Symfony/mailer v6.4.3 + gmail SMTP issues

Created on 5 February 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 8 August 2024, 6 months ago

This appears to be an issue with symfony/mailer and not this module per se, but I wanted to post this here in case it can help anyone else.

I updated Drupal Commerce from 2.3.6 to 2.3.7, and in the background, that triggered an update of symfony/mailer from v6.4.0 to v6.4.3.

Once I pushed out that update, I could no longer send any email via SMTP to Google/Gmail. I tried for hours to find the issue, changing my app password and verifying all my settings, DKIM, etc.

I was able to verify via a separate environment that I could still authenticate and send emails with exactly the same credentials as long as symfony/mailer hadn't been updated to v6.4.3

Here's an example of the error message I would receive anytime an email send was attempted:

Error sending email: Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "" using the following authenticators: "LOGIN", "PLAIN", "XOAUTH2". Authenticator "LOGIN" returned "Expected response code "235" but got code "535", with message "535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. For more information, go to 535 5.7.8 g17-20020a05620a40d100b007831f8c5aeasm119457qko.55 - gsmtp".". Authenticator "PLAIN" returned "Expected response code "235" but got code "535", with message "535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. For more information, go to 535 5.7.8 g17-20020a05620a40d100b007831f8c5aeasm119457qko.55 - gsmtp".". Authenticator "XOAUTH2" returned "Expected response code "235" but got code "334", with message "334 eyJzdGF0dXMiOiI0MDAiLCJzY2hlbWVzIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwic2NvcGUiOiJodHRwczovL21haWwuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8ifQ==".".

So in the end, when I rolled back symfony/mailer to v6.4.0 I was able to authenticate via SMTP and send emails again.

composer require 'symfony/mailer:6.4.0'

Again, just wanted to share my findings in case anyone else is having the same issue.

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bradhawkins

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