🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
Account created on 30 July 2013, over 11 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Hi Kerrymick, thank you for discovering this issue. Could you try this patch?

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

In this case you may add the `Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\DependencySerializationTrait` to serialize the injected object, and you will have it in the submitForm() method.

class YourForm extends FormBase {

  use DependencySerializationTrait;

   // The rest of your code.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

robertoperuzzo changed the visibility of the branch 3436938-add-back-support to hidden.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@noemi I did some changes to the README.md, could you patch your merge request with this patch ? (because I tried to push it but I don't know why I don't have the permissions).

Thank you.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@lussoluca I'm not able to fix the phpstan error

$ php vendor/bin/phpstan analyze $_WEB_ROOT/modules/custom/$CI_PROJECT_NAME $PHPSTAN_CONFIGURATION --no-progress || EXIT_CODE=$?
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   src/Attribute/EmbeddingModel.php                                     
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  32     Drupal\search_api_typesense\Attribute\EmbeddingModel::__construct()  
         does not call parent constructor from                                
 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 [ERROR] Found 1 error  

Any advice?

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Hi @francesco81rs, sorry for the delay. Could you test the attached patch ? Thank you.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I applied the patch MR 5633 in a Drupal Commerce project (D10.0.11) and I have some problems running our custom Kernel tests. In particular, when we create a commerce_order sample containing a couple of order_items the test fails with the message "Test was run in the child process and ended unexpectedly".

Debugging with xDebug I get the message "Error: Xdebug has detected a possible infinite loop, and aborted your script with a stack depth of '256' frames".

I think it is related to the double reference between order and order_item:
1. in the order we have the entity reference to the order_items

$fields['order_items'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
      ->setLabel(t('Order items'))
      ->setDescription(t('The order items.'))
      ->setSetting('target_type', 'commerce_order_item')
      ->setSetting('handler', 'default')
      ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
        'type' => 'inline_entity_form_complex',
        'weight' => 0,
        'settings' => [
          'override_labels' => TRUE,
          'label_singular' => t('order item'),
          'label_plural' => t('order items'),
          'removed_reference' => 'delete',
      ->setDisplayOptions('view', [
        'type' => 'commerce_order_item_table',
        'weight' => 0,
      ->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
      ->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE);

2. in the order_item we have the entity reference to the order

    // The order backreference, populated by Order::postSave().
    $fields['order_id'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
      ->setDescription(t('The parent order.'))
      ->setSetting('target_type', 'commerce_order')

Probably, the recursive walk in the patch

        array_walk_recursive($value, function (&$item) {
          if (is_bool($item)) {
            $item = (int) $item;
          if (is_numeric($item)) {
            $item = (string) $item;

drives crazy the order creation.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

This issue has been fixed with the current version 1.0.x-dev.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

It was my fault, I didn't save the processors' index (/admin/config/search/search-api/index/articles/processors) before running the indexing.
The "Server index status" is correct.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

The drush command drush sapi-ts does not exist anymore, but I can't test the index status because the indexing process is stuck at the initialization.

I'm using the demo_umami profile and these configs:


uuid: 399ff165-efed-4f19-8fa6-92996fcb4bc8
langcode: en
status: true
    - search_api.server.typesense_test
    - node
    - search_api_typesense
    - search_api
id: articles
name: Articles
description: ''
read_only: false
    label: Title
    datasource_id: 'entity:node'
    property_path: title
    type: typesense_string
        - node
      default: false
        - article
      default: true
      selected: {  }
  add_url: {  }
  aggregated_field: {  }
  custom_value: {  }
  entity_type: {  }
  language_with_fallback: {  }
  rendered_item: {  }
    all_fields: false
    indexing_order: fifo
  cron_limit: 50
  index_directly: true
  track_changes_in_references: true
server: typesense_test


uuid: b2c1e11d-a383-4c9d-acf8-87ac86d553a9
langcode: en
status: true
    - search_api_typesense
id: typesense_test
name: 'Typesense test'
description: ''
backend: search_api_typesense
  admin_api_key: ddev
      host: typesense
      port: '8108'
      protocol: http
  retry_interval_seconds: '2'
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I temporarily fixed in my project defining my custom plugin class

class AutocompleteFiltersString extends ViewsAutocompleteFiltersString {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function valueForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void {
    if (
      && isset($this->view->argument['store_id'])
    ) {
      $this->view->args = [(int) $this->view->argument['store_id']->getValue()];

    parent::valueForm($form, $form_state);

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

robertoperuzzo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

robertoperuzzo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Thank you so much @urvashi_vora and I like your iubenda-logo-retouch.png. I was wondering if you could replace the old 'i' with the new one in my comment #3. It would be awesome.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@fadeslayer as the Multidomain Google Analytics , I think it would be better to create a new module or a sub-module that manage the multi-domain behaviour. As a matter of fact the Domain is a contrib not a core module, so considering the test and the experience you have with the two modules Domain and Multidomain Google Analytics, you could propose a solution on which we can work together.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@fadeslayer if I have correctly understand there are 2 issue here:

  1. if I deny consent after allowing cookies, they are not deleted automatically, though
  2. Iubenda code is embedded in page but GA cookies are set before, as if Iubenda script "comes late"

I think they are two behaviours you should better explain in two separated issue using the "issue template" that propose the following paragraphs


Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Here is the new logo

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I found this SVG version that seems to be the latest version; so I propose to use this one.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

robertoperuzzo created an issue.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Found, it's my fault! I didn't see the "Enable Text completion" checkbox in the CKEditor 5 plugin settings.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

The "Method Not Allowed (Allow: POST)" works as designed, but I don't understand why the dropdown menu still remains hidden.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Looking into the repo the line 744 seems to be correct.

Probably it is something regarding my Drupal installation. I look deeper.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

The MR !5 patch works locally using the @luenemann advice, but it doesn't work in my CI/CD pipeline because we use the standard --prefer-dist flag in composer install command.

So, how can I fix this MR?

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@luenemann I run you composer reinstall command, but the MR !5 still doesn't apply.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Patch #11 also needs some work to be compatible with S3 File System . I'm getting this error

Drupal\entity_print\Asset\AssetRenderer::__construct(): Argument #4 ($file_system) must be of type Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem, Drupal\s3fs\S3fsFileService given, called in /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259
🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I moved this issue to version 4.x because 3.x is no more supported.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I moved this issue to version 4.x because 3.x is no more supported.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I moved this issue to version 4.x because 3.x is no more supported.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I did another patch to use input type="datetime-local", if could be useful for someone.


🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

@tongadall you are right!

Here is the fixing patch.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Patch #4 works in my Drupal 9.5.7 new installation.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

Thank you Rob-PS for your request. I will fix it in the next few days accordingly to my availability.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

I've changed the status to "Needs work" because this must be in the core. There is this contrib module https://www.drupal.org/project/date_popup that could help.

I tested the patch #270 [PP-2] Use form element of type date instead textfield when selecting a date in an exposed filter Needs work and I get that in my view (it has two date fields in exposed filters)

So it works, but I don't need the time field in my case. So probably some other work on it is needed.

🇮🇹Italy robertoperuzzo 🇮🇹 Tezze sul Brenta, VI

robertoperuzzo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.71.5 2024