[META] Drupal Global Contribution Weekend | Lutsk 2023

Created on 24 January 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 31 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

All issues: LutskGCW23 β†’

Event described here - https://groups.drupal.org/node/536811

Drupal.org for Newbies [Mentor Bohach Kostia aka @shY_ β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ› Coding standards, comments, method names Fixed
  2. πŸ“Œ Add a proper READ.md file Fixed
  3. πŸ› Configure module dependencies (remove unused, adds required, fix errors) Fixed
  4. πŸ“Œ Change module structure and naming Fixed
  5. πŸ“Œ Add help link with explanations for the module setup page Fixed
  6. πŸ› Drupal 9 compatability Fixed
  7. πŸ“Œ Fix .api.php file, descriptions, comments, coding standards Fixed
  8. πŸ“Œ Add a proper READ.md file Fixed
  9. πŸ“Œ Rename formatter. Name "List" not good enough. Add description Fixed
  10. πŸ“Œ Convert theme function to twig template. Closed: duplicate
  11. πŸ› Replace undefined function check_plain to analog Fixed
  12. πŸ“Œ Change module folder naming Fixed
  13. πŸ› Rework EntityReferenceList class Fixed
  14. πŸ› Replace drupal_map_assoc function Fixed
  15. πŸ“Œ Changes to the info.yml file Fixed
  16. πŸ› Error after module enabling Fixed
  17. πŸ“Œ Coding standards Fixed
  18. πŸ“Œ Rework module folder structure Active
  19. πŸ“Œ Change attaching the CSS file Fixed
  20. πŸ“Œ Twig file text translation Fixed
  21. πŸ› Replace old Drupal 7 functions Fixed
  22. πŸ› Changes to the info.yml file Fixed
  23. πŸ“Œ Coding standards Fixed
  24. πŸ› Changes to the info.yml file Fixed
  25. πŸ“Œ Coding standards Fixed
  26. πŸ› Error after module enabling Fixed
  27. πŸ› Replace static service call Fixed
  28. πŸ› Old table name usage Fixed
  29. πŸ› Replace pager_default_initialize() function by analog Fixed
  30. πŸ› Replace node_view_multiple() function by analog Fixed
  31. πŸ› Changes to the info.yml file Fixed
  32. πŸ“Œ Replace module_load_include() function by analog Fixed
  33. πŸ“Œ Coding standards Fixed
  34. πŸ“Œ Add a proper READ.md file Fixed
  35. πŸ“Œ Changes to the info.yml file Fixed
  36. πŸ› Rename commerce_checkout_paths.admin.inc file Fixed
  37. πŸ“Œ Coding standards Fixed
  38. πŸ› Replace undefined functions Fixed

Single Content Sync [Mentor Oleksandr Kuzava aka @nginex β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ› PHP 8.1.x. compaitibility Fixed
  2. ✨ Adding missing fields to import / export Fixed
  3. ✨ Integration with yearonly Fixed
  4. πŸ› Failure to import paragraph translations Fixed
  5. ✨ Configuration by bundles Fixed
  6. πŸ› Export functionality does not work with the S3 file system Fixed
  7. πŸ“Œ Support date range Fixed
  8. πŸ› Avoid importing entity into another website Fixed
  9. πŸ› Not compatible to export groups content Needs work
  10. 🌱 Move to plugins Fixed
  11. ✨ Support content moderation Fixed
  12. πŸ› Error when importing with an image Active
  13. πŸ› If author doesn't exist, then revision log message fails, the revision message duplicates rather than updating Fixed
  14. πŸ› Importing translated content with an image throws error if the translation doesn't exist Closed: cannot reproduce
  15. 🌱 [PLAN] Cover every functionality with unit test Active
  16. πŸ“Œ Do not call drupal_flush_all_caches() directly Needs review
  17. πŸ› Can't parse large yml files due to the memory limit issues Closed: outdated
  18. πŸ› Translations not exported properly Closed: duplicate
  19. ✨ Add support for layout builder block types Closed: works as designed

Paragraphs Gridstack [Mentor Panchuk Yuri aka @Y0r β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ› Paragraphs Gridstack Demo uninstalls incorrectly Fixed
  2. πŸ’¬ Drupal 10 compatibility Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Implement storage for the default settings of the optionset Closed: outdated
  4. πŸ“Œ Create a new page that allows configuring default template settings for the optionset Needs work
  5. πŸ“Œ Default templates per optionset Closed: outdated
  6. πŸ“Œ Need to implement storage for the styles Fixed
  7. πŸ“Œ Configurations off-canvas: route and form Fixed
  8. πŸ› Method GridstackContainer::view() can't attach external libraries Fixed
  9. πŸ“Œ Remove 'allow_rounded_class' from the optionset config entity Fixed
  10. πŸ› Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead Fixed
  11. πŸ“Œ Coding standards in Paragraphs Gridstack Demo module Fixed
  12. πŸ“Œ Gristack management buttons should be moved to backend Fixed
  13. πŸ“Œ Remove useless variables in buildBehaviorForm() Fixed
  14. πŸ“Œ Remove outdated method prepareContent() method Fixed
  15. πŸ“Œ Method GridstackContainer::buildColumnsOptions() results should be static or cached Fixed
  16. πŸ“Œ Update β€˜Use default’ button functionality for using settings from the optionset config entity Active
  17. πŸ“Œ Configurations off-canvas: link to trigger off-canvas Needs review
  18. πŸ“Œ Configurations off-canvas: data saving process Active
  19. πŸ“Œ Create off-canvas for the configurations of the gridstack children Active
  20. πŸ’¬ Unable to install library via composer Fixed

Rabbit Hole [Mentor Ivan Doroshenko β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ› Fieldset summary does not work on the node form Fixed
  2. πŸ“Œ Use Rabbit Hole values from config field instead of base fields Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Deprecate Rabbit Hole sub-modules Fixed
  4. πŸ“Œ Automatically create "Rabbit Hole" field in bundle with enabled overrides Fixed
  5. πŸ“Œ Automatically copy values from old base fields to new config field Fixed
  6. πŸ“Œ Hide Rabbit Hole field from UI and enable/disable automatically Fixed
  7. πŸ“Œ Create "Rabbit Hole" field type for overrides Fixed
  8. ✨ Add option to apply rabbit hole behaviors to all users including administrators Fixed
  9. πŸ“Œ Functional tests failing on Group and Commerce modules on 8.x-1.x branch Fixed

Private Message [Mentor Artem Sylchuk β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ“Œ Replace README.txt with README.md Fixed
  2. πŸ› Deprecated function: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in private_message_preprocess_container() (line 599 of modules/contrib/private_message/private_mess Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Inject keyValue storage properly in the AjaxController Fixed
  4. πŸ› Block ability to send messages to yourself Fixed
  5. πŸ“Œ Remove uneeded CSRF tokens checks Fixed
  6. 🌱 [Meta] Let's make Private Message frontend great again! Closed: won't fix
  7. πŸ“Œ DI problems Needs review
  8. πŸ“Œ Drupal 10 compatibility fixes + minor codebase improvements Fixed
  9. ✨ Include option for notification block to show unread threads or messages Fixed
  10. πŸ› PrivateMessageThreadMemberFormatter links to users even without access Fixed
  11. ✨ Subject field Fixed
  12. ✨ Include a function in PrivateMessageMapper to count the new messages instead of only unread threads Fixed
  13. πŸ› "Enter" key does not work after one message is sent. Fixed
  14. πŸ› fix UnreadThreadCount naming Fixed
  15. πŸ“Œ Fix the issues reported by phpcs Needs review
  16. πŸ› Media field doesn't reset after message submission Fixed

Commerce Shipment Loko App [Mentor Bohdan Artemchuk aka @bohart β†’ ]:

  1. πŸ“Œ Create new filed type to store parcel terminal for the shipment Fixed
  2. πŸ“Œ Add basic module files Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Show available Parcel terminals on the Shipment pane. Fixed
  4. πŸ“Œ Create base request method for LokoClient Fixed
  5. πŸ› Add token storage Fixed
  6. πŸ“Œ Add allParcelLockers method in service to get a list of all postomates Fixed
  7. πŸ› Plugin errors at ShippingService->getLabel() is null. Fixed
  8. πŸ› Fix display of the LokoShipment shipping label Fixed
  9. πŸ“Œ Move token configuration to shipping method Fixed
  10. πŸ“Œ Add all new needed methods to LokoClientInterface Fixed
  11. πŸ“Œ Add rate shipping method fields Fixed
  12. πŸ“Œ Add textfield to shipping method for selecting different API domains Fixed
  13. πŸ“Œ Add dynamic endpoint Fixed
  14. πŸ“Œ Create a service for basic API integration Fixed
  15. πŸ“Œ Create admin configuration form Fixed
  16. πŸ“Œ Create basic commerce shipment method plugin Fixed
  17. πŸ“Œ Created method AllParcelLockers in Service Closed: duplicate
  18. πŸ“Œ Add method for creating the reservation parcel. Active
🌱 Plan




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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

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