Account created on 21 April 2010, almost 15 years ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Merci Marc,

New icon is indeed better fit.

This + 3381823 give a pretty good result

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I suggest instead

api_url: '[current-page:title]%20[current-page:url]'

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I'm guessing that this is related to new field hostname that isnt set in previous versions but now in code there is :

      if (empty($hostname)) {
        // No hostname.
        return $satisfied[$this->id] = FALSE;

I would suggest having more something like this instead

$hostname = empty($hostname) ? 'www.googletagmanager' : $hostname;

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

refreshing status considering the last 2 comments...

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Early feedback :

Tested an XLSX export that wasn't working in phpspreadsheet due to lack of memory

1. Applied MR
2. composer require openspout/openspout
3. Switched config

The export now works

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Tested latest MR with a drupal site site as identity provider, simple oauth 6.x and another site using openid_connect

The MR works well for me.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Also tested patch #56 and works well with ckeditor5

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I had to re-write my code, previous snippet was causing other problems on validation

I used DependentDropdown from Ajax Examples as base code for my form and patch in #5 did correct the "Illegal choice" problem.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

In case this code snippet helps, here's how we've done it to avoid 'An illegal choice has been detected'.

     // Champ de sΓ©lection de termes de taxonomie (uniquement les termes parents).
     $form['taxonomy_select'] = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Disciplinary grouping'),
      '#options' => $this->getTaxonomyParentOptions(),
      '#empty_option' => t('- Select -'),
      '#ajax' => [
        'callback' => '::updateChildrenCheckboxes',
        'wrapper' => 'children-checkboxes-wrapper',

    // Cases Γ  cocher pour les enfants du terme sΓ©lectionnΓ©.
    $form['children_checkboxes' . $form_state->getValue('taxonomy_select')] = [
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => t('Field of specialization'),
      '#options' => $this->getTaxonomyChildrenOptions($form_state->getValue('taxonomy_select')),
      '#prefix' => '<div id="children-checkboxes-wrapper">',
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
      '#default_value' => !empty($form_state->getValue('children_checkboxes')) ? $form_state->getValue('children_checkboxes') : [],
      '#states' => [
        'invisible' => [
          ':input[name="taxonomy_select"]' => ['value' => ''],

By adding $form_state->getValue('taxonomy_select') inside the children form element makes it work

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I had same result as Szy.

After applying patch, h2 were vanishing from text

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Could it be related to this : πŸ› Symfony/mailer v6.4.3 + gmail SMTP issues Active

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Haven't tried patches yet, just got that problem on a project.
Ajax filters seems to correct the problem in my case

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

In case this helps

I had this specific

Deprecated function: unserialize(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($data) of type string is deprecated in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->mapFromStorageRecords()

In my case, was related to Profile, maybe some update in the past didnt go through or is missing

Simply loading/saving the entity changed value of data from false to array and message disappeared

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I guess the right status would be Needs review since there is 4 patch since RTBC...

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I still use "Override default order" and patch from #6 made it work in D10.1

πŸ“Œ | Key | Townsend EOL
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

kiwad β†’ created an issue.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Tested on simplytest

Create vanilla site FR/NL (D10.1.1)
Activate Language/Content translation and configure basic content translation
Go to /fr/node/xxx
Go to /nl/node/xxx

I see tabs--primary on both

I guess more info would be needed to resolve this issue

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

That was fast :)

I've tested with normal test card and insufficent funds test card it removes

User warning : The following theme is missing from the file system: classy dans Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver->getPathname()


Deprecated function : dirname(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($path) of type string is deprecated dans Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver->getPath()

in /checkout/{id}/review and checkout/{id}/order_information

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

With 1.0.1, I had

  • Warning : foreach() argument must be of type array|object, bool given dans Drupal\ckeditor\Plugin\Editor\CKEditor->getLangcodes()
  • Warning : scandir(core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/lang): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory
  • Warning : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory dans Drupal\ckeditor\Plugin\Editor\CKEditor->getLangcodes()

Those 3 warnings are gone with 1.0.x-dev@dev

Tagging a new release would be cool

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

Not sure box/spout is still maintained, project is archived on github

Maybe fastexcelwriter ?

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

I had same as #4 on old install, i had thinkshout in composer.


composer remove thinkshout/mailchimp-api-php


composer require 'drupal/mailchimp:^2.2' -W

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada kiwad

In my specific case
A calendar show nodes where some have a reference and some don't, #149 worked great

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