Account created on 18 February 2014, over 10 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

going to implement a hook_update_N to update this setting if file_enity module is enabled

also I can add a warning message on content import page

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Please add application/zip to mime types of document at /admin/structure/file-types/manage/document/edit

This should solve the issue

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I've provided support of uuids along with ids, so both values are supported at the same time, see MR

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I'm currently working on a solution where creating files will not be needed.

It will use StreamedResponse instead of downloading file.

For now I think I can provide a patch where the file schema can be configured. e.g. temporary, public, private and etc

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Could you please ensure that temporary folder is properly configured on stage and live? Do you use external file storage?

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex


Please do not refactor/fix coding standards of non-related code to this issue, you are causing at least a merge conflict and a lot of mess, this is not a scope of the issue, it's a purpose of a separate issue in the project

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Instead of using a link tag to attach css file, it's better to expose the css into style tag, it should work like a charm.

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for entity_print.
function mytheme_preprocess_entity_print(array &$variables) {
  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList $module_list */
  $module_list = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module');

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeExtensionList $theme_list */
  $theme_list = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme');
  $css = [];

  // Expose default css into style tag.
  if (\Drupal::config('entity_print.settings')->get('default_css')) {
    $css[] = @file_get_contents($module_list->getPath('entity_print') . '/css/entity-print.css');

  // Expose custom css into style tag. In my case it's located in dist/pdf-styling.css.
  $css[] = @file_get_contents($theme_list->getPath('mytheme') . '/dist/pdf-styling.css');

  $variables['entity_print_css'] = [
    '#type' => 'inline_template',
    '#template' => '<style>{{ output }}</style>',
    '#context' => [
      'output' => implode(PHP_EOL, array_filter($css)),
🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

first test run used php 7.3, it's not supported, so I rerun with another php version, all good

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

It's now available in 2.2.3,

Thanks all

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Hi Joe,

It was already fixed in this issue #3293630: Consider dropping \d+ requirement in the export route , and the fix is available since 1.3.6, please upgrade the module or apply the patch.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

As alternative option (without updating to the new version), you can add this to your composer.json

"replace": {
    "drupal/action": "*"
🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@trafo, the MR contains everything but the changes that needed, why the are 36 commits? Do you know what is a rebase and how to work with it?

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Please fix notes in the MR before sending to Needs review again

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

The button is hidden by default, so there should not be breaking changes. At least there is now a possibility to style the button as a play button and it's accessibility friendly

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

The patch has issue with tabs/spaces

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@VincentL, please stop adding patches that does not belong to module code

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I think this should be improved in doImport() method, at least we can have an extra validation by loading users by email and username if entity by uuid was not found. I will provide a patch, once it's available, there will be nothing to do on your side, I'm also planning to provide a new release soon, so the patch will be included to the new release immediately

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Provided a better explanation how to import a zip file

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

This was done since 2.0.0 release

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I wish I could create a MR against 2.0.x but dev release was not created for that branch, so it's not possible to do so, I will attach a file patch

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

You need to use $entity->getDescription() as a value and $entity->getFormat() as a format, currently the format is hardcoded on your patch

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

nginex changed the visibility of the branch 3030711-views-ajax-handling to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Fixed typo, added more details

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Fixed typo

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Added Troubleshooting

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Hey @Dency Mary A

Can you check again? I've provided a fix in the 3.0.0-rc5 release

composer require drupal/cloudinary shoud mormally work

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex


As workaround, try to import a config manually:

1. Copy content of
2. Go to /admin/config/development/configuration/single/import
3. Choose Action configuration type
4. Paste the content of the config and click on import

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Thanks for the patch, I will include it to a new release in a moment

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Thanks for the patch, I found a few issues with options description, you can see it when running drush content:export --help

Need to fix it, and then the issue can be resolved

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