🇬🇧United Kingdom @griz

Account created on 3 February 2011, about 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Thank you for raising this issue. It would probably have taken me a long time to realise this was caused by twig development mode otherwise.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

What is meant by 'implement the theme suggestion'?

Does that mean to create a file with the name given in the suggestion? Or does it mean to add a template suggestion to the .theme file?  In the HTML comment I see "THEME HOOK: No templates found."

There are two suggested file names but neither are picked up.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

I haven't tested this but it appears to do what's described above: https://www.drupal.org/project/amazon_image_id_scan

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

I'm using 3.0.x-dev. I have a facet for a state_machine field, which produces the behaviour described above. Using the datasource version of the filter doesn't provide me with any options, so I have to set it up as a 'grouped' filter with two options. The options are 'active' and 'complete'.
The filter works correctly, in that it shows only items who's workflow state is active or complete. However I get the error message:
The submitted value in the State element is not allowed.
Note the value is missing from the error message. I've disabled Chosen and BEF, and have set the field to not allow multiple selections.

I've just tried one more thing - changing the widget from radios to a select element. Now there's no error message.
Setting the filter back to optional works fine too. It seems it's just the radio element that doesn't work in this case.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Thank you. The most recent progress on that issue seems to be here now: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3032353 Exposed forms in a block are not currently updated when Ajax filtering is executed Needs work

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

I'm also using OpenSearch and have experienced the same behaviour. This patch works for me.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Several questions.

  • Why is there a UI element that allows anyone to show / hide branches in a way that affects everyone viewing the issue? Sorry, WTH did I just do!?
  • Isn't an issue fork overkill for this:
    -  protected $offset;
    +  public int $offset;
  • After 18 months isn't this RTBC and ready to go?
🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

griz changed the visibility of the branch 3358983-fix-access-level to active.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

griz changed the visibility of the branch 3358983-fix-access-level to hidden.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

From the limited tinkering I've done, it looks like the thing that defines which carousel item is shown is the 'active' class, ie:

class="carousel-item item slide-1 active"

So when clicking on the thumbnail, we need to get the "data-bs-slide-to" attribute value for the thumbnail, and apply the 'active' class to the carousel item with the same number.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

@jsacksick Generating the variation title seems like the best solution to me.

It occurs to me that there will almost certainly be sites out there that reference the product variation title in order screens, invoice templates etc. The result is that when a product title changes, they will show that the customer ordered something they did not (or at least, the title was different when they placed the order). I suppose that any rendering of an order or a list of orders should use the order_item label instead, but that doesn't help the site builders who've done it that way and would need to update their templates and views.

This is the case regardless of whether the variation titles are batch-generated after a product title update, or generated on the fly.
For that reason I think this should be a contrib module that could make its way into commerce core in the next major version?

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

So that's it? Product variations keep the title they got when the product was first created unless:

  • The site builder installs this patch
  • The site builder installs commerce_bulk and the site admin remembers to use this to re-save the product variations after modifying a product. Give that a 50% chance at best.
  • The site builder creates a VBO view that the site admin remembers to use to re-save the variations

If this isn't going to make it into commerce, it should be a module. Adding a second submit button for "Save and update variations" would be my preferred method.
I would like to do this myself but I've already spent too long on the project that most needs this so it won't be any time soon :(

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Some information on how to start from scratch would be helpful. I'm approaching this having not written a module that needs to send email before, and I can see that it takes less code to use this module than it does to replicate the classes in Commerce for example. I'm looking at the EmailBuilder classes in the module's src directory, but it could definitely be easier with some documentation that isn't focussed on converting a pre-existing mail function.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

I found that if you copy the password to the clipboard, it contains spaces between each block of four characters. Removing the spaces worked for me.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Typically you would write an event subscriber in a custom module. In that event subscriber:

Generate a message

$message = Message::create(['template' => "$template_id", 'uid' => $ad->getOwnerId()]);

save it


then send it.

$notifier->send($message, $options);
🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Ah, yes - you're right. The problem I'm having is with the exposed filter, not the contextual filter. I'll create a new issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

This appears to be broken again in the current release. Making this change to the code still fixes the issue, but it needs to be committed to the current version again.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

There should really be an explanation of this on the module's project page. On first reading it seems like this must be a legacy module from before Workflows and Content Moderation were part of core.
Even once it becomes apparent this isn't the case, it's not clear what the differences are.

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

Works for me. RTBC?

🇬🇧United Kingdom griz

griz created an issue.

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