Account created on 17 April 2008, almost 17 years ago

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🇫🇷France mogtofu33

So base_path() make more sense, mentioning base_url was confusing.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

I was too fast in merging and seems it needs more information.

The merge add a beginning slash (/) this seems to be a solution for a specific use case. Icons sources can be relative to the module with the definition (*.icons.yml) or relative to Drupal root, for example /libraries/...

There is no base_url anymore in Drupal 8+, so I guess the problem could be in your Webserver configuration to allow this sub folder.

Try to use the definition of icons relative to drupal root libraries folder ( ie: sources start with /libraries).

You should as well check on the Apache/Nginx configuration you are using and optionnaly if you have any custom specific code in your settings*.php or sites.php.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the MR, I created a follow up issue with the core Icon API for 1.1.x 🐛 IconFinder does not generate url with base_url Active .

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the issue and proposition, I used intanceof check instead of object.

On 1.1.X and backported on 1.0.x.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Hi @nod_ and @pdureau,

I fully agree to the responsibilities listed for definition of maintainers and subsystem maintainer responsibilities.

Hope I can help as much as possible on the new theme/sdc and Icon API to be successful.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Seems like just removing the specific light classes is enough for the dark theme support!

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Small update, it can be achieved now with ui_icons_media using the core CKeditor media plugin.

  • With ui_icons_media enable, create an media type icon
  • Create the limited number of icons you need
  • Media Icon fields > Manage display > Media library, replace thumbnail by icon with settings pack size to 50
  • Text formats and editors > enable Media, limit to type Icon

Contrib modules around media embed can help customize.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Can you be more precise on how to reproduce, this is related to link with icon as a field in a media?

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 changed the visibility of the branch 3489673-regression-with-uiiconsmenu to hidden.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

(Try to) Fix code language YAML overridden by language PHP.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Remove SVG sprite url reference as it's not currently available.

Add properties and parameters for icon element and twig function.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Faster on both sides, for discovery and a better in front at least after first download...
SVG Sprite could be use with CDN but not public one because of CORS, so it's an edge case optimization.

As it's just a suggestion I understand we could keep to SVG. My mind is not fully set on that.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Fixed on 1.1.x, backported on 1.0.x.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Had an issue with a double icon_display, fixed in IconFieldHelpers::validateSettings(), fixed on 1.1.x, backported 1.0.x.

But didn't had double pack settings.

Please try to export config, manually edit to remove what's not under icon_settings and import it back.

Here is my test on clean Drupal 11.1 + UI icons 1.1.x-dev.

  • Enable UI Icons media, Icons bootstrap example with this config and create Icon media
  • Set media icon field display settings for the icon packs
  • Add field Media icons to content
  • Set content display with layout builder

With that, config is valid as below.

    type: icon_linkit_formatter
    label: hidden
      trim_length: 80
      url_only: false
      url_plain: false
      rel: '0'
      target: _blank
      linkit_profile: default
          color: '#6200ee'
          size: 32
          alt: ''
          color: '#f66151'
          size: 32
          color: '#000000'
          size: 32
          alt: ''
          color: '#000000'
          size: 32
      icon_display: after
    third_party_settings: {  }
    weight: 0
    region: content
🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Found the doc! Fixed on 1.0.x and 1.1.x

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Done for most, only Protocol and Material missing, issues ongoing.

Added to module page and Drupal Icon API doc .

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

As for now this field is not planned for UI icons, if anyone want to create a dedicated modules, would review.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

There is not token integration yet but you can achieve this with Ui Icons field.

  • Add Field type icon to the vocabulary
  • Add icon field to the taxonomy display
  • On the content field > Manage display > Taxonomy field set to "Rendered entity", pick the previously set taxonomy display
🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the report, fixed in 1.0.x and 1.1.x documentation, added to project page.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the report.

Fixed on 1.1.x and backported to 1.0.x.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the report, changed for an 'access content' permission.

Fixed on 1.1.x and backported to 1.0.x.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Fixed on 1.1.x, backported to 1.0.x.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

There is already a lazy loading for Icon preview (Form element) and library.

For the front part if you need compatibility with Blazy you only need to have a template for your icons including the proper markup, see Icon API documentation .

So I guess it's already compatible, marked as fixed.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Can only reproduce when a pack use extractor: font and do not have dependency to ui_icons_font.
Fixed in the examples for Bootstrap and Material.

Will mark this issue fixed, feel free to open with step to reproduce if the problem still occur.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Fix YAML examples, a specific section "YAML icon pack declaration documentation" explain in details most keys.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the proposal, done and created 1.1.x, 1.1.0-beta1 to come soon.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Thanks for the report, fixed on 1.0.x-dev.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

mogtofu33 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Hello all, here is an highlight proposition:

A new API has been added to Drupal, empowering you to seamlessly integrate custom or third-party icon packs!
This powerful and flexible API allows modules and themes to define icon packs using the YAML plugin discovery system (EXTENSION_NAME.icons.yml).
By extracting the icon list from each pack, the API exposes them through the versatile icon render element and the convenient icon() Twig function.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Bug is back, with ui_icons_field, if display field icon is set to Link (not Link icon) the display has the Icon because of ui_icons_menu_link_alter .

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Working but slow, find why.

🇫🇷France mogtofu33

Hi @steveoriol, with 1.0.x-dev you need to enable module ui_icons_backport, it will be in release note on beta3, it's because the api is now in Drupal 11.1.x.

Production build 0.71.5 2024