Account created on 15 June 2010, over 14 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Just a note for those who faced with this issue.
The cause of the problem was a patch from this issue - 🐛 Ajax attached to Views exposed filter form does not trigger callbacks Needs work

I was using the old patch which forced the whole array of GET parameters to be used as parameters for pager links. That was fixed in a recent patch version.

If that won't help or you don't have the patch from that issue in your composer.json just try to remove all patches you have and check if it will work. It's definitely not core issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

That works for version 8.x-1.3:

$form['my_select']['#select2'] = false;

So makes sense to add that at least to README.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

I'm not sure a patch is needed here.
Just call buildMultiple() after viewMultiple():

$build_list = $entity_type_manager
  ->viewMultiple($nodes, 'teaser');
$build = $view_builder->buildMultiple($build_list);

In this case you can apply any cache tweaks in hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view_alter().

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

After more testing found that patch from #38 throws errors in case of multiple SHS fields and in case field is empty so here is updated patch with interdiff.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Patch from #48 works well with 2.0.0-rc12

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

It's not the best patch in the world but it works.

But it's not applicable for 8.x-1.0-alpha6 so I've prepared patch for that specific version.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

nnevill made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

I've tried merge request on 2 different projects and it fix works as expected. So I think this is as good as RTBC.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

nnevill made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Here is an updated patch to support D10 as well.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Here is working with D9/D10 solution for glossary attachment template:

{% for letter in 'a'..'z' %}
  {% set row = '' %}
  {{ options.inline ? '<span' : '<div' }} class="views-summary views-summary-unformatted">
  {% for loop_row in rows  %}
    {% if ( == letter|upper) %}
      {% set row = loop_row %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% if row %}
    <a href="{{ row.url }}"{{ row.attributes.addClass( ? 'is-active')|without('href') }}>{{ }}</a>
    {% if options.count %}
      ({{ row.count }})
    {% endif %}
  {% else %}
    {{ letter|upper }}
  {% endif %}

  {{ options.inline ? '</span>' : '</div>' }}

{% endfor %}
🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

nnevill created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

This has been discussed here #3200686
In two words - there is no easy way to validate that.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Done - I've removed that as there is no normal way to validate if twitter account exists.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

Done. Now summary is visible.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

nnevill created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine nnevill Lutsk

You have to be sure Leads are enabled.

To do so go Settings -> Open(if not opened) Customize fieldset -> Lead Statuses and click "Enable Leads" there. After that "Leads" link appear in your UI and integration will work.

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