I removed the patch from the Drupal CMS for now until we solve the error in #8.
Hope that fixes the failure. I updated the installer for also.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
We will have followups, but all threads have been resolved, and this is ready for review.
That makes sense. A bit over my skillset. Moving to Needs Work.
MR added
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Updated removing the Basic SEO Recipe. We will add the Advanced SEO recipe to the installer, hopefully tomorrow.
Basic SEO should stay. The Advanced SEO will be the one in the add-on list at the beginning of the installer.
Confirmed. If you look at MR 47 on the issue linked in #14 you can see the module is included. Thanks for working with us on the config validation issue!
Actually, not true yet. I haven't removed items from the base recipe, but will most likely need to.
In the SEO tracks WIP MR, I am removing it from the core recipes and adding it in the Advanced SEO recipe that will be optionally installed in the installer/project browser.
Does that help?
I believe I removed all unneeded links. PHPcs and stan passing. Created a follow up for ESlint errors.
Needs testing/validation that all is well.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Thanks for finding this! Updated in the latest release.
But … I'd still like to try to convince you that we should require config.import for every installed module
In the last 6 months I think we have educated and documented why recipes don't behave like a regular module install, for recipe author specificity and idempotency.
I do think that it is worth discussing changing the name from config to config_entities as that's what this is about.
Do we want to change config
to config_entities
to add further clarity?
It's been decided that recipes will not provide updates to configuration, this issue should be closed as won't fix in this space. The referenced issues still should remain as they apply to distributions.
Good point. This issue was created at DrupalCon Pittsburgh where we were feeling our way around in the dark with recipes.
Thanks for bringing this to the surface @bhuvaneshwar. It would be a cool addition to the Recipes Cookbook if you do create it on your own repository, but we should probably close this.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
No response. Closing as outdated. Please re-open if you don't agree.
Since it has been decided we are not tracking recipe application, I am going to close this as Won't fix.
Our immediate need is for the dashboard for Drupal CMS, but if there is a way to abstract this for other config entities, I feel like that would be great.
Sean updated the project page. I copied it to the README
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
We are testing on MR 47:
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal_cms/issues/3470830 →
Code looks good, but I am running into a JavaScript error on the dashboard page in Firefox. I do not get the error on the SEO Checklist tour.
It could be related to 🐛 TypeError: this.model.get('activeTour').cancel is not a function Active .
The maintainer loves tests, so that would be amazing if you could add those also!
Icon and the word Tour
Then the labels should be on hover/using the HTML title Attribute
<button class="toolbar-icon toolbar-item toolbar-icon-help" aria-pressed="false" type="button" disabled title="[label-text]">Tour</button>
Thanks for the quick fix!
thejimbirch → created an issue.
I asked about this in the Recipes channel of the Drupal slack, and config expert bircher stated:
the first part ie the module name is an implicit dependency
that is the module where the config entity is defined, it will always implicitly depend on that module
So the name itself is an even stricter check on dependencies and it is not needed in the file.
Thanks for your attention, I will close this as works as designed.
I am proposing that redirection shouldn't be "one of the main module features". In a composable ecosystem such as Drupal you can rely on the many existing solutions to handle the redirection, and concentrate on the other dashboard features.
ECA is already in Drupal CMS. You could lower the amount of code you have to manage by including an ECA config that handles the redirection. Then it could be turned off or altered by the site owner.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Thanks for the quick fix!
Thank you kindly!
Merge request added that places the Footer menu block in the Footer top region.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue. See original summary → .
thejimbirch → created an issue.
works for #10
Actually, your MR updated the position in configs. Would something from the former Tour UI need to be updated also to make sure new tours generated will have that auto in single quotes?
I also added a new validation error in #10.
Just ran into this:
In RecipeConfigInstaller.php line 70:
There were validation errors in tour.tour.seo:
- tips.seo_dashboard.selector: This value should not be blank.
- tips.guided_tour.selector: This value should not be blank.
I will try with the auto, and then try this MR, thanks!
Merged, thanks all!
kristen pol → credited thejimbirch → .
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Marking as rtbc
thejimbirch → created an issue.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Crediting @_doyle_ for review in GitLab/Slack.
Redirect patch needed in the Basic SEO recipe.
Merge request added that creates a basic SEO recipe, removing some bits from the base recipe. This recipe allows for more composability, and is idempotent.
An Advanced SEO recipe will follow that will be optional.
Steps to validate
* Apply the recipe.
* Apply the recipe a second time to validate idempotence.
* View source and verify hreflang meta tags are added.
* Log in as an administrator
* Visit /admin/config/user-interface/easy-breadcrumb
* Validate the following are checked:
* Add current breadcrumb as structured data.
* Hide link to home page if it's the only breadcrumb item
* Visit /admin/config/development/performance
* Validate both items are checked and Browser and proxy cache maximum age is set to 15 minutes
* Validate the Content editor role exists
* Log out and log in as a content editor
* Validate redirect permissions by visiting /admin/config/search/redirect
* and /admin/config/search/redirect/404
thejimbirch → changed the visibility of the branch 3468919-basic-seo-recipe to active.
thejimbirch → changed the visibility of the branch 3468919-basic-seo-recipe to hidden.
thejimbirch → changed the visibility of the branch 0.x to hidden.
The committers are defined in the CODEOWNERS file
Marking this as RTBC
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Could you please include an SVG version also?
I created a merge request that removes the redirection completely. For my use case/testing, it appears to be working as expected with no errors or warnings logged.
There are PHPstan errors and failed tests in the pipeline, but I believe they are unrelated.
I am running into this working on the Drupal CMS SEO recipe. I am creating an SEO dashboard, and because I am using this module, now all users that login get redirected to the dashboard.
John's proposed resolutions are good. An alternate solution would be to remove all redirection from this module and let other solutions handle that workflow.
Adding Starshot blocker tag.
Modules can't contain recipes. The idea is a good one, but the recipe would be independent of this module.
Why? Recipes can only live in a single place (with the exception of core's recipes which are special cased. Unlike modules which can be in a number of places, recipes all need to be in the same folder. It's been determined that the best place for recipes is above the webroot in a folder called /recipes.
If you did go the recipes route, the content_editor_dashboard would install the dashboard and views modules and required dependencies.
Added a couple more Starshot blockers
I just ran into this working on the SEO recipe for Drupal CMS/Starshot.
I updated the config files to match the order of what Drupal exports.
I have changed the status back to Needs review as @phenaproxima has provided additional information to the maintainers.
thejimbirch → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Updating to add the view file in the Redirect 404 submodule.
Tim marked the merge request as ready. (Hiding the patch as I did that before I could make MR on the project)
Do we want to add a section about committers as was requested in #10?
MR Added.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
Sounds like it hasn't been determined if the core search will be included or not, and whether this advanced search will be the search, which is fine. A third option would be to present both options as add-ons.
With my experience coming from an agency world, using search as the example, we could group search into 4 different solutions.
No search - Some site do no have site wide search. This is rare for us, but does happen.
Basic Drupal search - lower budget, you get what you get OOTB
Search API Database Search - Let's build an MVP now and make it better post launch in ongoing support.
Search API Solr/Faceted/configured/etc - For planned search implementations
For Drupal CMS, I don't think #1 is an option which is fine. The base recipe has #2. I am not as technical as you all, but I don't see moving from #2 to #3 is a big lift as Search API can extend Search, and we have non-destructive config actions such as disable and hideComponent(s). It would be similar to a site builder that started with the Standard profile and wanted to add on and configure Search API.
I believe this recipe proposal sets up #3 to #4 nicely where a developer or site builder would have to manually configure the next steps.
Analysis complete. There are some cool modules out there.
For maintainability, we filtered for Security coverage, Actively Maintained, and above 10,000 uses.
Schema.org Metatag
Simple XML sitemap
Easy Breadcrumb
Working with leadership to decide if needed:
Working with maintainers to release a D11 version:
Real-time SEO for Drupal
SEO Checklist
Suggested to Advanced Search Track:
Search 404
Not including:
Menu Breadcrumb - Using Easy Breadcrumb instead.
Path redirect import - Functionality not needed on every site.
Additional functionality of the SEO recipe will require additional modules. More to come on those.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
I am crediting nkarhoff for helping with the module data.
1. The base Drupal CMS recipe sets up Drupal core search. How are your recipes going to extend or unset those things?
2. Consider adding the Search 404 module → as a different pathway for getting users into search. I feel like it belongs here more than the SEO recipe.
thejimbirch → created an issue.
the_g_bomb → credited thejimbirch → .
Makes sense, thanks!