[PP-1] #states attribute does not work on #type datetime

Created on 3 February 2015, about 10 years ago
Updated 10 June 2024, 8 months ago


#states do not work with 'datetime' form elements:

  • Toggling visibility of the form element fails since there's no wrapper container to target.
  • Trying to toggle disabled fails since we can't find the nested form elements to disable.
  • Trying to toggle "required" fails since we can't find the label to add the right class(es) to.
  • ...

Proposed resolution

Remaining tasks

  1. Land 🐛 Datetime and Datelist elements should render as fieldsets Needs work
  2. Complete. See comments #91-102
  3. Update code and tests once #3078334 is in
  4. Markup review of all the changes to the datetime-wrapper twig templates:
    • System module's default temple - Fixed, but needs final approval.
    • Classy - Decided to leave broken. See #122.
    • Stable - Decided to leave broken. See #122.
    • Bartik - Fixed in #136 - can we do this?
    • Seven - Fixed in #136 - can we do this?
    • Claro - Fixed in #136 Yes. From #admin-ui Slack meeting 2019-11-06: @lauriii "We can make changes to Claro 🎉"
  5. JavaScript review of the changes to core/misc/states.es6.js.
  6. Other reviews + manual testing (optional).
  7. Decide if we can backport to 8.7.x (if so, working patch in #139).
  8. RTBC
  9. Commit.
  10. Unblock child issues.

User interface changes

#states actually works on datetime form elements.

Changes to the datetime-wrapper.html.twig templates (default templates from system and both the classy and stable themes) to:

  • Actually include a wrapper div (!)
  • (Now the responsibility of #3078334.

API changes


Data model changes


Original Report

While trying to create a custom field widget containing a "datetime" form element, I discovered that the #states attribute does not work on it.

Some states can be achieved with a workaround: put the datetime element in a container, and put the #states on the container. But this is obviously no clean fix, and it doesn't work for all states. (Works for "visible" for example, but not for "required".)

I was not able to figure out why this is not working, but I noticed that there have been a lot of issues regarding the #states attribute in the issue tracker. Most of them for were for specific elements like submit buttons, select elements with multiple values, ...

🐛 Bug report



11.0 🔥


Last updated 1 day ago

Created by

🇧🇪Belgium bertramakers

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