Account created on 9 May 2022, about 2 years ago
  • Engineer Drupal - Backend at QED42 

Merge Requests


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Thanks for reviewing the MR.

I 'm kind of aware about this regression should not happen, as existing test needs cache rebuild for test pass for specific scenario. However tried to remove UncacheableFieldHandlerTrait for debugging purpose but then it lead to break test for advanced cache one. which is also not appropriate fix.

Okay @quietone got your concerns, Thanks for flagging it out along with constructive feedback, recently I just have started exploring contribution. As this issue comments are too long due to which some comments that needs to be addressed remain unnoticed unintentionally, however try to make it sure contribute meaningfully in the right direction

I agree with #39 & #40, maybe it's best to think of something else instead of hide the warnings information from core itself, especially from a security perspective where transparency & awareness of potential risks are crucial.

If this request still needs, then I believe suggested one contrib module approach 'll fit well in this scenario.

Improved the date format to suggested more human readable format "November 2023" in status report EOL message

Please review, moved to NR.

Updated deprecate message version in 10.4

Please review, moved NR

Yeah sure @smustgrave, even I also keep it in mind, however later on realised it actually requires few minor changes

Removed Functional test case ProviderRepositoryTest.php as kernel test added.

Apart from it, nothing seems to be left.

Please review, moving to NR

Implemented ProviderRepositoryTest to a kernel test

tried to work with existing MR , however facing issue so created new MR

Please review MR 8495 , moved NR

Resolved the issue & enhancing the solution with comprehensive test coverage.

Please review, moved NR

Added change record for respective deprecations & updated change record nid in MR.

Rebased MR, Please review , moved NR

I can see already basic test coverage added to confirm that creating an instance of the old plugins throws a deprecation msg in following file:

This can be check in this older pipeline, deprecation msg throws:

correct me if I 'm missing anything

I have observed the test failures on the MR , which indicates still some files left in which plugin ID from ensure_exists to ensureExists needs to update.

trace out those files, updated plugin id & test passed on local for me

Updated files in MR as well , test failures fixed.

Pipeline passed successfully & MR is mergeable now

Added instructions for javaScript test on ddev setup

After rebased MR, fixed test failures of pipeline(II stage)

However, there are still some test failures of pipeline(III stage) that's needs to be addressed.

@alexpott, I have reused change request

can you please confirm is this correct or needs to be written new one?

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to active.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to hidden.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to active.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to hidden.

Addressed the mentioned changes, fixed the test failures case as well

Please review, moved NR

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to active.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to hidden.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to active.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 3440169-when-using-drupalget-11.x to hidden.

Thanks you so much @alexpott

A heartfelt thank you to @smustgrave for your kindness & exceptional support, I've learned a lot from you.

There are some PHPUnit test case failure unrelated to MR & run pipeline

pipeline passed & MR is mergeable now.

Addressed test failures & pipeline passed successfully.

Please review, moved NR

Facing issues here, not getting edit button while trying to target existing MR against 11.x

Even facing issue while creating new branch against 11.x :
Not able to search branch 11.x

Already 11.x selected however when create new button, getting error:
Failed to create branch '2869592-disabled-update-module-status': invalid reference name '11.x'

Addressed the request changes, however it seems still "access content" permission require otherwise changes leads to test failure

Any suggestion for the further precedence?

Refactored the code logic for improved clarity and cleanliness

Please review , moved NR.

Addressed the test failures & pipeline passed

Please review , moved NR

Test failures resolved after implemented suggestion & pipeline passed successfully.

Moved the patch in MR against target branch 11.x

These mentioned changes are also addressed:

This needs tests. I suggest changing \Drupal\Tests\Core\Test\JUnitConverterTest::testConvertTestCaseToSimpletestRow to use a data provider and then adding new test cases.

Please review, moved NR

Added requested changes : HtmlOutputLogger::log() should document that it expects its parameter without a trailing newline.

Please review, Moved to NR

Does this issue still require attention?

It seems that the problematic code line has already been removed from the target branch, 11.x.

All mentioned changes are addressed in such way that test case failures w.r.t to batch that were previously failing are now passing!!

Please review, moved to NR

Spell checking error fixed by rebasing the MR, pipeline passed (2 stage) Spell checking errors

Some Functional test case fail w.r.rt to batch file change in MR due to which pipeline not able to pass (3 stage), those needs to be addressed

Added Kernel test case, reused existing eg AreaText Plugin(Rather than generating fresh filteredText one as suggested), in a distinct test file to assess specific scenario.

Please review, moved to NR

Added Kernel test case, reused existing eg AreaText Plugin(Rather than generating fresh filteredText one as suggested), in a distinct test file to assess specific scenario.

Please review, moved to NR

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 2684251-global-token-replace-tasks to active.

pooja_sharma changed the visibility of the branch 2684251-global-token-replace-tasks to hidden.

Okay Thanks for prompt responses, got it purpose of using kernel as it takes less time to execute.

I though of using existing AreaTest file however it has only area text handler along with it is not content type view due to which this checkbox "Use replacement tokens from the first row" field not display, the issue is replicating when we enabled this opt "Use replacement tokens from the first row"

'll add kernel test too, can you please suggest should I need to remove this functional test file fully or need to remove some specific piece of code

Observed existing test file , I believe should use 'stark' theme.

Code enhanced with test case, Please review: 8335 MR

Facing issue to push code in this MR: 7708 from IDE even, so worked in MR: 8335

I tried to use this MR: 7708 but facing issue , due to which need to create new MR:

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