- Issue created by @nireneko
- πͺπΈSpain nireneko
I created this roadmap that could help: https://roadmap.sh/r/drupal-vxa1r
- πΊπΈUnited States flux423 Portland, Maine
I've developed an initial roadmap for onboarding a inexperienced Drupal developer. The document aims to break down the areas outlined in nireneko's β mind map into stages, from foundational web technologies and essential tools to advanced backend development and specialized topics, providing inexperienced developers with a structured approach to fast-tracking the Drupal ecosystem.
You can review the full roadmap here: IXP Roadmap
Recommended Next Steps
- - Refine roadmap and confirm on stages
- - Develop each stage to expand on the objectives and expected outcomes
- - Develop a delivery method and how this integrates into any data tracking
- πΊπΈUnited States anilu@ Houston, TX
Assigning to myself to come back later and review