Account created on 18 February 2014, almost 11 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

did not know that block_id is a part of layout builder component, is it available out of the box in Drupal core or it's extra that is provided by some patch or contrib module?

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Actually any field type should be automatically exported out of the box since 1.4.7

The simple field implementation will be removed since it's no longer needed. See 📌 Clean up SimpleFieldDeriver in favor to use GenericField Active

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

No way it’s not working out of the box in the latest module version, could you please check that?

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

updated my original comment #25, thanks for the suggestion @fabianfiorotto

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@rodrigoaguilera it might work, thanks, will need to create a new release to include that file, I will review other issues as well, so I can include multiple fixes to a new release

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex


in terms of code it's looking good, there are no breaking changes or so, just one more service is added to dependency injection, so nothing I can do there. I already deployed the upgrade for multiple projects and there were no issues, so I need more details about environment where it happened or at least what drupal core version was used to understand and apply a possible fix.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex


There is a notes in the release

Did you try that already?

I noticed it on one project too, but not for others, seems like a cache issue. Reinstall module to fix it

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Tested on real project with a complex migration by using this module, no issues spotted after last fixes pushed to the MR.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex you don't need all this code you provided

Just one line is the way to go

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

going to test in a few real projects, if all good will merge it

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@diederik.beirnaert you can uncheck that in the module settings. There is a field "Site UUID check"

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Thanks for the contribution, it's a nice improvement, I will commit it as first iteration with possible improvements in the future

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Comments export and import will be handled in a separate issue 💬 creating a comment exporter plugin Active as it has different structure and relationship

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Thanks all for the contribution, I have made a few tricks, so the module still works on Drupal 9.3 and above.

I tested it on Drupal 10 and 11, works like a charm

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

D11 support has been added to new release 2.1.2

I leave the issue open for new updates by the bot

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Hi @mably

I don't have permission to handle maintership of the module but I can create a new D11 release today, so you will not be blocked

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

it was merged and released 8 months ago

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I managed to add export but still need to handle import.

The export also works for content with comments

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

nginex made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Did not know this category even exists, thanks for the information, I updated the project page, probably will take some time to include the project to the overview.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

In my case it was an issue in form-element.html.twig

instead of {{ description }} it's now

<div{{ description.attributes }}>{{ description.content }}</div>

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex


Sorry, I did not notice there was open MR, so I accidentally pushed my commit over yours

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@leeksoup, could you please check if your module "single_content_sync_anu_content" is enabled?

The code looks ok

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

@leeksoup I checked your code and here is my notes:

1. If you implement this plugin in your custom module, can you please change your namespace, currently you are using (it must contain your module name, not the contrib module name)

namespace Drupal\single_content_sync\Plugin\SingleContentSyncBaseFieldsProcessor;

2. Your class name "assessment_question" does not follow any standards, could you please follow naming pattern e.g. AssessmentQuestion

Could you please try it, clear cache and let me know if it works

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

I keep it open for future updates.

a new release is on the way

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Here we go

Thanks @grevil for pinging me directly

Leaving open for future changes.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

No problems, it makes sense to extend this functionality to support both modal types.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Extended a config form to be able to override ui-dialog classes. Check out the MR!

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

nginex made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

Did not check previous patches, just used core/once to handle the issue with multiple issues

🇺🇦Ukraine nginex

The MR also allows to add any options or alter existing one by implementing a hook_telephone_international_widget_options_alter(&$options) {}

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