Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦
Account created on 5 April 2021, over 3 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Seems like it's not possible to access some links from the mega menu. I tried to open a "Drupal CMS" link from the menu and instead of redirecting just another mega menu item was opened.

Here is an example:

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Merged, thanks!

These changes will be added to the next release.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Looks great, thanks.

Merged to the 1.0.x-dev and will be added to the next release.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

vieilours, thanks for your notice.

I created an MR with fixes for the given issue. Added a validation to prevent an error for the entities without the Edit form template.

Now, we need some testing for it.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Changes added to the new release 1.0.1

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hi, it's a great idea. I reviewed and merged a PR. Will add these changes to the next release.
Thanks for your contribution.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

These changes were released in the 1.1.4 version.

Feel free to use =)

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thank you, sirclickalot, for your time.

I've fixed some coding standards issues and merged these changes to the 1.x-dev branch.
I'll create a new release with these changes soon.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thank you sirclickalot, for your testing.

It seems like some style issues, but I'm unsure where it comes from. You can add a class .open for the .dropbutton-wrapper .dropbutton-multiple element. It will help to keep the dropdown open all the time.

Also, it's important to check styles for the <ul> element. Because as you mentioned earlier the main problem is the position and the width of each item. Could you please check styles for the whole <ul> element and for the links inside the list?

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Sorry, but that didn't help. Could you please provide a list of styles for the dropdown element?
I also use the Select 2 field formatter for that, but can't reproduce it.

It seems like some additional styles are present in the dropdown element, breaking it into two columns.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hmm, strange, I couldn't reproduce such an issue locally. I installed the Gin theme on the Clear Drupal installation.

Could you please check the styles for this drop down element? Maybe we can find the root of the issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Oh, okay, I see. I tested it with the Claro theme and didn't experience such a problem.
Seems like taxonomy terms have long names and that causes an input field to extend to the bottom.

Ok, will check that. Great, that we found this bug now, thanks.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦


I created a PR with changes and also attached a patch for easy testing. Please, take a look, I checked different cases locally, but not sure if I handle all possible cases for that.


🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hi sirclickalot,

Thanks for the ping, to be honest, I lost a bit on this topic. But I'll return to that soon, maybe even today =)
Sure, you can help with testing, it would be nice, thank you.

Will prepare changes for that soon.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I updated the patch to be able to apply for the 2.1.0-beta1 module version.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I fixed cspell and eslint issues.
Also, found that basically, the module is not working properly, when just installing it via composer.

Here is a list of changes:

  • Fixed cspell and eslint warnings
  • Changed a bit the way of how field formatter render a value. Previously class and data attributes weren't implemented to the #markup
  • Fixed bug with attaching library name for the countUp
  • Reworked JS code
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Changes for this task were merged, so we can close it.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

All of these changes were merged and released in the 1.2.0 version.
I close this task.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I re-opened an MR due to the problem with pushing changes.

I found an issue with the JS code, which triggers an error when rendering or replacing placeholders.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy changed the visibility of the branch 3475743-blocks-are-not-rendered to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy changed the visibility of the branch 3475743-blocks-are-not-rendered to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy changed the visibility of the branch 3475743-blocks-are-not-rendered to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shy made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hi guys.
I just took a quick look at this issue and provided a very short and dirty way how we can skip errors for the case when using 'all' as a contextual filter argument.
This patch shouldn't fix all cases and I created it only just as a workaround to handle specific cases.
Feel free to upgrade it and improve.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦


Please, fix the coding standards that we get after pipelines.


FILE: ...ustom/views_extras-3419820/src/Plugin/views/argument_default/TempStore.php
 12 | ERROR | [x] Use statements should be sorted alphabetically. The first
    |       |     wrong one is Drupal\Core\TempStore\PrivateTempStoreFactory.
    |       |     (SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.AlphabeticallySortedUses.IncorrectlyOrderedUses)
Time: 200ms; Memory: 6MB
FILE                                                            ERRORS  WARNINGS
...ras-3419820/src/Plugin/views/argument_default/TempStore.php  1       0
    SOURCE                                                                 COUNT
[x] SlevomatCodingStandard.Namespaces.AlphabeticallySortedUses.Incorrectl  1


 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Plugin/views/area/ExtraResult.php                                 
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  52     \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection  
 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/views/argument_default/Cookie.php                                  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  75     Unsafe usage of new static().                                                 
         💡 See:                                                                       
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/views/argument_default/Session.php                                 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  74     Unsafe usage of new static().                                                 
         💡 See:                                                                       
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Plugin/views/argument_default/TempStore.php                               
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  84     Unsafe usage of new static().                                                 
         💡 See:                                                                       
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 [ERROR] Found 4 errors    
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Found some coding standard issue which is not related to the current changes, so you can work with separate issue to fix that - 📌 Fix coding standards Active

_chetan 11, note for the future, please, create PR's according to the documentation, because PR title is not correct, missing task ID and link to the issue.

Merged to the 3.x-dev.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦


💬 Add composer.libraries.json to support composer workflow Needs review was merged, you can continue with this task.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I noticed some coding standard issues, not related to the provided changes, so I created a separate task for fixing it, if you want, you can work on it as well - 📌 Fix coding standards Active

Merged current changes to the 3.x-dev!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shY created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Has anyone found a solution or at least a workaround for that case?
Any suggestions could be useful.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Merged, thank you guys!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Updated patch to be able to apply it for the Drupal 10.3.1

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Updated the last patch to make it smoother during resizing and fixed width changes during resizing.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shY created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Updated patch to work with the latest 8.x-1.x version

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thank you!

Merged to the 1.x-dev branch.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I want to add just a note, of what we need to do here.

To implement that we need:

  • go to \Drupal\entity_reference_edit_link\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\EntityReferenceEditLinkAutocompleteWidget::formElement() and change the type of displaying link if field allows multiple values. We need to change the type from the link to dropbutton and provide according values to this type
  • add support dropbutton link types for the \Drupal\entity_reference_edit_link\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\EntityReferenceEditLinkAutocompleteTagsWidget
  • As I see it also has a variable for the button heading, we need to implement that as well to provide 'Edit' heading and list of the nodes in the dropdown
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Merged into 1.x-dev! Will be added to the next release.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shY created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thanks, everyone!

Merged to the 1.0.x branch. Will be added in the next release version!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

dstorozhuk, please, don't change the issue status to the Closed (fixed) manually. This status will be changed automatically after 2 weeks.

You can read more here -

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

dstorozhuk, I fixed coding standards and the issue with WSOD after the latest changes for the dev branch and pushed everything to the 8.x-2.x.

As you mentioned in the previous task, we can continue to work with 1.x branch. You can merge all changes from the 8.x-2.x to the 1.x branch and delete the ol 8.x-2.x branch

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Still need to fix some phpstan and cspell issues.

------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   src/Form/EditLinkConfigForm.php                                               
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  47     Unsafe usage of new static().                                                 
         💡 See:                                                                       
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 [ERROR] Found 1 error                                                          
./src/Form/EditLinkConfigForm.php:82:32     - Unknown word (entitiess)  -- Section for configuring entitiess.
	 Suggestions: [entities, enmities, entitles, nettie's, entices]
CSpell: Files checked: 9, Issues found: 1 in 1 files
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

I just got the list of phpstan notices from the last pipeline run.
Here is an example -

I think there are missing use statement for the PathAliasInterface in views_url_alias.module file

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

In case some people's names were marked as an issue, create a .cspell-project-words.txt file and add it to this file as an exception.
Example here.

Also, it would be great to fix coding standard issues:

 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   views_url_alias.module                                                 
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  44     Parameter $path_alias of function views_url_alias_path_alias_insert()  
         has invalid type PathAliasInterface.                                   
  56     Parameter $path_alias of function views_url_alias_path_alias_update()  
         has invalid type PathAliasInterface.                                   
  72     Parameter $path of function views_url_alias_path_alias_delete() has    
         invalid type PathAliasInterface.                                       
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 [ERROR] Found 3 errors 
🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Merged to the 8.x-2.x.
I'll create a separate task for the coding standard issue and CSpell issues.
Thanks, everyone!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thank you, apaderno
Merged to the 1.0.x!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

_shY created an issue.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Rerolled patch. Also added test fixes.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hi SirClickalot
I fixed an issue with the Gin theme, changes are available in the last module release. Feel free to use =)

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Now it should work with the Gin theme as well.
Changes available in the new release - 1.0.5!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Gauravvvv, thanks for the patch, it works well.
I did some testing and found that if add some more timeout, then resize looks slightly.

Updated patch, increased timeout.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

For now, I stack with ESlint check. We have .eslintrc.json file which is has the following line: "extends": "drupal"
This causes the following error on the ESlint job:

ESLint couldn't find the config "drupal" to extend from. Please check that the name of the config is correct.
The config "drupal" was referenced from the config file in "/builds/project/cookies_addons/web/modules/custom/cookies_addons/.eslintrc.json".

This file does not strictly need to exist in contrib, because eslint config files placed further up in the directory structure will be merged and inherited. The top-level .eslintrc.json extends ./core/.eslintrc.json.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Basically, I designed this for edit pages only, but probably in the future, it will make sense to extend functionality as you described.
Anyway, I would like to start with editing pages for now, so I like your suggestion with the "EDIT" button and dropdown of nodes.

I'll proceed with this way.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Still experienced some coding standard issues. I'll take a look at it.

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Thanks everyone.
Merged to the 8.x-2.x!

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Yeah, you are right, I also noticed that for multiple field values. But not sure enough, the best way how to display the button here.
Maybe something like here, where we'll have a button group with all links for all nodes, and display the short title of the node, to know which one we want to edit?

🇺🇦Ukraine _shy Ukraine, Lutsk 🇺🇦

Hi, thanks for your notice.
I've created a new issue for this case because the current one doesn't fit this case =)
🐛 Content type edit link does not show with Gin theme Active

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