The UI for this module is a bit confusing, and combined with unexpected behavior of the module causes quite a bit of confusion for a site admin.
In my case, I enabled grants for a particular node type, then granted edit permission to a particular user.
Expected behavior: other node permissions will remain, such as anonymous users still being able to view the node, while only the granted user would have the additional edit permission.
Actual behavior: for the node with the edit grant, view permission is removed for all other users.
Under the particular node type settings, I have enabled "view" for both anonymous and authenticated users. So they should be able to view the node, right? (screenshot attached)
This behavior happened with the "preserve hidden grants" box both checked and unchecked. This box, which comes checked by default upon module installation, is another point of confusion. What are "hidden grants?" The description, which should clarify, adds confusion:
If you check this box, any hidden grants are preserved when you save grants. Otherwise all grants users are not allowed to view or edit are revoked on save.
The first sentence refers to "hidden grants" rather than defines it. The second sentence seems to have an extra "are" in it, and still doesn't help clarify what a "hidden grant" is.
Workaround: the only way I was able to get anonymous users (and other roles) able to view nodes that had an "edit" grant given to a particular user was to check the box for each role under "Allowed Roles" in the Nodeaccess module settings. This means that each time I grant a user edit permission for one specific node, I must also explicitly grant view permissions for all other roles for that node.
In short, granting edit permission for a node should do just that, not unexpectedly remove view permissions from other roles without warning.
Needs work
User interface
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