Account created on 28 February 2019, almost 6 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@sabrina.liman , patches are no longer preferred, please use existing MR to contribute or create a different MR if you have an alternative solution than the existing one.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

bhanu951 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Rerolled patch from #10 against 11.x branch, added deprecation error message to constructor .

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I have fixed the phpcs and phpstan issues.

Tests still need to be added.

@heddn do you want me add full tests similar to the below MR or do you have any suggestions ?

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Re-Rolled patch from #149 against 11.x to bump the issue.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

> What's the command to import recovery code ?

drush mim tfa_migration_recovery_code

Is the command to migrate recovery codes.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@jibus, I have made few more changes, now the migration of recovery codes would work properly.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Hi @jibus, I have pushed the changes, can you test it and let me know if it works ?

As I don't have your Drupal 7 private key I am unable to test decryption.

If the code doesn't work please share me your Drupal 7 private key and values of the backup codes from the site over slack.
So, I can test the decryption.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Can you share actual schema data with all the fields data.

Are they grouped by uid or something?

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Hi @jibus can you share me sample data from Drupal 7 tfa_recovery_code table?

I don't have sample data or working Drupal 7 site to test the migration for recovery codes.

I wrote a draft version, need to test it.
You can share me 5-6 (or as many as you wish) sample data to process,

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@jibus : I made code changes to fix the warning.

Can you apply the patch - 3499387-MR12 and check if the issue is resolved.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I didn't get what you mean. Can you share screenshot?

Recovery codes are migrated and are present in users_data table.

If data is migrated properly you will get page to provide TFA code instead of message to setup TFA.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Coming to accepted codes I think we can not utlize migrated data as in Drupal 7 Accepted codes are stored using this logic

 $hash = hash('sha1', drupal_get_hash_salt() . $code);

As the Accepted code is stored in the form of SHA1 + salt hash . It is highly impossible to reverse the hash and get the original OTP . So It is not possible to verify against the codes used in D7 in D10. I am not sure how to proceed here.

Related Discussions 💬 Migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 Active

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I believe we should add empty variable $decoded_data check at this line.

Can you add that check and confirm if it fixes the notice.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Hi @jibus, Thanks for reporting the issue.

I observed that notice only for one of my records that are being migrated which doesn't have sms plugin value and for other records it migrated with out notice.

Are you seeing it for multiple records ?

Can you ping me on Drupal slack @bhanu951, we can discuss it over there.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

If I comment out code

       throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('No batch with ID %s exists.', $request_id));

on line 47 in web/core/includes/ . I am getting below error.

Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in _batch_page() (line 71 of core/includes/
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in _batch_page() (line 71 of core/includes/
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: Trying to access array offset on false in _batch_current_set() (line 407 of core/includes/
_batch_current_set() (Line: 86)
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in _batch_page() (line 87 of core/includes/
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: Undefined array key "current_set" in _batch_current_set() (line 407 of core/includes/
_batch_current_set() (Line: 152)
_batch_progress_page() (Line: 88)
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in _batch_progress_page() (line 159 of core/includes/
_batch_progress_page() (Line: 88)
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

Warning: Undefined array key "url" in _batch_progress_page() (line 199 of core/includes/
_batch_progress_page() (Line: 88)
_batch_page() (Line: 664)
install_run_task() (Line: 572)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 121)
install_drupal() (Line: 53)

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I too can reproduce this issue on clean vanilla Drupal version 11.1.1 .

The issue happens only installing site via UI but not reproducible via Drush.

After the error occurred if the refresh the url the site works properly after re-login.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

bhanu951 changed the visibility of the branch 3054641-local-tasks-should to hidden.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Made changes against head and fixed phpstan issues and tests.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

bhanu951 changed the visibility of the branch 2809177-introduce-entity-permission-11.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

bhanu951 changed the visibility of the branch 2607920-breadcrumb-render-cache-fail-test to hidden.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Closing it as works as designed.

@anybody please reopen the issue if thats not the case.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@benjifisher : I made those changes, please re-review it. Thanks.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Thanks @benjifisher for the review, addressed your feedback.

I think it is ready for re-review.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Tested the fix on new dev instance of @fjgarlin , issue seems fixed.

Thanks @fjgarlin for the quick fix.

Setting issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@jibus : Thanks for reporting the issue.

I have pushed the fix can you please retest it and set it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I tried to test the script on macOs and the script doesn't install the Drupal CMS as expected. Below are the steps I followed as per IS.

1. git clone drupal-cms
2. cd drupal-cms
3. cp -r project_template cms-test
4. cd cms-test
5. `vi` and comment out `COMPOSER_CREATE=${COMPOSER_CREATE:-drupal/cms --stability="RC"}` and uncommnet
`export COMPOSER_CREATE='drupal/cms --stability=dev --repository={"type":"vcs","url":""}'`
6. Run ./ from cms-test directory.

Then I got below error.

cms-test $./
it usually does not make sense to `ddev config` in a subdirectory of an existing project. Is it possible you wanted to `ddev config` in parent directory /Users/bhanu951/Projects/Contrib/drupal-cms?
🇮🇳India bhanu951

@nicxvan : Thanks for the review.

> My question is did we consider adding a helper ?

AFAIK, there wasn't any discussion in this regards.

> It seems like a lot to use the whole registry just to get the templates in the engine.


> I really think this piece should be moved to a themetemplatefinder.

Seems reasonable. Where do you suggest its location ?

How does core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/Themetemplatefinder.php sound ?

Ad do we need interface for this ?

🇮🇳India bhanu951


Phpcs failing without those nit changes hence keeping them.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

@smustgrave issue is rescoped check #40, patch rerolls are not correct. MR 3248 is relevant.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

bhanu951 changed the visibility of the branch 11.x to hidden.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Rebased against latest head and moved changes oops hook files

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Made changes to MR and address review comments.

Now sure how to handle adding new constructor argument.

Created new issue to add handle adding new constructor argument. 📌 Inject the file_system service in the theme registry service Active .

Should we handle adding new constructor argument in this issue or in other issue ?

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Seems issue summary is good. Update the code against latest head.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Changed Target Branch to 11.x and updated latest changes as patch for backup before target branch change.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Thanks @ longwave, @kreynen, @greggles for clarification will try to use 3.x and make the port.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

I am planning to work on this port , currently The JS library redirects to which is licensed under Business Source License 1.1 is it okay to use in this module or do we need to look for alternative library.

The BSL prohibits the licensed code from being used in production — without explicit approval from the licensor.

Does anyone has any suggestions ?

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Fixed Tests and updated depreciations.

Seems its ready for review.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Uploading MR changes as backup patch before changing target branch.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Uploaded MR Changes as patch before changing target.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Updated the MR to use message

"You have used a one-time login link. You can set your new password now."

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Re-rolled patch from #108 to 11.x branch.

It still needs update hook to update new config.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

Rebased the MR #909 against 11.x branch and pushed changes.

🇮🇳India bhanu951

If a site is using 2.0.0-alpha2 is it possible to switch to the 8.x-1.7 branch which is the recommended release?

I tried this earlier and this broke functionality to skip TFA for administrators.

Production build 0.71.5 2024