Could you post the real issue? HTML5 validation or other.
Then please describe each step to reproduce the same issue.
Thank you.
Could post the steps to reproduce the issue? Thank you.
It is already done. Thank you.
I close the issue as Fixed.
Pushed into 2.0.x
. It will be added to the next release.
I close the issue as Done.
Could you post a link to the documentation page of the Project Browser requirements?
Thanks in advance.
Already done on 2.0.x
. We will publish a new official release on 2.0.x branch.
I also add composer.json
update. Thanks to everyone. I close the issue as Done.
It is already merged into develop
. I close the issues as Done.
I re-opened the issue.
Any suggestions?
Could you also paste your error message.
Thank you.
It seems OK.
vuil β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Thanks to everyone. It was very important. Thank you again.
I close the issue as Done.
The Drupal 9 version of the latest 2.0.x branch is full featured working. We are working on the next Drupal 10.x readiness issues currently. Thank you.
It's already done. Thank you.
The issue does not exist anymore. I close the issue as Done.
Add ultimate_cron module and enable CacheFlush Cron. Then you can schedule cache flush via cron job.
Please update the MR to the latest 2.0.x branch. Thank you.
I close the issue as Done. Thank you.
Good job! Well done.
There is another issue with the messenger:
TypeError: Drupal\cacheflush_ui\Plugin\Action\DeleteCacheflush::__construct(): Argument #4 ($temp_store_factory) must be of type Drupal\user\PrivateTempStoreFactory, Drupal\Core\TempStore\PrivateTempStoreFactory given, called in /var/www/web/modules/custom/cacheflush/modules/cacheflush_ui/src/Plugin/Action/DeleteCacheflush.php on line 67 in Drupal\cacheflush_ui\Plugin\Action\DeleteCacheflush->__construct() (line 51 of modules/custom/cacheflush/modules/cacheflush_ui/src/Plugin/Action/DeleteCacheflush.php).
The patch can not be applied, reroll is needed.
I close the issue as Done because it does not exist any more.
I also add a related to the Cache Flush Cron sub-module issue: π Replace deprecated system_rebuild_module_data() with \Drupal::service('extension.list.module') Needs work
Good job! Well done. I set the issue to RTBC.
The patch needs reroll because can not be applied correctly on the new 2.0.x branch.
Thank you.
It is needed more work. Another exception /error/ persists. I'll resolve it too. Thank you.
I close the issue as Done.
I close the issue as Done.
@Rumen please open an additional issue about the missing composer.json and post it there. Thank you.
I'm ready to become a (co)maintainer. Thank you.
Done. Thank you.