hope what I found helps with finding a proper solution.
It didn't update the info file in git so here is a updated patch.
Here is a patch that adds the required dependancies to the libraries, this solution will only work from Drupal 9.5 and higher
Arantxio → created an issue.
@andreasderijcke thanks for the update, I wanted to work on it as well, but did not have the time yet to do so.
Again thanks a lot this will help with our updates.
Arantxio → created an issue.
I think i've added all code requested in #104 by Larowlan. Here is a updated patch and interdiff, please review.
Setting the version to D11 because 10.2 doesn't exist yet, we'll need to adjust this when the it's added.
Here is a start for this change. I removed some function that was designed for D8 and then mapped and adjusted all the functions that referred to Drupal\Driver. Some might be removable, but we have to decided on that because its also kind off test coverage.