- Issue created by @rkoller
- Assigned to pooja_sharma
- Merge request !70issue/3473594: Updated block--navigation--tour twig. β (Open) created by pooja_sharma
Addressed this issue - If you collapse the navigation sidebar normally the labels are hidden and only the icons are shown. But for the tour block the label is still shown
however to fix first issue, I need to do bit R&D & revised whole logic, to make it work like other blocks for navigation.
- π©πͺGermany rkoller NΓΌrnberg, Germany
thank you! I've quickly tested and i can confirm that the second point got fixed (tested in safari and edge).
I have concluded there for tour button in the context of navigation module, four things need to address:
- quick edit button (on hover) available with the options to configure
- remove block from navigation block from UI
- Add block from navigation block from UI
- Move block from navigation block from UI- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 7:55pm 14 September 2024 Addressed the both requested changes, when user go to :
when scroll to the left sidebar can able to see "Add content" link when click on popup open where "Navigation tour" block available in the list, when user click on it, the block on the sidebar, also if hover on "Navigation tour" contextual links available like: move, edit, attaching screenshots for the reference.
This one thing which I'm not sure need to address or not , currently to display "Tour button" on the navigation sidebar user need to place it manually, but the main goal of this issue is address.
if we want tour button should be placed by default when navigation module is installed, for this, better to create separate followup- requires additional effort.
Please review, moving NR.
- π©πͺGermany rkoller NΓΌrnberg, Germany
At first thank you for tackling also the second part. Functionally i would consider the two points listed in the issue summary as fixed. But there are a few details that have to be mentioned:
This one thing which I'm not sure need to address or not , currently to display "Tour button" on the navigation sidebar user need to place it manually, but the main goal of this issue is addressed.
That was the most confusing detail for the case of someone who has the tour module already installed. In my case i saw the "no tour available" button then directly went to the navigation layout page to test the functionality and the button was gone there. coming from a page that showed the button and getting to one where it is gone is odd. but i then switched back to the 2.0.x branch and switched back to the feature branch to see the default again and the button is also gone after you first load any other page. so for sites already having the tour button installed i would consider that "at least" confusing. on the other hand for sites newly installing the tour module i wouldnt consider it very convenient nor intuitive that you have to first find the navigation layout page and then add the tour button there manually. either way there should be a default block placement imho? addressing that issue could be moved to a follow up issue. but this issue and the follow up issue should go into a official release together imho. otherwise i would consider it potentially problematic.
The other detail is about the
choose a block
dialog when you are adding a new navigation block. out of the box you have two groups calledmenus (navigation)
. menus contains all menus while navigation contains all the navigation blocks. i am not sure if it is necessary to introduce a dedicated group for tour alongside that. since the tour button is a navigation block would it make sense to add the "navigation tour" button to the navigation section? and in regards of the title if "display title" is ticked on the configure block setting i wonder if it would make sense to orient to the shortcuts navigation block as well there? on the "choose a block" in the sidebar the block is calledNavigation Shortcuts
while the displayed title in the navigation sidebar as well as the navigation button itself is justShortcuts
. so changing the title in the navigation sidebar fromnavigation tour
to justtour
? Addressed the mentioned feedback , only one point pending working on it when navigation module enable then tour should be place on the navigation by default
- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
Don't know if this is fixed. but noticed when collapsed the Tour text is still appearing.
I have fixed as part of this MR, 'll check it & 'll resolve the conflicts as well
Tried to address feedback also covered following scenarios , please review , moving NR.
if tour module already installed, after navigation module install then "tour block" should place to the navigation sidebar: Done
if navigation module already installed, after tour module install then "tour block" should place to the navigation sidebar: Done
if tour & navigation both already installed , then update hook already added, that place "tour block" to the navigation sidebar: DoneBy default place "tour block" place in navigation should be able to perform all crud operation: move , delete, configure (title update): Done
/admin/config/user-interface/navigation-block from here, user should able to place tour block from UI via click "Add content block".: Done
- π©πͺGermany rkoller NΓΌrnberg, Germany
thank you! looks good to me from a manual testing perspective. the sole minor nitpick i would have, i had the tour module already installed (shortcuts was the first menu item tour the second), i then checked out the feature branch, ran drush updatedb and drush cr. when i then accessed the admin ui, the tour menu item was on top of the list of menu items and shortcuts second. i then uninstalled the tour module and after reinstalling shortcuts was on top of the menu items and tour was second as expected. i leave it at needs review that others can take a look at the code as well.
Reused same helper function to place the tour block with navigation so it's not possible that tour placement change, until we have manually move the tour block or either any other module block (like shortcut),
Tried to tackle here navigation & tour integration , if we try to test with shortcut (other module by uninstall/install ) then it can be possible there may be such scenario, it seems out of scope, we can ignore it.
- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
want to review this some more so bumping to next release.
Tour btn on navigation placed on the footer region on install module & reused existing tour btn & removed the unused code.
PLease review the latest changes
- πͺπΈSpain penyaskito Seville π, Spain πͺπΈ, UTC+2 πͺπΊ
smustgrave β credited penyaskito β .
- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
For work on π Use navigation sdc button Active
smustgrave β
committed 66189435 on 2.0.x
Issue #3473594 by pooja_sharma, smustgrave, rkoller, penyaskito: Improve...
smustgrave β
committed 66189435 on 2.0.x
- πΊπΈUnited States smustgrave
Any tweaks can be done in follow up, such as consolidation.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.