I tested MR !13 on a client project and did not work. I keep getting the TypeError: Drush\Commands\DrushCommands::logger(): error
I tried to fix the Mr and created an issue directly in gihub as required in the module documentation https://github.com/pantheon-systems/search_api_pantheon/issues/200
I check the modules versions and compatibility with Drupal 10. Some of the modules have been tag as minimal maintained or deprecated.
To avoid spam consider blocking any email with a specific pattern. For example @wearehackerone.com or public emails like @gmail.com or @yahoo.com and allow only corporative emails address.
I tried changing the module to the previous version and got an error when apliying the patch. I think this is cause to merging conflicts.
The fork was created from 8.1 and not from 8.x so I am not sure how to update the code to work with the last version of the code. I will keep looking into it during the week. If someone has an idea on how to fix the PR I will appreciated.
Mean while the remaning work will be to create a new branch from 8.x and applied the same changes as in https://git.drupalcode.org/project/search_api_pantheon/-/merge_requests/...
Same issue for me,
Drupal version 10.3.10
Drush 13
Search Api Pantheon ^8.2
I applied the patch with composer and I get the same error
lando drush en devel
TypeError: Drush\Commands\DrushCommands::logger(): Return value must be of type ?Drush\Log\DrushLoggerManager, Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannel returned in /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Commands/DrushCommands.php on line 77 #0 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/ServiceManager.php(480): Drush\Commands\DrushCommands->logger()
#1 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/DrupalBoot8.php(282): Drush\Runtime\ServiceManager->inflect(Object(League\Container\Container), Object(Drupal\search_api_pantheon\Commands\Reload))
#2 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/DrupalBoot8.php(218): Drush\Boot\DrupalBoot8->addDrupalModuleDrushCommands(Object(Drush\Boot\BootstrapManager))
#3 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/BootstrapManager.php(211): Drush\Boot\DrupalBoot8->bootstrapDrupalFull(Object(Drush\Boot\BootstrapManager), NULL)
#4 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/BootstrapManager.php(397): Drush\Boot\BootstrapManager->doBootstrap(5, 6, NULL)
#5 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Application.php(219): Drush\Boot\BootstrapManager->bootstrapMax()
#6 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Application.php(185): Drush\Application->bootstrapAndFind('pm:install')
#7 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(266): Drush\Application->find('pm:install')
#8 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php(175): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#9 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/Runtime.php(110): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#10 /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/Runtime.php(40): Drush\Runtime\Runtime->doRun(Array, Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))
#11 /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php(140): Drush\Runtime\Runtime->run(Array)
#12 /app/vendor/bin/drush.php(119): include('/app/vendor/dru...')
#13 {main}
TypeError: Drush\Commands\DrushCommands::logger(): Return value must be of type ?Drush\Log\DrushLoggerManager, Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannel returned in Drush\Commands\DrushCommands->logger() (line 77 of /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Commands/DrushCommands.php).
[warning] Drush command terminated abnormally.
Check if this works for you https://www.drupal.org/project/dynamic_entity_reference β
anilu@ β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
You can also create a view block with content of the same kind, place the block on your page or in the block layout and remove the current node from the view.
As the issue is in a module dependency and not the module itself, we need to wait until library maintainers approve the PR. For now, I apply the patch with composer using the vendor folder as this:
"vendor/caxy/php-htmldiff": {
"TableDiff: Deprecated function mb_convert_encoding() in PHP 8.2 - [#123]" : "https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/caxy/php-htmldiff/pull/125.patch"
anilu@ β created an issue.
Having the same issue on a different use case, I have view with exposed filters but "Exposed form in block" is disabled. I am using the page view with ajax and also have a view template with a subtitle that should change when filter selections change.
The view filters are working but when I click on reset the exposed values change but the subtitle in the twig template is not refreshing.
anilu@ β created an issue.
This documentation seams to be obsolete. If you go to the right menu you see the general topic is for Drupal 5x
I disabled the module with a Drush command and it worked for me. If you do not have drush installed on your local environment is very useful in many other use cases so I reccomment you install Drush and run $ drush un layout_builder_expose_all_field_blocks
NOTICE: Even though this solution should work, you should never override any file inside of your core folder. This may cause issues with the next Drupal update. Instead, try overriding the same template using your own theme. Here is a user guide to do this https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/theming-drupal/twig-in-drupal/workin... β
I applied the patch and tested on a web site and is working.
Drupal Version 10.2.6
PHP 8.2.21
I made a revision of the page, and found some improvements.
Styles improvements:
1. Make the Logo 80px width
2. Fix the categories and project details alignment so is staked below the title.
3. Remove border and background from carousel arrows. Make them 40width.
Follow general guides from https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/carousels/ (I should be able to find better documentation if needed)
1. Carousel should be accessible from the keyboard. User should be able to tab true the carousel controls and move back and forward.
2. Remove the Aria-hidden from the carousel container. And maybe added to the hidden slides instead.
3. Images should be contained on a list element.
4. Add carousel dots (meatballs) at the bottom. Dots should have data-slide=# corresponding to the number on the slide.
5. Add aria-label='Next slide' to the carousel arrow next and 'Previous slide'
We have a similar use case on a decoupled website. When we expose the data to GraphQL we are getting a string with the styles machine names but not the classes.
query MyQuery {
node(id: "749d54d4-04f9-443f-a2cc-3ca56f7266f2") {
... on NodePage {
sections {
components {
I have a similar use case on a decoupled website. We are also using background colors but in this case I need to send the same color variable to the FE to change Layouts and Blocks. For now I am using a Select list for the blocks because I can not apply the color background to specific blocks. On this way, I have background color on blocks for specific use cases and layout builder styles for the layouts.
ChrisDarke β credited Anilu@ β .
Title and Description needs clarifying:
- Define a clear goal for this ticket
- Summarize information from other tickets instead of just past the issue link
- Complete the Problem/motivation
- Find a good title that is easy to understand
- Create steps to reproduce that can be follow by a developer
Anilu@ β created an issue.
Anilu@ β created an issue.
Anilu@ β created an issue.
Taking from the proposed list above, an IXP should:
General/Human Skills
- Created a user account in Drupal.org
- Basic teamwork skills.
- Self-learning, commitment and responsibility.
- Basic knowledge on Drupal site building, Front End Development, and coding
- Basic knowledge on Git Workflows
- Basic knowledge of servers and hosting tools, both locally (Docker, ddev...) and externally (ssh, etc)
- Verbal and written communication skills
- Proficiency in several languages (at least English B1)
- Good organization and productivity.
- Basic knowledge on Agile and Scrum
- Control of ticket or project management tools (Jira, Trello, Etc.).
Site Building Skills
- Nodes (Entities), Fields, Content types,
- Taxonomies, Views, Modules, Contrib vs custom,
- Composer, Local work environment (XAMPP, Docker, Lando, DDev), Export of configurations, Interpreting error messages in Drupal interface and reports,
- Themes, Blocks, Menus, Permissions
- Translations and Interest in Digital Product Development.
- Other items: Paragraphs, Layout Builder, Metatags, Analytics, GDPR, Real-time SEO for Drupal
- Basic knowledge in Multimedia Design and Copy
- Web Content Generation
- Knowledge in Social Media
- Knowledge in other CMS WP, Joomla, Prestashop
- Knowledge in SEO (Basic)
- Knowledge in Accessibility (Basic)
Back End Skills
- Basic knowledge of imperative programming (variables, control structures, functions, etc.)
- Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming
- Basic knowledge of PHP (syntax, execution and debugging)
- Basic knowledge of Git and Github
- Basic knowledge of SQL Queries
- Basic knowledge of Server Deployment (local and remote)
- Knowledge in programming languages such as Python, C# or Java.
- Knowledge of PHP frameworks such as Symfony or Laravel.
- Knowledge of WebService and Restful APIs.
Front End Skills
- Basic knowledge of web layout (HTML5 and CSS3)
- Knowledge in JavaScript
- JQuery, AJAX, etc
- Knowledge of other frameworks such as Bootstrap, Materialize, etc.
- Basic knowledge of templating systems/languages like twig, blade, etc.
- Preprocessor such as SASS or LESS
- Knowledge of JavaScript
- Basic knowledge of Typescript
- Angular, Ionic, React, VUE, Gatsby, Svelte... any front-end framework.
I wanted to create a check list for IXP and Jr developers but Its not easy with this text editor. But here is the document in google drive https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c3o0vWVVm-11QoSsl4xmJxIJ2I2Qs_eK...
Maybe, after we get the list reviewed we can create a poll.
volkswagenchick β credited Anilu@ β .
Add some info about D10 and update contributed modules
Awesome @doxigo thanks!
You need to remove every navbar-brand_ in utility_classes
Moving the ticket to needs review
I created a MR with the proposed solution https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin/-/merge_requests/337
Anilu@ β created an issue.
Move it to the end changing the weight of the page
Add some motivation for people for joining to the conversation.
Go to admin > people > permissions and enable access to your new role.
You can find more info on our Site Building Guide β
Working on website architecture
Working on this logo #DrupalCon Pittsburg2023
Reviewing this issue on mentor contribution room #DrupalconPittsburgh 2023
We like the proposal on https://www.drupal.org/project/project_browser/issues/3283041#comment-15... π Embed Project - Update Logo RTBC
The simplest the better!
Borders will add unnecessary complexity.
Ticket needs update
I was able to sort this issue by using a rewrite plugin on top of "String to Unix timestamp." I used a token on the rewrite so I can use another field as default value. You can also use a "Set value or default value"
https://www.drupal.org/project/feeds_tamper/issues/3029164 β
Them I set a conditional on the template so it does not render the default value.