- ๐ซ๐ทFrance GaรซlG Lille, France
It seems to me that for this module to be CKE5-compatible, the video_embed_wysiwyg submodule should declare a CKE5 plugin, which it does not.
- ๐ซ๐ทFrance GaรซlG Lille, France
- Assigned to GaรซlG
- Issue was unassigned.
- ๐ซ๐ทFrance GaรซlG Lille, France
I'm done for today, will continue later if no one does in the meanwhile.
- Assigned to GaรซlG
- Issue was unassigned.
- Assigned to GaรซlG
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 5:00pm 16 March 2023 - Status changed to Needs work
almost 2 years ago 12:11pm 27 March 2023 - ๐ง๐ฌBulgaria vuil Bulgaria ๐ง๐ฌ ๐ช๐บ ๐
Can not be applied on 8.x-2.5 version.
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 12:21pm 27 March 2023 - ๐ซ๐ทFrance GaรซlG Lille, France
Hi vuil and thank you for your feedback.
Yes, the patch is against 8.x-2.x-dev. Feel free to submit a patch for the last stable version for composer use, but if I'm right, to be accepted/committed/merged, a patch has to be against the dev version.
- Status changed to Needs work
almost 2 years ago 12:48pm 21 April 2023 - ๐บ๐ฆUkraine Taran2L Lviv
Tested patch and, unfortunately, it gives an JS error when switching between filter formats and/or when CKEditor enabled field is added via AJAX
Setting it to NW
- First commit to issue fork.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada bbombachini London, ON
While testing this patch, I could not save the text editor and add video_embed_wysiwyg because it would error out saying height and weight was required and had an empty value. Please review.
- First commit to issue fork.
- Status changed to Needs review
almost 2 years ago 9:07pm 7 June 2023 - ๐จ๐ฆCanada bbombachini London, ON
Tested and patch is working. Moving to needs review.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
There is a checkbox under "Enabled filters" called "Video Embed WYSIWYG". The Video Embed button appears in the "Available Buttons" list even if you don't have this checked. Is this on purpose?
- Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 12:37pm 23 June 2023 - Status changed to RTBC
over 1 year ago 1:13pm 23 June 2023 - ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
Hmm. This appears to be a thing that happens with all of the embedded elements, not just the video. Very well. This seems to be working within that particular constraint of the editor in general.
- ๐ฆ๐บAustralia thomwilhelm Sydney
+1 to this MR. Allowed me to upgrade to ckeditor5.
Would love to see this get committed as technically if you are using the video_embed_wysiwyg module, you can't migrate to ckeditor5 due to the dependency on ckeditor.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
Correct @ThomWilhelm. The only way is to use the issue fork which is a bit of a security risk.
https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/git/using-gitlab-to-contribute-to-dr... โ
Sorry but just wanted to ask, as I am in need of this fix as I need to upgrade upgrade my website to CKEditor5 and can't as we use this module.
Can I ask what the next step here is please ?
BTW you guys rock and I appreciate all you do here.
I have been following this issue for about 4 months in the hope.- ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
@jacqui1811 you can use this version for video_embed_field in composer.json:
"drupal/video_embed_field": "dev-3311063-add-support-for",
But you need to do this in your repositories section:
"repositories": { "drupal": { "type": "composer", "url": "https://packages.drupal.org/8", "exclude": [ "drupal/video_embed_field" ] }, "drupal/video_embed_field": { "type": "git", "url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/video_embed_field-3311063.git" } },
Just know that there are some inherent security risks when using WIP dev branches.
Thanks for that,
Will try that tomorrow and report back by editing this comment.- ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
My latest commit removes the composer requirement for ckeditor and adds ckeditor5 as a dependency on the wysiwyg module.
Do note that if you are using blt drupal:sync:default:db during your remote ci run, you will actually need to keep drupal/ckeditor required in the codebase until the next release. I recommend just doing one release with the dependency, then a quck bugfix release with the dependency removed after that is deployed. Ref: https://github.com/acquia/blt/issues/4687
- Status changed to Needs work
over 1 year ago 12:01pm 27 July 2023 - ๐บ๐ธUnited States loopy1492
We have noticed that, if you have multiple video embeds in a WYSIWYG, it does not render the videos; it just displays the CK5 markdown instead.
One video:
Two videos:
I was hoping this issue would solve the problem, but I applied the patch and it does not: https://www.drupal.org/project/video_embed_field/issues/3371353 ๐ VideoEmbedWysiwyg::getValidMatches() does not detect two videos next to each other Needs review
- ๐ฆ๐บAustralia NicolasH
Just a note that the other issue mentioned above ( https://www.drupal.org/project/video_embed_field/issues/3371353 ๐ VideoEmbedWysiwyg::getValidMatches() does not detect two videos next to each other Needs review ) actually does fix the rendering of multiple videos in one field, at least for me. I did not apply the patch, I just manually replaced that one line after applying the work in this issue.
- ๐ฆ๐นAustria tgoeg
For those that prefer a patch for the time being: 3311063-35.patch โ
Applies against current stable version 2.x.
Might enable easier test feedback.Works for me.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 9:46am 14 September 2023 - ๐ฌ๐งUnited Kingdom MrDaleSmith
Applied patch and it allows me to move to CK Editor five and embed videos into the WYSIWYG.
- ๐ฌ๐งUnited Kingdom danielzigo
Patch #36 also worked for me. Drupal 9.5.11, CKEditor 5, PHP 8.1, Video Embed Field 8.x-2.5.
Test video embed also worked. - ๐ฆ๐นAustria tgoeg
Regarding #3311063-34: Add support for Ckeditor 5 โ : I created a patch over at #3371353-5: VideoEmbedWysiwyg::getValidMatches() does not detect two videos next to each other โ .
@loopy1492: Can you please try to apply both patches and report whether that fixes it for you? It's not really related to this issue at hand, but I'd like to get rid of this negative feedback here so we can push this (and the other ticket) to RTBC. - last update
over 1 year ago run-tests.sh fatal error - Status changed to RTBC
over 1 year ago 10:57am 27 October 2023 - ๐บ๐ฆUkraine podarok Ukraine
#38 confirmed patch from #36 does work
Let's push it to release - ๐บ๐ฆUkraine podarok Ukraine
Tested in Drupal 10.0, YMCA Website Services Distribution https://github.com/YCloudYUSA/yusaopeny/pull/127Let's merge and release
- First commit to issue fork.
- ๐ณ๐ฑNetherlands jeroen_vreuls
I get the following error when switching from CKEditor 4 to 5:
Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException: The "video_embed_wysiwyg_video_embed" CKEditor 5 plugin definition is configurable, has non-empty default configuration but has no config schema. Config schema is required for validation. in Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginDefinition->validateDrupalAspects()
This is because
has incorrect indenting for the CKEditor 5 plugin part. I fixed this in the MR. I can confirm that 8.x-2.5 patched (by composer) with patch made from #42 allowed me to switch to CKEditor 5 smoothly without any problems (Drupal 9.5.11).
Patch for #42 attached if anyone needs it before this got release.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States Dave Kopecek
I can also confirm that 3311063-42.patch worked.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada gwvoigt London, ON ๐จ๐ฆ
I'm using patch 42, but something is off:
In /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html I have the Autoplay - Autoplay the videos for users without the "never autoplay videos" permission. Roles with this permission will bypass this setting. set to Off.
When I edit a ndoe and add a video it has Autoplay marked as On, ant it should be off:
- ๐ฌ๐งUnited Kingdom danielzigo
I can confirm @gwvoigt โ 's observation in comment #46 โจ Add support for Ckeditor 5 Needs review . I tested patch 42 on a vanilla Drupal 9.5.11 site (PHP 8.1). I observed the same, the difference in the text format config versus when you edit a node and attempt to add a video.
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia shobhit_juyal New Delhi
I believe the issue raised by @gwvoigt is not actually related with the CKEDITOR5 compatibility, rather it should be open in a separate issue queue for the logical issue.
Please share the issue link if it has opened already.Thanks
- ๐น๐ญThailand Nick Hope
#44 (i.e. the patch made from #42) works for me in 8.x-2.5 in D10.2.1.
Re #46 & #47, in the setting Autoplay the videos for users without the "never autoplay videos" permission. Roles with this permission will bypass this setting, I think users refers to users viewing the page, and not to users creating or editing the page. As I understand it, it is not a setting that does something like Allow permitted users to enable Autoplay on videos they embed. So I don't see a problem.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada dylan donkersgoed London, Ontario
Dylan Donkersgoed โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada dylan donkersgoed London, Ontario
Looking at the code it does appear to be intended that the autoplay setting from the WYSIWYG settings should be applied in the modal. It's trying to load default settings from there but they always turn out blank because it has the wrong plugin key ("video_embed", probably corresponding to the CKE4 plugin, instead of "video_embed_wysiwyg_video_embed"):
$plugin_settings = NestedArray::getValue($editor_settings, [ 'plugins', // This should be video_embed_wysiwyg_video_embed for CKE5. 'video_embed', 'defaults', 'children', ]); $settings = $plugin_settings ? $plugin_settings : [];
I've updated VideoEmbedDialog.php to check for both in the MR and attached the corresponding patch.
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 3:06am 2 February 2024 - ๐บ๐ธUnited States parkh
@dylan-donkersgoed Re #51, please update "$this->render" to "$this->renderer" in modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php.
This is error what I got:
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\video_embed_wysiwyg\Form\VideoEmbedDialog::$render is deprecated in Drupal\video_embed_wysiwyg\Form\VideoEmbedDialog->__construct() (line 51 of /var/www/html/docroot/modules/contrib/video_embed_field/modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php) - ๐ญ๐บHungary mxr576 Hungary
โฏ interdiff 6.diff 3311063-50.patch
โฏ echo $?
0Patch 6 is indeed equivalent with the current state of the MR, hiding the patch as (IMO) it creates additional noise in the issue.
- ๐ญ๐บHungary mxr576 Hungary
@dylan-donkersgoed Re #51, please update "$this->render" to "$this->renderer" in modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php.
Fixed in MR#6 by using the WebIDE, however my eyes and CTRL+F did not find any usage of
... maybe that is a dad code? - ๐จ๐ฆCanada dylan donkersgoed London, Ontario
I've noticed an issue related to the one described in https://www.drupal.org/project/video_embed_field/issues/3311063#comment-... โจ Add support for Ckeditor 5 Needs review where videos will render raw JSON. This is also related to the regex, but in this case seems to happen when there is an earlier { character before the preview_thumbnail property. In my case this was due to
in a<drupal-entity>
tag but it probably could happen in other situations as well. Could be the cause of the issues a couple other users reported.To fix this I pushed up a small change to the regex to make the opening
tag required. From what I can tell in the code for both the CKE4 and CKE5 plugins videos should always be wrapped in a paragraph so I believe this should be safe, but it would be nice to have some additional review/confirmation.
Updated patch is attached.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States caspervoogt
I tested 3311063-56.patch on 10.2.4 - working for me.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada paintingguy
I need this! Please add this to the next version. Thank you!
- Status changed to RTBC
9 months ago 7:05pm 18 June 2024 - ๐ญ๐บHungary mxr576 Hungary
Why a new patch was uploaded instead of contributing changes to the already open MR#6? It is one click requesting access and adding changes to it...
rokkun88 โ changed the visibility of the branch 3311063-add-support-for to hidden.
- ๐ญ๐บHungary mxr576 Hungary
Why a new patch was uploaded instead of contributing changes to the already open MR#6? It is one click requesting access and adding changes to it...rokkun88 changed the visibility of the branch 3311063-add-support-for to hidden.
Well, I would have rather incorporated new changes to MR that makes code reviews and rebasing much easier then a patch... but maybe that is only my opinion.
- ๐ท๐ธSerbia krug
Drupal: 10.2.6
PHP: 8.2.2
MariaDB: 10.5.18
Web Server: nginx
ckeditor5: 10.2.6
video_embed_wysiwyg: 8.x-2.5@dylan-donkersgoed thank you very much.
Patch #56 works fine. - ๐บ๐ธUnited States zepner
This patch worked to relieve the ajax error when switching the dropdown selection to ckeditor5, but upon saving, there is a set of save-blocking errors, ie, 'image_style_large' is not a supported key. (Related: https://www.drupal.org/project/inline_responsive_images/issues/3460644 ๐ 'image_style_*' is not a supported key getting issue with ckeditor5 Needs work )
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia rajeshreeputra Pune
Can we get this merged as โจ Drupal 11 compatibility for Video Embed Field Needs review is blocked by this. For Drupla 11 support this is critical.
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia rajeshreeputra Pune
Tests also needs to be updated as per CKEditor5, will leave it up to maintainers.
- Assigned to rajeshreeputra
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia rajeshreeputra Pune
rajeshreeputra โ changed the visibility of the branch 3311063-add-support-for to active.
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia rajeshreeputra Pune
Can we get this merged, as it's blocker for โจ Drupal 11 compatibility for Video Embed Field Needs review .
- Issue was unassigned.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada paintingguy
Hi everyone. Can you please tell me if this is going to be available for D10 / 11 ?
- ๐ซ๐ทFrance mably
Hi, could this be rebased on the 3.0.x Drupal 11 compatible branch which is currently missing the
module? Thanks. - ๐บ๐ธUnited States caspervoogt
Patch #56 does not apply if you keep your modules in modules/contrib. The patch hardcodes a 'modules/video_embed_media' path.
- ๐น๐ญThailand AlfTheCat
Hi everyone, both the patch from #56 and the latest merge diff fail against 2.xdev on Drupal 10.3.9
Patch from #56:
sudo -u www-data patch -p1 < 3311063-56.patch patching file composer.json patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Form/VideoEmbedFieldForm.php patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedField.php Hunk #1 FAILED at 5. Hunk #2 succeeded at 18 (offset -5 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 47 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 105 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 144 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #6 FAILED at 191. 2 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_media/src/Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedField.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedFieldInterface.php patching file modules/video_embed_media/video_embed_media.module patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/.gitignore patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/config/schema/video_embed_wysiwyg.schema.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/css/video_embed.admin.css patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/film.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/play-circle.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/video.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/build/README.txt patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/build/videoEmbed.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/index.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/insertvideoembedcommand.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/videoembed.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/videoembedediting.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/videoembedui.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/package.json patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/plugin/README.md patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php Hunk #1 FAILED at 48. Hunk #2 succeeded at 85 (offset 3 lines). 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/VideoEmbed.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditor5Plugin/VideoEmbedWysiwyg.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditorPlugin/VideoEmbedWysiwyg.php Hunk #1 succeeded at 14 with fuzz 1 (offset 3 lines). patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/Filter/VideoEmbedWysiwyg.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.ckeditor5.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.info.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.libraries.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.module Hunk #1 succeeded at 13 (offset -2 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 27 (offset -2 lines). Hunk #3 FAILED at 50. 1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.module.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/webpack.config.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/yarn.lock
Latest merge request plain diff:
sudo -u www-da ta patch -p1 < 6.diff The next patch would create the file .gitlab-ci.yml, which already exists! Assume -R? [n] n Apply anyway? [n] y patching file .gitlab-ci.yml Hunk #1 FAILED at 1. 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file .gitlab-ci.yml.rej patching file composer.json patching file modules/video_embed_media/modules/vem_migrate_oembed/tests/src/Fun ctional/oEmbedUpdateTest.php Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] n Apply anyway? [n] n Skipping patch. 2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_media/mod ules/vem_migrate_oembed/tests/src/Functional/oEmbedUpdateTest.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Form/VideoEmbedFieldForm.php patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedField. php Hunk #1 FAILED at 5. Hunk #2 succeeded at 18 (offset -5 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 47 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 105 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 144 (offset -37 lines). Hunk #6 FAILED at 191. 2 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_media/src/ Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedField.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_media/src/Plugin/media/Source/VideoEmbedFieldI nterface.php patching file modules/video_embed_media/video_embed_media.module patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/.gitignore patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/config/schema/video_embed_wysiwyg.sche ma.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/css/video_embed.admin.css patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/film.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/play-circle.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/icons/video.svg patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/build/README.txt patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/build/videoEmbed.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/in dex.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/in sertvideoembedcommand.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/vi deoembed.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/vi deoembedediting.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/js/ckeditor5_plugins/videoEmbed/src/vi deoembedui.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/package.json patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/plugin/README.md patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php Hunk #1 FAILED at 48. Hunk #2 succeeded at 85 (offset 3 lines). 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/sr c/Form/VideoEmbedDialog.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/VideoEm bed.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditor5Plugin/VideoEmbedW ysiwyg.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/CKEditorPlugin/VideoEmbedWy siwyg.php Hunk #1 succeeded at 14 with fuzz 1 (offset 3 lines). patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/src/Plugin/Filter/VideoEmbedWysiwyg.ph p patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/tests/src/Functional/TextFormatConfigu rationTest.php Hunk #4 FAILED at 55. Hunk #5 FAILED at 69. 2 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/te sts/src/Functional/TextFormatConfigurationTest.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/EmbedDi alogTest.php Hunk #3 FAILED at 43. 1 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/te sts/src/FunctionalJavascript/EmbedDialogTest.php.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/tests/src/Kernel/FilterTest.php patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.ckeditor5.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.info.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.libraries.yml patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/video_embed_wysiwyg.module Hunk #1 succeeded at 13 (offset -2 lines). Hunk #2 FAILED at 29. 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/vi deo_embed_wysiwyg.module.rej patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/webpack.config.js patching file modules/video_embed_wysiwyg/yarn.lock patching file src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/VideoEmbedField.php patching file tests/src/Functional/FieldConfigurationTest.php Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n] n Apply anyway? [n] n Skipping patch. 2 out of 2 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file tests/src/Functional/FieldCon figurationTest.php.rej patching file video_embed_field.info.yml
- Status changed to Needs work
23 days ago 5:40pm 13 February 2025 - ๐จ๐ฆCanada paintingguy
Hi all! Please, please, hoping someone can get this working for D10 . / CKEditor 5