- 🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
I've changed the status to "Needs work" because this must be in the core. There is this contrib module https://www.drupal.org/project/date_popup → that could help.
I tested the patch #270 ✨ [PP-2] Use form element of type date instead textfield when selecting a date in an exposed filter Needs work and I get that in my view (it has two date fields in exposed filters)
So it works, but I don't need the time field in my case. So probably some other work on it is needed.
- 🇪🇬Egypt shadysamir
I applied #270 to an exposed filter on a timestamp field. I get this warning once I apply the filter:
Warning: Undefined array key "value" in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\NumericFilter->acceptExposedInput() (line 426 of /home/shadysamir/work/almanassa/almanassa/web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/NumericFilter.php).
followed by
Warning: Undefined array key "value" in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\Date->acceptExposedInput() (line 161 of /home/shadysamir/work/almanassa/almanassa/web/core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Date.php).
both are trying to read
when the array is:date: "2023-05-01" time: "00:00:00" type: "date"
The filter is not applied (not added to the SQL statement)
Drupal 9.5.3
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Just a short heads-up, why this core issue is now even more important:
When trying to use date_popup or date_filter as workaround, but you're also using smart_date, it won't work! They're in conflict.See ✨ Integrate with date_popup Fixed . So if anyone is using these contrib modules as workaround, take care.
With this core issue fixed, that will be solved.
- 🇨🇦Canada joseph.olstad
Once this issue is fixed it will unblock also:
#3210945-28: Remove dependency on jquery_ui_datepicker → - 🇳🇱Netherlands basvredeling Amsterdam
Patch #270 no longer applies to 10.1.x
- last update
about 1 year ago 30,481 pass, 3 fail - Merge request !7246Issue #2648950: Use form element of type date instead textfield when selecting a date in an exposed filter → (Open) created by berdir
- Status changed to Postponed
8 months ago 8:53am 30 March 2024 - 🇨🇭Switzerland berdir Switzerland
Created a new merge requested from #270 and resolved conflict with 10.3. This is still postponed.
- 🇧🇪Belgium jelle_s Antwerp, Belgium
Here's the patch from that MR for those that wish to use it in their composer.json file
- 🇺🇸United States MegaKeegMan
For anyone wondering, patch #283 and #284 are the same, #284 is just cleaned up with documented return types etc...
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom scott_euser
Once we have 🐛 Views handler loading should respect configuration Needs review and ✨ Configurable views filters to allow for different widgets Active in so Views filtering allows selection of which widget to use stopping us having the problems described in #215 and #225 by allowing this to be a new filter (and potentially in a follow-up deprecating the old filter)?