HTML5 validation is preventing form submit and not fully accessible

Created on 28 September 2012, over 12 years ago
Updated 9 September 2024, 5 months ago


The use of HTML5 "required" attribute in D8 has resulted in an accessibility regression. Basic client-side validation now occurs *before* hitting the server and running FAPI validation functions, so the browser jumps in and provides an error as you attempt to submit the form.

In Drupal 7, the FAPI error messages include a) an icon + alt tag to indicate their relative importance (e.g. warning/notice), b) an error message which included the name of the field for reference, c) a red outline on the field.

But in D8, those enhanced error messages are never displayed, in favor of the default browser response to a required field, which in Chrome's case is "Please fill out this field," without any mention of which field is referred to.

Proposed resolution

The accessibility team's goal for form validation is #1493324: Inline form errors for accessibility and UX β†’ . HTML5 best practices are:

  1. Javascript validation first
  2. HTML5 validation for no-Javascript
  3. Server-side validation

Implementing Javascript validation before the HTML5 validation would restore accessibility for most users. A proposed patch changing the error message to "SomeFormField is required" would improve accessibility for those without Javascript.

Remaining tasks

  1. Confirm the approach - make this a global change (current patch in #165) or only target specific core themes (per #121)?
  2. Write a patch with tests
  3. Manual testing
  4. Change record

Related Issues

#1696648: [META] Untie content entity validation from form validation β†’
πŸ› Allow forms to set custom validation error messages on required fields Needs work
#1845546: Implement validation for the TypedData API β†’

Original report by mgifford

I was very surprised to see that in D8 that we've lost some accessibility in the current release as far as how error messages are presented.

They were much better in D7. In D8 they just say "Please fill out this field.", where in D7 there was a red box describing the problem at the top of the page. The error also had an image and text which identified what exactly the problem was.

Ultimately we need this in core πŸ› Allow forms to set custom validation error messages on required fields Needs work

But the defaults for D8 should be at least as good as they were in D7.

πŸ› Bug report

Needs work


11.0 πŸ”₯

FormΒ  β†’

Last updated 1 day ago

Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada mgifford Ottawa, Ontario

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