I'm trying to integrate this module with Menu Multilingual → module which allows you to filter out menu items based on the current language vs. the language of the menu item. See #2950751: Integration with blocks provided by responsive_menu →
The Menu Multilingual assumes that the menu block extends Drupal\system\Plugin\Block\SystemMenuBlock which extends Drupal\Core\Block\BlockBase.
The Toggle and Superfish blocks provided by responsive_menu do not extend SystemMenuBlock but BlockBase directly.
I tried to modify the Drupal\responsive_menu\Plugin\Block\Toggle block so that it would extend SystemMenuBlock. However, when I do that, I get a fatal error:
LogicException: No menu name provided for menu.active_trails cache context. in Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\MenuActiveTrailsCacheContext->getCacheableMetadata()
1. Are the any reasons why Drupal\responsive_menu\Plugin\Block\Toggle could not extend SystemMenuBlock instead of BlockBase?
2. If there are no reasons that prevent this, how could we work around the exception?
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