- Issue created by @PhilY
- πΊπΈUnited States boinkster
These were helpful to me:
https://kentrichards.net/blog/drupal-radix-sub-theme-browsersync-ddevYou might have to install lts/iron, check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61918002/install-a-specific-node-ver...
I did a:
ddev nvm install v20
Changing the directory to run the commands was confusing, so I created a custom DDEV command in .ddev/commands/web:
#!/bin/bash ## Description: NK Custom for Radix 6: Installs nvm version and frontier_radix stuff ## Usage: h2m_rdx_rw ## Example: ddev h2m_rdx_rw GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m\n' # set no color and line end printf "${GREEN}Launching npm install inside ddev${NC}" cd web/themes/custom/your-radix-subtheme nvm alias default `cat .nvmrc` #nvm alias default lts/iron npm run watch
Thanks for sharing the solution and the great blog post, I myself haven't gotten around the ddev approach yet, I'll try to add this to the documentation as well
- π«π·France PhilY πͺπΊπ«π· Paris, France
Thanks @boinkster for sharing kentrichards.net blog post, 4 easy steps and it now works!
- πΊπΈUnited States christopher.mcandrew
Thanks guys, I've been having the same issue and appreciate the help!
I personally couldn't get localhost:3000 to load with the approach above, but for now I created this page:
https://radix.trydrupal.com/radix/installation/setup-with-ddevPlease do a read and suggest any improvements you have in mind
- Status changed to Fixed
about 2 months ago 1:03pm 7 January 2025 - πΊπΈUnited States danchadwick Boston
Closing for lack of feedback / improvement suggestions to the documentation.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.