🇮🇳India @Vinodhini.E

Account created on 12 July 2019, almost 5 years ago

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🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

I Am also facing this issue, Can anyone provide solutions for this?

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

Hi Team,

I am Working on upgrading Drupal 10 but this module is incompatible with Drupal 10 and after applying the #28 patch also shows incompatible
Attached screenshot for reference.

Can anyone help with this

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

Hi Team,

Am working Drupal 10 upgrade and this module is incompatible with Drupal 10.
Attached screenshot

Please help me with this

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai


I am tring to upgrade

composer require drupal/core-recommended:10.0.0 drupal/core-composer-scaffold:10.0.0 drupal/core-project-message:10.0.0 --update-with-all-dependencies

But got this

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires drupal/core-recommended 10.0.0 -> satisfiable by drupal/core-recommended[10.0.0].
- drupal/core-recommended 10.0.0 requires drupal/core 10.0.0 -> found drupal/core[10.0.0] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

Can anyone help with this?

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

Am also facing this issue. Can anyone help with this?

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

Line src/EntityEmbedDisplay/EntityEmbedDisplayManager.php
------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 config:entity_view_mode_list cache tag might be unclear and does not contain the cache key in it.

Facing this issue. Can anyone help me with this?

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

I have created a patch to make it support Drupal 10.

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

I have created a patch to make it support Drupal 10.

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

I have created a patch to make it support Drupal 10.

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

#2 patch is working for me with version 8.x-2.0

thanks for the patch.

🇮🇳India Vinodhini.E chennai

@jaypan am also facing issue same 
am using PHP 8.2.0

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