This is fixed by 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for plupload_widget Active
Wish I had noticed it sooner ;)
Thansk @budalokko
Tried MR12 in D10.4.0 and D11.1.0. Works fine. +1 RTBC
Thanks @budalokko
added 1 commit
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Fixed summary before & after according to →
I can confirm that this fixes messages appearing in non-js.
But the styling is off. Maybe HTML output needs to match the status_messages twig?
JS ON - message stack on top of each other, no X button
JS OFF - looks good
Since 8.x-2.0-beta13, patch #2 no longer applies because of 🐛 Usages that have no revisions show up as "Translations or Previous Revisions" Fixed
fixed whitespace problem in patch
Here's a patch using the code from 🐛 10.3 upgrade now missing status-message theme suggestions Postponed
I'll admit I don't fully understand bigpipe or some of the other stuff involved here. But this seems to work.
this fixes position of the X button in RTL
same problem here. +subscribed
temporary workaround found at 🐛 10.3 upgrade now missing status-message theme suggestions Postponed
I've tested mr12 and works great. Thanks @johnlutz! +RTBC
Patch from #20 doesn't work with 10.3.0 because of "Add static caching to LayoutTempstoreRepository" 🐛 Add static caching to LayoutTempstoreRepository Fixed
Created MR with updated package
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Created MR using ckeditor5-font version 41.3.1
bwaindwain → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
bwaindwain → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
MR created
bwaindwain → created an issue.
MR has been created
created mr8
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Seems to be the same as 🐛 Error deleting local font in Drupal 10 Needs review
Seems to be the same as 🐛 Local Fonts deleting error RTBC
Skip non-video media items
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Created a merge request to see if the tests would pass.
Tweaked tablet
bwaindwain → created an issue.
oops, here's a better patch
bwaindwain → created an issue.
This works good for us +1 RTBC
... and YES, we are interested in an official D10 release!
bwaindwain → created an issue.
seems to be a duplicate of 🐛 TypeError: implode() RTBC
seems to be a duplicate of →
Add before & after screenshots to summary. Thanks @Sandeep_k.
I think this has been fixed in 10.2.1. See 🐛 Link-widget throws exception when rebuilding a form with an invalid uri Fixed .
Is your server running nginx and php-fpm? See nginx config suggestions at: →
I tried 2.x and I think the issue of #6 is still happening. I've opened a new issue at 🐛 Offline assets missing for pages added via hook Needs review .
Added a commit and merge request
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Switched to 2.0.x branch and added a new branch and merge request for this feature.
bwaindwain → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
ah, I wasn't signed into gitlab (!?)
I've forked the code, created a branch and committed a change, but I can't seem to create the merge request for some reason...
Created an issue fork with a commit which adds the schema yml file
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Created an issue fork with a commit which adds the cancel button
@marcoka The YOURMODULE_preprocess_field() adds the thumbnail URL as a data-thumbnail
attribute on the <iframe>
. Then the JS gets the image URL and applies as a background-image style to the parent <div>
Delete confirmation modals have cancel buttons. There lots of modals in views config with cancel buttons. Layout builder delete confirmation has cancel.
Changed the 'steps to reproduce' to use taxonomy instead of layout builder which seems a bit simpler. Updated screenshot.
This adds the button
bwaindwain → created an issue.
my first gitlab merge request
@roshni27 you need to click Save blocks and then Place block relatively quickly. It may help to increase the time limit.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
same as #8 but compatible with D10
Patch #2 works good for us. +1
bwaindwain → created an issue.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
Patch #2 increased the opacity on hover, making the "x" even lighter. This preserves the original intent, making it darker on hover.
bwaindwain → created an issue.
This adds a few more paths and works better for us.
See ongoing work in the 4.x branch →
Tested patch #8 in Drupal 10.1.0 and it works great. Thanks @Gauravvvv
I don't know why the tests failed
here's a patch
bwaindwain → created an issue.
I think this may have caused a bug with browser resizing. See 🐛 Layout builder off-canvas positioning problem when resizing browser Needs work
@marcoka Checkout our solution posted at ✨ In the Cookies Video module, Use thumbnail image as background Postponed
added a gif for fun
The PHP warnings are:
Warning: Undefined array key "thumbnail_width_metadata_attribute" in Drupal\media\Entity\Media->getThumbnailWidth() (line 285 of core/modules/media/src/Entity/Media.php).
Warning: Undefined array key "thumbnail_height_metadata_attribute" in Drupal\media\Entity\Media->getThumbnailHeight() (line 310 of core/modules/media/src/Entity/Media.php).
Fix looks good to me. +1 RTBC
Here's how we accomplished this for our project in a custom module. Maybe this will help someone or stimulate the brain cells.
First, add the Drupal oembed thumbnail to the iframe.
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for fields.
function YOURMODULE_preprocess_field(&$variables) {
$formatter = $variables['element']['#formatter'];
if ($formatter === 'oembed') {
/** @var \Drupal\media\Entity\Media */
$media = $variables['element']['#object'];
/** @var \Drupal\file\Entity\File */
$thumbnail = $media->get('thumbnail')->entity;
/** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface */
$file_url_generator = \Drupal::service('file_url_generator');
foreach (Element::children($variables['items']) as $item) {
if ($thumbnail_uri = $thumbnail->getFileUri()) {
$thumbnail_path = $file_url_generator->generateString($thumbnail_uri);
$variables['items'][$item]['content']['#attributes']['data-thumbnail'] = $thumbnail_path;
$variables['items'][$item]['content']['#attached']['library'][] = 'YOURMODULE/remote_video';
Then, move the thumbnail image to the cookies overlay as a background-image with JS.
* @file
* Handles cookie consent events for remote videos.
(function (Drupal, $) {
'use strict';
var videoSelectors = '';
Drupal.behaviors.YOURMODULECookiesRemoteVideo = {
consentDenied: function (context) {
$(videoSelectors, context).each(function (i, element) {
if (element.dataset.thumbnail) {
let wrapper = element.closest(".cookies-fallback--video--wrap")
if (wrapper) { = "url(" + element.dataset.thumbnail + ")";
attach: function (context) {
var self = this;
document.addEventListener('cookiesjsrUserConsent', function (event) {
var service = (typeof === 'object') ? : {};
if (typeof !== 'undefined' && ! {
})(Drupal, jQuery);
Add a bit of CSS to blur and lighten the background-image.
.cookies-fallback--video--wrap {
background: none;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.cookies-fallback--video--overlay {
background: #ffffff99;
backdrop-filter: blur(4px);
border: none;