dqd → created an issue.
Cannot access offset
can be symptom-ish for empty string
- however I wonder if this is related:
Cannot access offset of type Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup in isset or empty in Drupal\Core\Plugin\DefaultPluginManager->doGetDefinition() (line 45 of core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Discovery/DiscoveryTrait.php
When trying to enter admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/add-field
Or if this would be another/new issue.
#19 Can you please show some ways other than at /admin/config/system/site-information?
That was a little bit misleading. I was not referring to where you set the path used as front page but rather to the many different ways how you can build front page content on that path. For example /node can refer to the teaser display list but also to a list of nodes rendered by Views which overrides the path, or by Page Manager or by config_pages. etc. I was just mentioning it because there can be many underlying reasons for why your content on front page has issues with domain assignment. For example if Views isn't set up correctly regarding Domain for front page content.
@agentrickard: The bot runs on both "Active" and "Needs work" - and even with "Needs review".
What confuses me is something else: why we do have closed 📌 Mark as Drupal 11 compatible Needs work as fixed while we have code changes in here to review and which not have been added yet over there?
From my 3,4 times testing domain still feels unstable at Drupal 11 but I had no time yet to investigate further, if something of the issues belongs to (could be fixed by) the changes made here by bot.
I'm not sure if this is the right way to post here, but I would like to be added as (co-)administrator.
Thanks for willing to help and contribute to Drupal and the contrib area. Every contributor is very welcome. But before you can enter roles like co-maintaining a module on Drupal.org you should get more involved with the community and should be more active in the community spots here and there so that people can get a better understanding of who you are, etc. Also: Please read the community guidelines and how-to's before starting to contribute to Drupal projects. This will help you to focus on the important parts without frustration by taking actions which lead to unwanted reactions. Hope it helps!
The meta issue is for collecting to-do's and tasks for an upcoming release.
The last paragraph is missing clarification WHERE to set the following:
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
Since these docs are obviously made for the average user it should be considered that the user following the read from top to bottom assumes (from the paragraph before) that this should be also added in the settings.php, while the syntax rather indicates that this should be placed in the php.ini
TypeError: Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children(): Argument #1 ($elements) must be of type array, null given
is like a Virus these days. It spreads all over the issue queues and we can reproduce it on every single Drupal 11 install here. No matter if barebone vaniall core or added up with contrib modules, the error occurs with back trace to core Views, Layout Builder or to different bigger contrib modules like Display Suite and others. My assumption is that PHP becomes now more strict on types and we got away with it before how it was ... until now.
@#14 your projec tis a very appreciated contribution. +1 for this! But I opened a ticket on your projects issue queue. This needs more documentation and some considerations. Hope my input was helpful over there.
Apart from that #7 🐛 The "paragraph" entity type does not exist error after uninstallation due to left key_value entries Active holds the solution for those humbling over it here.
Apart from that: a very useful and appreciated contribution. +1! Even if it actually a little bit sad, that it is required under circumstances and we as community did not yet got rid of this issues.
Consideration: maybe you should ask Devel maintainers if they have interest to merge it and to give you credit for your work. This would actually be the best place for this function.
Finally, if we agree about the fix here, we should consider to merge it into an upcoming release with the Drupal 11 compatibility fix together since both refer to newer PHP and Drupal versions. Druapl 11 requires php 8.3 minimum so this issue here becomes related to 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for config_views Active
There is an attempt to solve this deprecation warning in the other issue queue of the project duplicate of config views (do not let me start with it, I have already posted over there to clarify the status of the project but this is not the scope of this issue here) which I think should be linked here to discuss why it has been solved almost similar but a bit different over there: patch → | issue 🐛 Dynamic property issue in ConfigEntityQuery with PHP 8.2 RTBC
Also we need to check/test if this fix in here will raise other issues later, since NULL can spit type Errors on other calls.
@#23: Sorry, but could you please consider to rephrase your answer to the previous commented question with a more respectful attempt? Examples can be found at https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/issues/issue-procedures-and-etiquett... → under #Constructive review comments
@all: testing this on Drupal 11 with the merge from the Drupal 11 compatibility issue it seems the whitelisted IP gets ignored (not whitelisted).
Also the description below the field is far too cryptic and needs work. It should also hold examples with simple IPs like so that users are not confused by the trailing number behind a slash (/23) exaples, which is not like IPs look like in the banned ip table.
Hm not sure if I agree with the Status change. It would be probably better to discuss where this should be moved to (if not exist yet in other scope). No matter what the original reporter attempted to report the underlying issue I see here is that modules can break things in core which they should not be allowed to do. I doubt that this can be narrowed down to migration system only.
Adding non-existent permissions to a role is not allowed.
Is for me a very clear and explicit impasse error message which makes me ask: how can a non-existent permission be added to anything in any process? A non-existent permission should be simply ignored, removed, or at least provide options to remove them.
execute drush entup to fix missing entity types
Making a comment about this should include that this has moved out from Drush to contrib now, called: devel_entity_updates
Add this
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/devel_entity_updates-3454902.git"
to your composer.json under repositories and run
composer require drupal/devel_entity_updates:dev-3454902-drupal-11-compatibility
until this has been merged into an upcoming release or dev branch.
No worries, the file name is def. misleading but it is a common Drupalism that some things are named like this which indicates a file in the after Druapl 7 era.
dqd → changed the visibility of the branch 3454902-d11 to hidden.
recommendation in #9 is partly misleading. In most cases you should leave out the part "as 4.2.x-dev" as long as no other module depends on this project version and at the drupal core repo should be added "canonical:false" to prevent overriding on composer updates. Patch needs to be implemented in MR.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
+1 for #11
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Sorry, missed your last comment.
But I don't understand how is that an issue.
No not an "issue" in that sense, really.
There is a commit that creates a file in the wrong place and then another commit that moves it in the right place.
Exactly. I just explained where I came from previously. So no worries. Thanks for keeping track on this and sorry if I confused you.
dqd → changed the visibility of the branch 2.0.x to hidden.
dqd → changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Usually NR is rather used to review patches, but it also creates attention. The situation needs some more reviews and opinions like explained in #65. Repeating posted patches triggered by Needs Work just flood the issue but do not bring us closer to a final route to go. Usually this state would require Postponed (maintainer needs more info) ("PMNMI") but since I am not the maintainer of the image framework I would leave it up to the maintainers to choose this Status. There is sadly no Status in between these both.
Further Descriptions of the Priority → and Status → values can be found in the Drupal project issues → documentation.
duh! yeah the core version requirements in the examples I have missed to watch after *facepalm*
dqd → changed the visibility of the branch 2.0.x to hidden.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Gitlab ci file has been added manually or something so that its creation is a missing step in the change and is not registered as "new file" causing merge to fail with "file not exist". It wants to add the content to the file, but create the file. It assumes it exists already, which is not.
Not addressed yet but maybe a good hint for follow ups:
Deprecated API use for APIs removed in future Drupal major versions is not required to fix yet.
web/modules/contrib/duration_field/src/Element/DurationElement.php 41 Class Drupal\duration_field\Element\DurationElement extends deprecated class Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElement. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElementBase instead.
web/modules/contrib/duration_field/src/Element/GranularityElement.php 20 Class Drupal\duration_field\Element\GranularityElement extends deprecated class Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElement. Deprecated in drupal:10.3.0 and is removed from drupal:12.0.0. use Drupal\Core\Render\Element\FormElementBase instead.
dqd → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Close this as duplicate of the youngest identical upgrade bot issue 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for view_entity_ref_field_formatter Needs review Maintainers: it is recommended to have a latest branch/dev release available. This works best with the upgrade bot to prevent hiccups.
Close this as duplicate of the youngest identical upgrade bot issue 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for view_entity_ref_field_formatter Needs review Maintainers: it is recommended to have a latest branch/dev release available. This works best with the upgrade bot to prevent hiccups.
Close this as duplicate of the youngest identical upgrade bot issue 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for view_entity_ref_field_formatter Needs review Maintainers: it is recommended to have a latest branch/dev release available. This works best with the upgrade bot to prevent hiccups.
Applied cleanly so far. +1 Needs maybe deeper code review if manual changes are required but I tend to recommend seperate issues for that to keep the bot issues cleaned and narrowed.
Applies cleanly on 10.3 and 11 - RTBC from me unless no manually changes are required.
RTBC from me +1
@acbramley: thanks for working on it _/\_ - I was about to open it and found it in this minute 1+
Some points made before are still not addressed in the latest patches (like tests) so a re-roll only won't make it. Also we maybe need thoughts of project maintainers if this issue is outdated or still required, since it had its most momentum in the Drupal 8 migration live cycle to prevent wasted efforts and resource of contributors.
Additionally: #57 and below ✨ Call to a member function transformDimensions() on null in template_preprocess Needs work are these tags added in cooperation with the project maintainers or Drupal events and are these still required? Since there was no comment added to the tags they fade a little bit into curiosity.
@geoanders not sure why you think this should be closed as outdated... it is not a code fix.
This issue needs immediate work where sadly nobody else than the maintainers their self can do something. Especially after this project's status here is "unsupported" and "not maintained". While I do not agree with the way the issue has been reported here becasue every effort of contribution in the community is welcome and should be treated with respect and kindness (I updated the summary accordingly), we need to fix this because it is not only an unmaintained duplicate of the other project, it also could confuse average users and let them accidentally install this project here, while they actually wanting to install the other.
I will try to ping one of the maintainers on Slack if they are available before considering further steps.
Please be kind and thankful for each Drupal contribution and try to solve issues always with the most possible empathy for all involved. Thanks for understanding.
Sorry that I missed the last comments in here. Otherwise I would have encouraged you to document this for sure. +1 This would be very helpful. And to manually write config isn't hard nor magic. In the command line it is even fun and speeds up site building once you get used to it. Cloud apps like Nextcloud do it for a long time with their users. I try my best to encourage people not to shy away from Domain because of some aspects which are maybe not obvious in the first moment or which do better "work the other way around". That's why I created the #Domain Slack channel in the Slack Drupal Workspace. Feel free to join us! Domain is a very powerful tool for those who run multiple Drupal instances which share more then 10% of the content and realize they actually can run it all in one instance of Drupal to update and maintain.
Is this still required to keep open? Feel free to reopen if so. Otherwise: I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . We should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
Is this still required to keep open? Feel free to reopen if so. Otherwise: I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . We should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025. While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 14 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
Not sure if its has been fixed. No comment on the progress here but: I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
Sounds like fixed.
Apart from that: I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and even if I would move it to the next nearest core version which is 7, there is upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
Here's a working patch (with drush and tests) that can be used for a stable upgrade process. It has been committed.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 13 years and of not supported Drupal version.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.
I'll close this issue due to inactivity for 12 years and upcoming EOL of Drupal 7 in January 2025 → . While the project's version for Drupal 7 will surely keep providing support for security issues and website breaking bug fixes for Drupal 7, we should try to minimize the open issues for Drupal 7 in the queue as much as possible. A big thanks around for the report and all the efforts in here. Feel free to re-open if you can provide a fix or found an additional related problem which increases the issue priority.