- Issue created by @idiaz.roncero
- First commit to issue fork.
- Status changed to Needs review
over 1 year ago 2:48pm 13 June 2023 - 🇪🇸Spain aleix
So with this MR I am able to create a subtheme using the native Starterkit theme generation doing this:
# placed in radix theme directory cp -r src/kits/radix_starterkit ../ # and then running from drupal webroot php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --starterkit radix_starterkit mytheme
Some logic is applied from the native generator, and some other (includes replacements, some info.yml replacements, and schema replacements)
are added in new https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/radix-3365825/-/blob/5.0.x/src/kits/rad... .PS: variable-dark is also added to subtheme _init.scss (it was accidentally merged also) as said in: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75873195/getting-primary-primary-tex...
- @aleix opened merge request.
Okay this is amazing work Aleix, I had this on my todo list with low priority but I believe you've done the job 👏
I'll review and play around and see if I can start a new5.1.x
along with some other changes for thisGreat work
- @doxigo opened merge request.
For now merged it into 5.1.x dev branch, needs more work I believe and a bit of restructuring, I assume copy/pasting the starterkit into themes directory is not the best approach, we either have to redo the Radix itself or directly point to the starterkit path
Giving direct path of radix_starterkit fails, need to investigate it a bit more
- 🇪🇸Spain aleix
It's something complex, I guess, as it comes from how extensiondisovery scans: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21lib%21Drupal%21Core%21Extension...
I filled a feature request in https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3367079 ✨ Core theme generator cannot be used because is not finding theme's included subtheme Active ...
- 🇪🇸Spain idiaz.roncero Madrid
Well that was blazingly FAST, thank you @aleix
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 11:51am 17 August 2023 As of now in
we can leverage the current drush command to create the subtheme with core starterkit, closing this for now.
We can for sure improve it at a later stage if neededAutomatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.