London, Ontario
Account created on 26 January 2014, over 10 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I merged in the latest 8.x-3.x branch. Rerolled patch for 8.x-3.0-beta4 attached as well.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I opened a new MR with a patch for the 2.x version. Patch is attached as well.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario


We encountered further issues with this where sometimes access checks would check the default revision and the default revision wouldn't be referenced in any translation. I'm not sure how/why this happens, but it's possible you've run into the same issue. I worked around it by further expanding the check in a custom module to include the revision ID of the default revision when evaluating access. I didn't add it to the patch because I don't think we addressed the root cause and I'm not sure it's secure in all situations. It technically means someone might be granted edit access to a block revision that they otherwise wouldn't be able to edit.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've noticed an issue related to the one described in Add support for Ckeditor 5 Needs review where videos will render raw JSON. This is also related to the regex, but in this case seems to happen when there is an earlier { character before the preview_thumbnail property. In my case this was due to data-entity-embed-display-settings="{ in a <drupal-entity> tag but it probably could happen in other situations as well. Could be the cause of the issues a couple other users reported.

To fix this I pushed up a small change to the regex to make the opening

tag required. From what I can tell in the code for both the CKE4 and CKE5 plugins videos should always be wrapped in a paragraph so I believe this should be safe, but it would be nice to have some additional review/confirmation.

Updated patch is attached.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

This patch worked for me, so moving to RTBC.

I needed to clear the storage for my site using the "Clear site data" button under the "Application" tab in Chrome (may differ depending on your browser) to get this to start working.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The latest version of the group patch this module depends on ( Entities identified by strings as group content Closed: won't fix ) uses a dedicated property, entity_id_str, for the ID instead. That results in an issue with this patch never picking up any menus.

I've pushed a change to this MR to accomodate that. It should still work for the old field as well. Patch file is attached.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Looking at the code it does appear to be intended that the autoplay setting from the WYSIWYG settings should be applied in the modal. It's trying to load default settings from there but they always turn out blank because it has the wrong plugin key ("video_embed", probably corresponding to the CKE4 plugin, instead of "video_embed_wysiwyg_video_embed"):

        $plugin_settings = NestedArray::getValue($editor_settings, [
          // This should be video_embed_wysiwyg_video_embed for CKE5.
      $settings = $plugin_settings ? $plugin_settings : [];

I've updated VideoEmbedDialog.php to check for both in the MR and attached the corresponding patch.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've merged in mkimmet's fix and it seems to be working for me. It discovers anchor links with the name attribute set and converts them to id anchor links, but never saves links with the deprecated attribute. Please let me know if that's not suitable for your use case/if it's not working for you. It's on the 3.0.x branch currently, but hasn't generated the composer release yet.

This does not seem to require the patch from @DamienMcKenna, I think because it's not actually saving the attribute.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Seems sensible. Merged into the 3.0.x branch, thanks. I'll test it and tag it a bit later.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Try running composer require 'drupal/anchor_link:^3.0@alpha' again? I've noticed that it does not always seem to pull in the library on the first go. I think it's because the composer.libraries.json doesn't exist until after the module is updated. If you don't have the library under [YOUR WEB ROOT]/libraries/ckeditor5-anchor-drupal the module will not work.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

It appears I didn't actually have the module enabled on the site where I noticed this. So unable to reproduce the issue so far. If you could provide steps to reproduce with a clean Drupal site I may be able to help.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I tried installing on a clean D10 site and I can see the anchor link button when populating the toolbar in the text format.

However, earlier today I did see a similar issue on another site. I haven't been able to pin down the cause though and may not for a few days (it's on my work computer). I did have some JS errors in the console unrelated to anchor_link which may have been the cause, though other toolbar icons worked fine.

I don't think the issue is related to the external library after all. It shouldn't even be loaded on the admin page.

As for why you had to run composer twice I suspect the issue was that before anchor_link was updated the composer.libraries.json file didn't exist or didn't have information about fetching the library, so the composer merge plugin didn't import those dependencies at first. I encountered the same issue when installing from the instructions on the module home page. I'll update them.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I'm going to try to run through the steps as documented with a clean Drupal site when I get the chance (probably won't be until this evening). I wrote them from memory/samples in my project and may have missed something. If you're in a hurry you can probably just grab the library directly from and decompress it in the relevant folder, it just won't auto-update until you set it up the composer way.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@mkimmet Can you verify whether the JS library exists in your libraries directory (e.g. docroot/libraries/ckeditor5-anchor-drupal)?

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've merged in a few fixes that were awaiting review including that one and tagged an alpha release. Thanks all for your testing and improvements.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Thanks for the PR mstrelan and vipul-tulse for reviewing. The latest dev version requires a tag with this PR merged in.

As for bringing this into Drupal I'm not sure bringing it into the module is the way to go. Despite the name of the repo, I don't think it's actually Drupal specific. It works inside the non-Drupal CKE5 sample environment at least.

When I first started work on this I was attempting to adapt the existing plugin to work the way I'd seen other Drupal CKE5 plugins work. I did not realize what I was actually doing was adapting it to be a DLL plugin, which is a recognized method of building a CKE5 plugin that works even outside of Drupal. So I called it ckeditor5-anchor-drupal.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I merged this in a while ago but didn't mark the issue done. Thanks for the PR ok-steve, the latest dev version requires a new tag with your PR merged in.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Thanks for the PR Brian-C. That appears to be working and I've merged it into the dev branch.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

A GitHub PR was opened for this at However, I'm not sure it's working. See the PR for details.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I'm working on another D10 upgrade today for a site that uses this module so I plan to take a look at this today. I agree that this is ready for an alpha version, we already have it in use on some sites, but there's a PR for 🐛 Empty anchor links are not editable Active which I'd like to test and probably merge in first.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

That last patch does not work (at least against the 2.0.0 version) better one attached.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Changes are in the MR.

I'm also attaching a patch which includes both this change and the change from 🐛 Error when list elements are on the page RTBC .

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Ran into the same issue. The patch above was in the right place but doesn't quite work, here's an updated one.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@matthiasm Are you using the latest version of the module and library? A PR from ok-steve that fixed this issue was merged in at the start of this month.

Some users have reported the node package not being updated on composer update in some situations. Please double check you have the 0.3.0 version of the JS package (or newer, I'll likely tag another version soon).

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@vakulrai Are you certain this functionality came from anchor link? The last site I was working on that had it enabled does not have this on the production site still using CKE4. It also doesn't really look relevant for anchor links - they don't have URLs.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Same issue here, also on a multilingual site. I've opened a branch with the fix. It doesn't seem to want to let me open an MR right this second, but I'm attaching a patch with the fix.

This fix basically just switches the generated URL to be relative. I'm not sure what the reason for the original change was so not sure this is an acceptable solution or if an absolute URL is actually needed. But it does solve the issue.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Also, attaching a new patch file from the latest MR.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I pushed up a few more fixes for issues we ran into:

  • When adding a new tab set it adds paragraphs by default. Without it it's quite tricky to select and edit text inside the tab after first adding tabs. Also, with just raw text CKE5 overwrites this with a paragraph when saving anyway (or at least something about Drupal's full html format does), so this keeps things more consistent.
  • I fixed an issue where changing the number of tabs would sometimes add too many new tabs.
  • I fixed an issue where the heading plugin (and maybe others, though that was the only one I could find with the issue) was not usable inside tabs. I don't fully understand why, but splitting the tab content and tab pane into multiple elements seems to have fixed it.

@RobLoach I also added a rudimentary composer.json. Please feel free to push to the MR if you need to,

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Apparently I forgot to push so that was just the same patch as before. Here's the rebuilt patch for real.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Forgot to actually build the plugin after the last change, new patch.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Few more fixes. Notably there was an error when trying to edit source with my last few changes and there was a conflict with the core list plugin.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

See issues for editing anchor links: 🐛 Empty anchor links are not editable Active

and the bug where mailto links can be converted to anchor links: 🐛 Empty anchor links are not editable Active

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

This library seems to be working for several people now. I've brought in the fixes from ok-steve and randy Tang. I'm going to merge this into the 3.0.x branch, double check that the install from 3.0.x is working, then close this issue and open a new issue for the problem with empty anchors not being editable. Thanks all for your testing and patches.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

MR seems to be in a fully functional state now, attaching a patch.

There's probably room for some code cleanup, I'm not sure some of the separate upcast/downcast methods are still necessary, though they work fine.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've expanded this patch to handle upcasting/downcasting bootstrap tabs. You can now load an existing page with tabs on it, edit the tabs, and save it and have everything work (at least from some cursory testing).

There's still a bit of work to do (e.g. the button isn't working correctly to add/expand tables at the moment and you can't change the active tab) but I hope to have that done within the next couple days.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

This might be a noob question. When I create a feed type using the LDAP Query fetcher and select my query. None of the LDAP attributes are listed as a source when I'm trying to map to my node fields. Only Feed entity items appear in the source list eg. Feed: Authored by

The fetcher doesn't automatically discover LDAP attributes, you need to manually enter the LDAP attribute name. In the same dropdown with "Feed: Authored by" there should be an option for a custom source. I don't recall off the top of my head exactly what it's called but I believe it's separated from the others toward the bottom of the dropdown.

As for why your feed is locking up it's hard to say without more details. I might be able to take a look if you can attach some configuration (the LDAP server, query, and feeds configuration or just an entire test database) that replicates the issue. You can use a public test LDAP server like the one from

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@everhee Nevermind, I see the issue and have pushed up a fix to the MR. New patch attached as well.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@everhee That should be working already. The new CKE5 plugin does store them in a different format, but it's supposed to load the child content of old tags into the value attribute of new ones. Is that not working for you and if so could you provide some sample markup with the issue?

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The old footnotes widget supported entering the footnote text in a text area, but it was a single line input in the new one. This made editing long footnotes much harder. I've pushed up another change to switch the footnote text input back to a text area and enlarge it. Patch is attached.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

@loopy1492 Please feel free to bring that into my branch. I was originally thinking we could keep it to retain CKE4 support but it probably does make more sense to just have a 3.0.x branch that supports only CKE5 and doesn't bring in the CKE4 dependencies.

As for the other issue with empty anchor links not being editable on click I fixed something similar for Footnotes, leaving it here in case someone else wants to apply a similar fix or for if/when I get around to it:

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The old version also allowed editing footnotes by clicking them, I've added that to the new version as well. Updated patch attached and it's in the MR.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've pushed up an MR and attached a patch with a simple fix which uses the raw textContent for script and style tags. There's probably room for improvement (e.g. there might be other tags affected, or maybe a less naive check than just checking the parent tag name should be used and possibly there should be a test), but this fixes the issue for me.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I have also encountered this issue. It is not a CKEditor 5 base issue, or at least does not always happen with base CKEditor 5. A minimal CKEditor 5 configuration with source editing does not have the issue, but a minimal Drupal CKEditor 5 configuration does. I'm attaching minimal editor/format configs with the issue and an equivalent minimal vanilla CKEditor 5 setup.

To reproduce the issue in Drupal:

  1. Import the attached editor.editor.source_editing.yml and filter.format.source_editing.yml config files to a Drupal site with CKE5 enabled
  2. Visit a page with WYSIWYG editing and switch to the filter
  3. Toggle the source editing mode
  4. Enter content like: <style>span > a { }</style>
  5. Toggle the source editing mode off and then on again
  6. You will see that the editor has converted the > to &gt;

To see the issue does not happen in vanilla CKEditor 5:

  1. Extract the attached cke5_minimal_source_editing.tar.gz archive
  2. Visit the index.html page contained within
  3. Toggle the source editing mode
  4. Enter content like: <style>span > a { }</style>
  5. Toggle the source editing mode off and then on again
  6. You will see that the editor retains the > instead of converting it to &gt;
🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The CKE4 version of this plugin used to display footnotes as [fn] rather than showing them inline. I've updated the CKE5 plugin to behave in a similar way and pushed it to the MR. I've attached a patch as well.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

This issue does occur in D10. You can see it if you install a fresh D10 site with the standard profile and try to add this filter to the "Full HTML" format you run into the error.

While there are similarities with the linked issue (similar steps to reproduce, the error occurs in the same function) I don't think it's quite the same problem. This is a validation error when saving the format, not a fatal error. It occurs in D10 even though the fix is already applied in D10. And while I'm not 100% sure I don't think it requires other filters of the same type to be enabled.

I'm also not sure it's actually unintended behaviour in core. I'm not too familiar with the internals of core's CKEditor handling but it does kind of make sense to me that a plugin that declares it restricts HTML but then provides no information about what tags it restricts would encounter validation errors.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

No plans to work on this in the immediate future so unassigning myself for now.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've pushed some preliminary code to an MR for this. It still needs some work. Right now this just splits the configuration related to the IdP metadata into a config entity. However, as roderick noted above there are some other attributes that almost certainly should be configurable. E.g. the unique ID, username and e-mail attributes. There are some other attributes arguably could be (e.g. maybe you want to require signed assertions for one IdP but not another?). And the submodules should be integrated with it as well.

This MR will also need an update hook to move the existing IdP config to the config entities.

Also, right now this MR doesn't expose any mechanism to actually select which IdP you're using through the UI besides setting a default one nor does it provide, e.g., separate login links for separate IdPs. So it's kind of useless unless you're planning to supplement it with overrides outside the module (which I am). So for some possible enhancements:

  • The module could provide login links per-IdP
  • The module could provide some mechanism for configuring when to use which IdP, e.g. selecting based on domain.

I'd appreciate anyone laying out their use case, so I can be sure I'm not misunderstanding it / it gets documented properly.

(Per #3211419-3: Consider merging with the saml_sp module / differences between modules, the saml_sp maintainer lays out his reasons, which is the only actual use case I've seen written down. My interpretation of this is: he's not _actually_ using multiple IdPs at once -- but having multiple configurations saved as config entities makes it a lot easier to switch / there are situations where some form of config override would be too hard.

I'm assuming most people are using some form of config override for making things work in dev/test/live environments.)

I can think of two other use cases besides per-environment configuration.

The one I'm dealing with right now is having different configuration for different site domains. I have a site with two different domains, one English and one French, so they have a different ACS URL etc. which means multiple SPs. The way the IdP owner's system works there's only one IdP per SP so that means multiple IdPs as well. I can kind of work around this with settings.php overrides/custom code, but it would be much more convenient if it was in the module.

Another case (and one that's harder to work around) would be allowing logins from multiple different IdPs. I haven't worked on any sites that have done this with SAML, but I have personally worked on sites that have done it with OpenID and seen sites that do it with SAML in the wild.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Dylan Donkersgoed made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Forgot to mention when I created the issue but I think the person who added these changes to the original patch was Austin Mitchell , please credit him as well if this is merged in.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've attached a couple MRs. One applies the part from the original patch that adds support for this, one is for the 2.x version of group and would need to be used in combination with 💬 Is group content moderation module compatible with Groups 2.0.0-beta3? Needs work .

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

If you're using wikimedia's composer merge plugin you shouldn't need to manually change the JSON (should probably add something about that to the README) but if you have that set in your composer.json that's correct.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've pushed an update to the npm package and to this branch that adds limited support for empty anchors. The package has been reworked to build as a DLL similar to what the codemirror module/package does. This has an important side-effect for sites that already installed the branch: the names of the module and of built JS file have changed slightly!. If you manually installed the library before rather than using composer merge you will need to manually update that when pulling the latest version of the branch! You can refer to the composer.libraries.json file for an example, or just use composer-merge to include it.

The empty anchor link functionality doesn't work quite the same (or quite as well) as it did in D7. Notably you can't select empty anchor links once they're placed, so if you want to edit them you have to backspace and re-add them. They also display differently - some text with the ID of the link is displayed rather than an icon. Non-empty anchor links work as they did before.

I don't currently plan on working to make this work more like the CKE4 version. However, it would be better if it was at least possible to select and edit those anchor links rather than backspacing and re-adding them. I would probably accept an MR that fixes that on the plugin on GitHub.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I probably will get to this eventually but I'm not currently working on any sites using group 3 so it may be a while.

That said the module is pretty simple and I don't think it touches any of the parts that actually differ between the 2.0.x and 3.0.x version. It likely will work if you install it. If you can test it locally and confirm I can update the composer.json to indicate group 3.x support as well.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

I've closed the 3.0.x MR. Instead I've created a dev module at . It works in a similar way but it alters the query provided by group and overrides the permission handler instead of patching the module.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Sure. I can't make any definite committment regarding ongoing maintenance but I know we use this module for many sites so we do have an interest in making sure it keeps working.

This also probably could be merged into the 2.0.x branch eventually - CKE5 and CKE4 support are not mutually exclusive.

As to the MR itself the basic functionality of this for editing anchor links seems to be working and we've deployed it to a site for an initial D10 upgrade. This upgrade is curently being tested and not yet live. The MR does not provide the link/unlink plugins the module does for CKE4, and may not have 100% feature parity with what the old link plugin does since it's using a brand new CKE5 plugin. I did not write either the CKE5 or CKE5 plugin (just the Drupal integration and some necessary tweaks for new APIs/Drupal compatibility for the CKE5 one) but at a glance I think the CKE4 plugin does some things the CKE5 plugin does not. I'm not sure how much of that is still necessary. I'll likely update this issue and possibly the MR as we do further testing/revisions.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The plugin linked in the issue description seems to at least partially work for me outside Drupal. I'm looking into integrating it with Drupal and probably fixing some issues with it now.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Are there any plans to tag a new release of the module with this fix?

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

The current MR/patch doesn't apply properly to me due to conflicts between the .info.yml changes and autogenerated changes from Drupal's packages. Here's a patch that can be applied via composer. The changes should not be brought into the MR.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

Updated composer patch.

🇨🇦Canada Dylan Donkersgoed London, Ontario

That still leaves a small conflict so here's another updated composer patch.

Production build 0.69.0 2024