🇩🇪Germany @ChristianAdamski

Berlin, Germany
Account created on 22 July 2010, almost 14 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

1.) Currently issues with some newly added Google Maps based tests. They work/not randomly.
2.) Without having looked at the code, I think there are several spots where ModuleHandler is used instead of the Interface.
3.) My wife lived 6 years in Shanghai until March. We will come to Shanghai next year anyway, so will pick you up on your offer :)
4.) If you need any support, reach out. Would love to work in connection with Shanghai, my wife misses it quite a bit :)

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Fair enough, started merging.

Also: I was in Shanghai several months last year/early this year and found no Drupal events happening at all. Would have loved to visit you guys :)

Which map provider are you using in you project?

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany


sorry, I'm afraid this module is only a hobby of mine. Sadly no outside support to give it more attention.

Anyway: I do notice that Google Maps can show the house numbers, if you zoom in far. I also notice, this does not seem to happen on your link. But any idea why? Or how to improve that behavior?

Whats the desired functionality to be added here? What code would need to change?

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Is this an issue with geolocation, or with the respective geocoder? Does not sound like geolocation is really responsible?

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

I don't get it...

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

This is way too specific, sorry. People could enter there anything. Sorry.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

I think this is a views question, not a geolocation question. If it works with views in general, it should also work with geolocation.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

This works now in principal in v4. Just the numer of tile providers has to increase a lot.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

This is now pretty well supported in v4

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Already done.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Sorry, took a while to get to this. Stylelint is already happy in the meantime.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Is this well enough tested to be merged? It is separately fixed in v4.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

v4 already PHPStan compatible

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

ChristianAdamski changed the visibility of the branch 3214200-client-location-input to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Note to self: this is principally unsolvable in the forseeable future. AJAX Views replaces the views content div, including the container with map.
The Geolocation JS intervenes there, and moves the map container over to the new content before replacement, thus preserving it. This destroys the fullscreen anchored DIV though, thus ending fullscreen. This is most likely a security measure of the browser.

Leaving it open in case a future development allows to do something else.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Seems to work fine now in v4. Closing as outdated, hopefully correctly

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

There is a " No location has been selected yet for required field Geolocation Demo Single. " message at the top. Might have been added after this ticket was created.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Just tested with 6 markers at the same location, works fine.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Waiting on upstream issues.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

ChristianAdamski changed the visibility of the branch 3333036-search-api to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

I f*$§%§$%ng hate this new bizarro merge fork weirdo workflow. Creating a new issue instead.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

ChristianAdamski changed the visibility of the branch 3333036-integration-with-views to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Leaflet Marker Clusterer is now automatically tested.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Very simple typo. Disabled all featured completly.

More interesting questions: why didn't I notice?

Need more tests..

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

As the maintainer I suggest:

- Site Structure
- Integrations
- Content Display

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Nobody has come up with an implementation, so I'm gonna close this.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

This just feels out of place for this module. I see in your example you can query by lat lng, but thats not really the same.

I think this would be better as a stand alone module, potentially integrating directly with address module.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

This got added at some point to 4.x

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Ok, you can now use images as geodata source in latest v4-dev.

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Features to check:
- clusterer
- spiderfier
- MarkerInfoWindow
- MarkerIcon
- MarkerLabel
- MarkerOpacity

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

Brilliant idea!

Minimally altered JS. Only thing left is adding conditional_viewport_threshold to config/schema/geolocation.data_types.schema.yml as float to geolocation_map_provder section.

Not at my PC right now, can't do it myself

🇩🇪Germany ChristianAdamski Berlin, Germany

ChristianAdamski made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.69.0 2024