Account created on 22 May 2011, over 13 years ago

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Damn Drupal, yeah alright but I if that's the case we need to follow Drupal's standard on linting and so on, but again a preference I'd say but you are right we can keep it as the same Drupal

Based on your screenshot I suspect the issue is due to:
1. Whether a field is optional or required, eg. accepting an empty string so it marks as validated
2. If it's filled with text or not, hence the relative size of the icon.

Could you test this further and see if it's an actual issue or not Thomas? But I suspect this is a Bootstrap issue rather than Radix if it's not as ideal as it should be

Thanks Aleix for the guide, I'll mark this as complete but we can possibly move it to the documentation but for that we should probably avoid any CSS part and focus on more Twig/components side of things that are Radix specific.

Seems to be sth that needs to be addressed in core, will investigate further later on

This turned to be quite hard to fix, I'll spent some more time if possible soon but I suspect Layout builder in core is getting deprecated, not sure if it's wise to spend time on this

I can't recreate this and it works as expected. Maybe something has changed since you've created your Sub-theme.

I'd say the /web/themes/custom/ is the default custom path that people get when they setup a new Drupal website and it is good for new comers to know where things are

marking this as closed for now

Pushed an update Milos, thanks for bringing this up

Hey Keegan and lelkneralfaro, I couldn't recreate the issue but I suspect the issue could be due to most of the cells in a component accepts type: array

Could you maybe help out by removing each part and test again to pinpoint the issue or update me on how to proceed to recreate the issue, thanks

I'd say this is a preference Alan, you can always configure the Biome extension on your IDE to convert things into space instead of a tab. Marking this as closed for now but thanks

Thanks for the issue and the MR Ion, merged.

doxigo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

There's a page in the official documentation about that under "Migration and upgrading"

Even though that page does exist, the job is not straight-forward and really depends on the complexity of your 5.x theme and how well it was built considering components.

Marking this as closed for now, feel free to ask questions if you encountered any along the way.

@qusai taha, you can just click on the plain diff and that's a patch already, no need for a separate patch

I'd say this is rather a blocker for any big organization to ever consider to use Workspace, big organizations constantly update their live instance, so this should be available only as an opt-in option.

I suspect we should update the init, just noticed that we are not adding the root

not sure if we can decide for each project what's needed or not. The idea is to ship with the features, people can opt-out and comment out what they don't need.

The ideal way would be to use @use instead of @import for sure but Bootstrap is not yet supporting that, hopefully in bootstrap 6.x

on the other hand _init.scss contains the following:

@import "~bootstrap/scss/functions";

// Custom overrides
@import "base/variables";

// Required
@import "~bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/variables-dark";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/maps";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/utilities";
@import "~bootstrap/scss/mixins";
@import "base/mixins";
@import "base/utilities";

// Optional if using rfs()
@import "~bootstrap/scss/vendor/rfs";

So that's not with _elements.scss or _typography.scss

The main reason we are including init, is to make sure we have access to our variables, mixins and so on. It might not be ideal due to lack of @use but it can be just fine as is for now, you can always remove that manually.

Unless you have a better suggestion, I think it is safe to keep it as is.

It does make sense but not that much of an urgent issue that requires an action right away, props drilling isn't ideal but still gets you going a lot of times and it works fine as is in Radix, we can reconsider this at a later stage if needed, marking this as closed but will have it in mind if it comes to 6.0.x or the Tailwind version of Radix, thanks

Thanks Thomas, merged this one as well, not sure if this is the best solution but lets go with it for now

Looks solid Thomas, great work. I had to cherry-pick and UI wise I couldn't open a MR as well. Anyways, thanks a lot, merged.

I went on and updated the MR, thanks a lot, will check this a bit further

Hey thanks a lot for the work. Can you check the MR again and fix the merge issues?

Hey thanks a lot for the work. Can you check the MR again and fix the merge issues?

Can we get this fixed on 2.x and 3.x? seems rather high priority IMO

I placed this under the "Support request" but this doesn't seem to be Radix specific issue, you can render a new region like any other themes the way that you described. We might need more info to be able to help you but I suspect it might be a template not being read correctly, eg. you might still referencing the Base theme rather than your Sub-theme.

That aside try reading the Radix documentation thoroughly, that might help.

Closing the ticket for now but feel free to comment

Thanks @ckng for the comment, to address some of it:

- True that the usage of a core modal are low, but it would be ideal to make sure it still look the way it should in a Bootstrap env.
- The same for off canvas but within layout builder ecosystem it's constantly being used.
- Yes good idea to move it to the base theme
- Core always breaks the themes! overriding it actually prevents the possible future breakage more compared to extending it. That aside I don't believe you can extend it.
- Technically it's currently blocked since the override works for the off_canvas or for the modal, otherwise it breaks the other. for now it's commented out until we manage to fix it

doxigo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

I don't think the issue is rather the way that we are overriding the core js files but rather the override itself, for now I did comment out the drupal.dialog and drupal.dialog.ajax overrides. with my latest changes to the dialog it works fine with modal and non modal dialog but still fails with the off_canvas.

Until I manage to figure this out I believe disabling it would be the solution

For now I just commented out the drupal.dialog.ajax drupal.dialog overrides. do the same for now on your own theme until we come up with a solution

This breaks due to the dialog.js and dialog.ajax.js override within the theme, I'll see if I can fix it eventually but seems a bit too complex, for now maybe disable your theme overrides in your info.yml file

Totally agree and you have a good point, IMO we can add an optional prefix and suffix and contextual classes to the card but yet again this could be the case for many other components as well

Could you do me a favor and open a PR for that?

I tested this with a node and works fine, I'll check with a taxonomy term and let you know

Thanks for bringing this up guys and helpful links, this is fixed but you need to make sure to override your own theme's src/js/overrides/dialog.js with the one provided in the radix_starterkit with the fix

Thanks Stephan, reverted the change. I should look more into it and consider different types of data that might end up in there

Having the same issue, strangely enough this only happens on server, dev or production but not locally

Marco should I open another ticket for the assets getting loaded on the frontend then?

You've done great Tyler, thanks a lot for the MR, merged

Can confirm The MR !461 works fine with the latest dev release of Gutenberg.

Hey @Aleix, can't you just pass in the heading_attributes right away like below?

{% include "radix:node" with {
  display_submitted: false,
  heading_html_tag: 'h3',
  heading_utility_classes: ['node--teaser__heading'],
  node_utility_classes: ['border-bottom', 'border-1', 'border-black', 'pb-3', 'mb-3', 'position-relative'],
  heading_link_utility_classes: ['stretched-link', 'text-decoration-none'],
  heading_attributes: title_attributes,
} %}

Hey Dan, thanks for the issue/explanation and the patch, not sure what to do with the patch since it's against the core.

That aside, we are not supporting anything less than 10.3 with Radix 6, so that's covered.
I updated the class sticky-header but for now kept table-responsive class since that's needed on Bootstrap side

Please take a look and let me know what you think

This is fixed and I improved it quite a bit on 6.x-dev, will have to port it back to 5.x or feel free to open MR, I'd appreciate it.

Hey tylertech, thanks for pointing this out, this might need a bit of a refactor. Will check it out a bit later, thanks

Closing this, frontend mess up on my end 🤦‍♂️

Hey thanks for bringing this up but I believe this must be a gin issue and not sure if we should fix this in Gin itself or do a hotfix at gin_gutenberg. I'll follow this up over at Gin first. added the related issue here as well

I applied a similar approach against 2.0.x and opend a MR

doxigo made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Thanks a lot for finding and providing the patch Stephan, merged. I also tagged 1.1.11 since this seems to be major.

@marysalome see if this patch helps over at: 🐛 Media block isn't working on Drupal 10.3 Needs review

Worth noting that this also causes stage_file_proxy not to load the image at all as long as it was used within the core/image block. Media works fine.

oops, I forgot to commit that with the rc2, will add it shortly

Noticed that we have a related issue: 🐛 Images are not linked with core/gallery block Active

closing this one as duplicate.

Oops, I noticed that I recreated a similar issue: 🐛 Gallery block resolution Ajax issue Active

closing that one.

Hey Marco, but the Gallery block is rather a custom UI in a sense that it uses different size/columns per item in it. we kinda need to provide the exact style for this. simply doing a display: flex doesn't do the block justice I'd say. I suggest loading the styling for this block or any opinionated Gutenberg blocks

Hey Marco, but the Gallery block is rather a custom UI in a sense that it uses different size/columns per item in it. we kinda need to provide the exact style for this. simply doing a display: flex doesn't do the block justice I'd say. I suggest loading the styling for this block or any opinionated Gutenberg blocks

Thanks guys, and thanks for a quick patch Alex, I can confirm that this fixes the issue

Hey Tom, this happened due to some deprecation in Drupal 10.3, I thought I fixed it, hence the new rc2. I did test it after the release, just to be sure could you test again? otherwise I'll check tomorrow

Worth noting that this breaks the media library modal in Gutenberg editor as well

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