🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France
Account created on 24 June 2010, over 14 years ago

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🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

#7 works for me using Drupal 10.3.6, patch is attached.
It should work with Drupal 11 as the views.views.inc file is the same for these 2 releases.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #2 works for me using Drupal 10.3.6 and PHP 8.3
Same result for altcom_neil in the above comment, so moving this issue to RTBC.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

MR !9114 works for me using Drupal 10.3.6

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

phily created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I looking for this too.
I thought they would be on the admin/config/regional/config-translation page (Drupal 10.3.6).

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #14 works for me with:

  • Drupal 10.3.6
  • facets 3.0.0-beta1 + patch "3360426 - Updated php 8.2 compatibility"
  • views_infinite_scroll 2.0.3
  • AJAX enable on the view (block display)


🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Thanks @boinkster for sharing kentrichards.net blog post, 4 easy steps and it now works!

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

phily created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #5 works for me.
I didn't alter my composer.json file for other reasons so I manually downloaded to lootie player to the libraries/lottiefiles--lottie-player/dist folder.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Similar module with such functionnality : https://www.drupal.org/project/back_to_top_with_pi

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

phily created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France
🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Renamed patch file for naming consistency.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch at #2 has 2 actions: fixing the missing schema.yml file and modifing the NbspFilter.php file.
The weird extra folders might come from that second part of the patch where deleted commented lines are replaced by non commented lines.
Anyway, it might better to split these fixes in two issues and keep the missing schema fix in this one.
So, here is an updated patch fixing the missing file only, credits go to Jejddx.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Using Drupal 10.3.1, I confirm @hudri at comment 28 🐛 CKEditor 5 balloons invisible when CKEditor 5 is used inside a modal Needs work :

#27 does not work, the property --ck-z-modal is no longer used in v10.3.0. The relevant property was renamed to --ck-z-panel

So patch#27 updated to use --ck-z-panel (instead of --ck-z-modal or using both for retrocompatibility) will be OK.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #92 works for me with Drupal 10.3

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

@grimal: see #35 at issues 3419024 🐛 Incorrect content-length header breaks HTTP/2 with net::err_http2_protocol_error Active where the suggested addition to .htaccess file might help you.
Header always unset Content-Length

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #8 works for me using Drupal 10.2.6 with Bootstrap 5 classes (button colors and sizes).

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

An update hook will be needed for existing tac_lite setups as all users accesses need to be set again.
Syncing "tab" and "field" could be the best of both worlds… something that has been imagined in issue https://dgo.to/2057915

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I do think this is a major feature for tons of reasons:

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #5 works for using Drupal 10.2.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #2 works for using using Drupal 10.2.5
Maybe another reviewer could give it a test to help switching this issue to RTBC status.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Allowing to bypass all tac-lite schemes may be a bit too wide.

Without a 'bypass tac_lite permission for XXX scheme', related issue Add the ability to include all taxonomy terms without having to select them may give a finer control.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #2 works for using using Drupal 10.2.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #9 works for using using Drupal 10.2.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #5 works for using using Drupal 10.2.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #2 works for using using Drupal 10.2.5
Same issue as in #7 about MR !7

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I gave a try to the tac_lite module which also determines node access with the "matching taxonomy terms" setup: facets counters are then good and related to how many nodes the user has access to.

So, maybe to the way access_policy declares access to node is different from how Drupal 10 handles it (which seems to be used by facets)...

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France
🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Sorry to reopen the issue, but I'm facing the exact same behavior and same fix with a brand new subtheme generated using today's downloaded dev release of Radix (composer require 'drupal/radix:6.0.x-dev@dev'), either setting the subtheme or radix as the default theme: webform field wrapper class is gone...

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

As a first hint, I'd say that main.script.js used in the subtheme is querying for data-toggleattribute while Bootstrap 5 uses data-bs-toggle.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Yes, the fix from the latest dev release fixes it ;-), thanks.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Of course, after copying the component to the child theme, all references to {% include 'radix:block' %} in the 'templates' folder should be updated to {% include 'SUBTHEME:block' %}

That's why to radix component should be fixed.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #75 works for me using Drupal 10.1.7 + CKEditor 5 on a full display mode.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Code from weseze at #7 updated by fonant at #9 works for me using Drupal 9.5.11 and Search API with a DB backend.
This is a lifesaver for the project I need random sorting on a search page.

I was wondering if it could be upgraded to get the actual reset_seed_custom value from the view itself rather than hard coding it in the custom code.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #90 works for me using Drupal 10.1.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I forgot to say I'm using Drupal 10.1.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Works for me using Drupal 10.1.5

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #122 Also use text editor (CKEditor) for "summary" of a text field Needs work works for me using Drupal 10.1.4 (don't forget to force reload your browser page to allow new js to refresh).

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #3 works for me using Drupal 10.1.3

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

https://www.drupal.org/project/structure_sync/issues/3073810#comment-13215771 works me using Drupal 10.1.3, structure_sync 2.0.5 and menu_link_attributes 1.3.0

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Couldn't find a way to avoid [0] to be replaced as a token at one step or another so I ended encoding the url so /search?f[0]=tags:[term:id] is written in ECA as /search?f%5B0%5D=tags%3A[term:id] and it worked.
Thanks @jurgenhaas anyway for your kind support for an non-related ECA issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Thanks, I've tried but the search and replace result shoud be stored in a temporary custom token to be used as url for the redirect action.
In that last action, I shoud use 'replace tokens' to be able to use my custom token and then [0] (token in token) is still removed from the string...

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I face same kind of error using Drupal 10.1.2 with stock node full display mode (no Layout Builder), either with Olivero or a Radix child theme.
Disabling or removing the comment field from my content type display mode removes the error.

A temporary fix was to duplicate the field.html.twig template to field--node--uid.html.twig in my custom theme (or to write your own twig as long as the file exists).

Then another similar error yells about missing field--node--created.html.twig file.
Again, duplicating the field.html.twig template to field--node--created.html.twig fixes it.

I've also tried uninstalling manage_display module by curiosity: it removed the 'Written by' (uid) and 'Written on' (created) fields from content type form displays and view modes!!!

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Works for using Drupal 10.1.2

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #22/#24 works for me using Scenario 1, views_data_export 8.x-1.3 (with xls_serialization addon) and Drupal 9.5.9

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Here is a patch for suggested fix by marieAscomedia in #15
It works on Drupal 10 as well (still not fixed).
I don't know which of both patches is the cleanest way to fixed the issue: #2 or #24

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France
🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

@mansspams: issue #3130512 doesn't fix hotlinking Lotties
Browser still reports 404 for json while it's 302 with proper rewriting to production server for png/jpg/webp....

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

By experiencing the same issue with external_link_popup module which has been fixed the same as per comment #8 by joelpittet, attached patch adds the missing #[ReturnTypeWillChange] statement.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

The process I'm trying to set up should react on both "Insert content entity" and "Update content entity" events.
Basically, it's an email notification which recipent depends on the updated state.

For "update", the core patch you provided at https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3346430 🐛 Wrong revision can be loaded into original in \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase::doPreSave Needs work works using Drupal 9.5.5, ECA 1.1.2 & PHP 8.1.6

For "insert", both before and after moderation states have the same value (the new one) but that may be designed by core as there is no previous state.
Anyway, I just need to add a test in the loop for new entities.

So, I can now check previous moderation state against new one on node update event, thanks a lot.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Hotlinking fails when using Lottie animations which are saved as .json files (website using 'Media entity Lottie' contrib module to handle looties).

<lottie-player autoplay="autoplay" loop="" background_transparent="1" src="/sites/default/files/2023-01/lottie-01.json" background="transparent"></lottie-player>)

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Patch #2 🐛 SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'drupal7.temp_fix_better_formats' doesn't exist Fixed also works for me updating better_formats from 7.x-1.0-beta2 to 7.x-1.0-beta5 using Drupal 7.95 (locked to 1.x because of PHP requirements).

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

@jurgenhaas: security first! so I feel it better adding a 'switch user' task as a reminder (btw, it'll be nice to give it a color or a tiny icon in a corner as a warning ;-)
And it might be more versatile when exporting/importing tasks: they do not depend on the ECA's settings user then.

As a side note, is there any issue regarding both methods of handling view's results:
comment #2: trigger a custom event
comment #5: loop through the view's results

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Another way is to loop through the view's results.
See https://ecaguide.org/library/use%20case/eca_feature_demo/ at "Load all admin users" task of the "User register" event.
And yes, lots of tasks require to "Switch user" before them.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Back with extended tests.

This is my first time playing with queue processes so I may be missing a step.
I'm reporting here the observed behavior hoping this can help.
Maybe the "Task is not yet due for processing" error is not that innocent.

When tasks are queued using « Enqueue a task with a delay », they are added to the queue with an expire timestamp set to 0 (checked using the queue_ui contrib module).

First run of drush queue:run eca_task command outputs error « Task is not yet due for processing » in Terminal and in Drupal watchdog log for each pending tasks but their expire timestamps have now been updated in the queue_ui interface.

Second and later runs of drush queue:run eca_task command seem to do nothing more: tasks are not processed even after delay expiration.

Only a Drupal regular cron processes the queued tasks.

This does not occurs when using the « Enqueue a task » task (the one without delay): tasks are queued with an expire timestamp set to 0 as well but are processed on first run of either drush queue:run eca_task or cron, whichever occurs first.

I'll later try some tests on a blank D9 website to check if same behaviour occurs.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

@jurgenhaas: thanks for quick support / fix / help.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Can the queue be processing more often with a lighter cron than the Drupal cron?
I remember back in Rules time that the Rules Scheduler has it's own cron url to process its own tasks only.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I've tried the patch:

  1. Existings ECA processes using queue delay should be resaved after patching so the 'delay_value' can be updated

  2. First cron run triggered by drush before delay outputs the following error in Terminal: [error] Drupal\eca_queue\Exception\NotYetDueForProcessingException: Task is not yet due for processing. in Drupal\eca_queue\Plugin\QueueWorker\TaskWorker-&gt;processItem() (line 83 of /Users/.../web/modules/contrib/eca/modules/queue/src/Plugin/QueueWorker/TaskWorker.php).
    => email is not sent (as excepted)
    Well, this seems to be a warning more than an error since as stated: Task is not yet due for processing

  3. Second cron run triggered by drush after delay outputs no error
    => email is sent

  4. First cron run triggered by Drupal admin UI before delay outputs no error
    => email is not sent (as excepted)

  5. Second cron run triggered by Drupal admin UI after delay outputs no error
    => email is sent

So, it works! thank you

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Thanks jurgenhaas for your quick reply (as always).

This is how I supposed it to be set but the email is then sent as soon as cron runs, even when run below delay set for the enqueued task (eg. when manually triggered using drush).
I've tried playing with the 'Distribute' and 'Cron run time' settings of the 'ECA processing queued task' event with no more success, still sent on next cron run.

Attached file is my updated process (shorten process with 1min delay for testing purposes and using MailHog for local mail).
Did a miss a step?

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

PhilY created an issue.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

The fact is Claro table structure is different than expected by required_field_display module.

One solution is to rewrite required_field_display code to target Claro's structure (keeping existing code as it works for others admin themes).

Other solution is to add some CSS:

#block-claro-content .form-required .tabledrag-cell-content__item::after {
	content: '*';
	color: #e32700;
	margin-left: 4px;

If you're already using a child theme of Claro as your admin theme or a custom module, you can add the above lines to your css (which will do nothing in a custom front theme because we're in the admin space).
If not, attached patch will add these lines to required_field_display module as a temporary fix.

BTW, I'm not sure about the best solution nor about which of Claro or required_field_display should be modified...

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France
🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

As said in comment #6 🐛 File upload preview broken Needs work , I just needed to change the Temporary file location in File (Field) Paths settings (/admin/config/media/file-system/filefield-paths) to private://filefield_paths to get the previews back without any patch.

In my setup, both the file system (/admin/config/media/file-system) and my image field use the private system which path is declared in the settings.php file.

Thanks to joro78

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Same error using Drupal 9.5.3, PHP 8.1.6

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

My GPS field (Geofield field) is set to 'Prepopulate by geocoding an existing field' (for a better UI) and 'Prepopulate by geocoding an existing field' option references my 'Address' field.
Thus, coordinates are not calculated on import.
Temporarily setting the GPS field to 'Geocode from an existing field' before import makes the coordinates being calculated.
Once import's complete, I switch back to 'Geocode from an existing field'.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

I can imagine that if you don't import a country, all your adresses belong to the same one.
So, If ever you're combining Tamper with Feeds, you can use it to set a default country code value.

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Besides the failed test, patch #8 woks for me using Drupal 9.5.3, Feeds 8.x-3.0-beta3 and PHP 8.1.6

🇫🇷France PhilY 🇪🇺🇫🇷 Paris, France

Besides the failed test, patch #8 woks for me using Drupal 9.5.3, Feeds 8.x-3.0-beta3 and PHP 8.1.6

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