Who said flexible permissions v2 does have dependency on variation cache module .
I don't understand why you feel the need to repeat the topics I wrote and touched upon.
I created this issue to talk about reducing the group module's dependency on other separated modules. I also shared topics related to other modules. This isn't just about flexible permission.
I recommend you read it again. I think the main idea and situation I mentioned above can be clearly understood.
Anyway, I won't change the title you changed, lets keep it that way. We will find a solution eventually.
It's tested.MR!107 worked without any errors or warnings.
+1 for RTBC
Thanks @FeyP ...
#3 - 3352640-03.patch is working.
Tested versions
Drupal: 10.2.7
diff: 1.7
token: 1.14
php: 8.3
+1 for RTBC
Entity hierarchy does not have the features and module environment that the book module has.
My question was very clear and understandable as you stated that there is no such feature in the current situation.
I can help more if you tell me what kind of information you need that isn't in the description.What other information do you need?
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Drupal 10.2.7 is ok but this problem is still observed in version 10.3.
#15 doesn't work for 10.3. It could not apply patch.
Tested for version 10.3
#136 and #137 didn't apply...
It didn't worked for version 3.X
Problem 1
- drupal/group_comment_permissions dev-1.x requires drupal/group ^2.0 -> found drupal/group[dev-2.0.x, dev-2.1.x, dev-2.2.x, dev-2.3.x, 2.0.0-alpha1, ..., 2.3.x-dev (alias of dev-2.3.x)] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^3.2).
- drupal/group_comment_permissions 1.x-dev is an alias of drupal/group_comment_permissions dev-1.x and thus requires it to be installed too.
- Root composer.json requires drupal/group_comment_permissions 1.x-dev@dev -> satisfiable by drupal/group_comment_permissions[1.x-dev (alias of dev-1.x)].
What about version:3.x ?
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Hi @Youcanlearnit,
Did you find a solution for this issue? It would be great if you could give some advice.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Hi @ashetkar,
Thanks for reply but it didn't worked for me.
I found another way, which I don't know if it's really a solution.
My project is multilingual.
Once you empty the entire translation folder (all en-es-fr po files), the "Undefined array key moderation_state..." warning disappears and the configuration import is completed. I don't know what it has to do with this warning.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Thank Aaron, it works.
+1 for RTBC
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
There is even a bug reports for realname support in privatemsg older versions. I opened it as a support request because it is a vital need.
Of course, you know better, it would be best to follow you here..
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
It renders full flag entity. Is there anyway to get raw value of flag link to use in twig template.
For example; <a href="{{ flag_link }}" class="abc-class"> Flag it </a>
The patch has been tested. The patch could not be applied.
Checking patch src/Entity/EntityExtraField.php...
error: while searching for:
* @var string
public $name;
* @var string
error: patch failed: src/Entity/EntityExtraField.php:67
error: src/Entity/EntityExtraField.php: patch does not apply
It works but
best and worst values are determined as constant in the patch(100/20). Shouldn't them be calculated as the lowest and highest of all evaluations? Rating and ratingCount values are ok.
+1 for RTBC
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Workaround :
I have disabled the Email Content Flag to prevent notifications of content (Place) that have not been updated or changed.
Thus, I prevented Update Node Notifications for content that has not changed when a referenced content (Event) created with it.
It is just a temporary solution.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Hi Jurgen,
MR14 works. Thanks.
+1 for RTBC
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Hi @dmezquia
It's fixed now, your adjustment is working. Thanks
Yes, It's about Bootstrap css. It works with Olivero.
The problem with Barrio 5.5.16 ( Bootstrap 5).
+1. Same issue. Did you find any solutions @Grabby?
Any idea,please ?
Refreshless module didn't work for me. I don't know, maybe it works but some problems may have occurred in my system. Also it shows warning as "No further development".
However, Turbodrop works without the need for a complex library or installation such as Yarn or Hux etc.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
The Forum module is deprecated in 10.3.0 and will be removed in 11.0.0.
Is hope still alive ?
https://www.drupal.org/node/3422597 →
+1 RTBC.
Views solution is not enough for some complex structure. And also this solution with views makes performance problems. I can't get field values or twig suggestion either.
I guess it's best to wait for this(rendered entity) feature to arrive or continue with the normal entity reference solution.
Anyway, thank you.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
The problem still exist.
When the user clicks on the button to switch receiving any comment notifications, the comment form disappears.
Drupal Version 10.2 & Comment Notify 8.x-1.x-dev & Bootstrap 5
Any idea , please ?
Now, it's ok. It works.
OK, It's about Bootstrap version.
There's no problem with Barrio because it uses Bootstrap5 (local or cdn)
But admin themes like Gin and Claro only worked with Bootstrap3 option. Check screenshot, please.
I had tested it separately with FN and ckeditor 5 button. It's ok if [FN] is valid for v.3, but it did not work with Ckeditor5 Footnotes button.
Now, I have tested Version 4 alpha3 and dev version, again.
It still only allows me if I deactive the filter of "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML". Check screenshots, please.
Hi, thanks for reply.
Yes, it's the same icon. I tested it with another website with the same configuration. But the icon still does not appear. Then, if it is running on your system, I think it intersects with another module or setting in my admin configuration. I'll let you know when I find it.
By the way, I encounter the same problem when I use gin or claro as admin theme. But when I use Barrio custom subtheme(my default front-end theme) as the admin theme, the icon appears. I don't know if the setting(gear-icon) is visible because it is the frontend interface.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Patch applied but it still counts previous versions. If there are 4 revisions, it shows 1 usage as like 4.
a temporary solution that I'm not sure is sufficient. (message_subscribe_example.module)
$query->condition($field . '.target_id', $entity->id());
$query->accessCheck(TRUE)->condition($field . '.target_id', $entity->id());
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
4 years later, the same problem still persists. Indicates that an unrelated node was voted on when you voted for a media.
If the node to which the media is connected appears to be voted, we will analyze it as well. But it seems like another unrelated node has been voted in the views table even though the media is voted.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Ok,I see. I'm new to the community. And I am just getting to know this working culture.
Thanks for your reply.
I've been using it for a while. I didn't have a problem. Of course, since I do not have a large amount of data during this time, I cannot test it.
My curiosity; Why was the patch on such an important issue not merched until now?
Do you think we should use this patch on a prodcution site?
Cannot apply patch Fix the issues reported by phpcs ( https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-05-22/3331903-27.patch → )!
Checking patch message_subscribe.api.php...
Checking patch message_subscribe_email/message_subscribe_email.info.yml...
Checking patch message_subscribe_email/message_subscribe_email.module...
Checking patch message_subscribe_email/tests/src/Functional/ViewsTest.php...
Checking patch message_subscribe_email/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/MessageSubscribeEmailTest.php...
Checking patch message_subscribe_example/README.md...
Checking patch message_subscribe_example/message_subscribe_example.module...
error: while searching for:
// a custom list (see hook_user_insert() below). This is just an
// illustration of another solution.
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('user')
->condition('status', 1);
$query->condition('roles', 'administrators');
$admin_uids = $query->execute();
foreach ($admin_uids as $uid) {
error: patch failed: message_subscribe_example/message_subscribe_example.module:52
error: message_subscribe_example/message_subscribe_example.module: patch does not apply
Checking patch message_subscribe_ui/src/Controller/SubscriptionController.php...
Checking patch message_subscribe_ui/src/Plugin/Block/Subscriptions.php...
Checking patch message_subscribe_ui/tests/src/Functional/SubscriptionsBlockTest.php...
Checking patch src/Form/MessageSubscribeAdminSettings.php...
Hunk #2 succeeded at 83 (offset 6 lines).
Checking patch src/Subscribers.php...
Hunk #2 succeeded at 243 (offset 4 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 286 (offset 12 lines).
Checking patch src/SubscribersInterface.php...
Checking patch tests/modules/message_subscribe_test/message_subscribe_test.info.yml...
Checking patch tests/src/Functional/MenuTest.php...
Checking patch tests/src/Functional/UninstallTest.php...
Checking patch tests/src/Kernel/SubscribersTest.php...
Checking patch tests/src/Unit/Subscribers/DeliveryCandidateTest.php...
Checking patch tests/src/Unit/SubscribersTest.php...
It can now be able to install.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
It wasn't a personal request. I tested and mentioned about the subjects that the module should have due to its nature and purpose.
Anyway, thanks for your hard work.
Trash tagging is like archiving. It's a nice feature but besides that there should also be an option to delete threads completely.
Creating , deleting and tagging operations are working without any error or warning.
It may be tagging would be easier with one click instead of Change tags>searching>saving. Site admin can customize it if form fields reachable at manage form display.For example, Pretty checkbox module can be good alternative for tagging operations or another custom solution.
Is there any plan to open settings and form display areas to be able to customize...
Testing env: Drupal 10.1 - PHP 8.1 PrivateMsg 2.0.x-dev
Drupal 10.1 php 8.1
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
Tested with Drupal 10.1 Merge request !6 not working.
Thanks ivnish...
Any news @ivnish
I want to become a volunteer to test it : ))
Hi tonytheferg,
Thanks for patch.
It doesn't recognize the token values. It seems as a string instead of token value in mail like [node:author] [node:created].[node:title]
What am i missing ?
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
I used both patchs you mentioned above. There's still Ckeditor5 problem wiht D10 version.It's goint to be solved in D9.5( Here 🐛 TypeError: Drupal\ckeditor5\HTMLRestrictions::__construct(): Argument #1 ($elements) must be of type array, Drupal\ckeditor5\HTMLRestrictions given Needs work )
I tried to get around this problem using the BUeditor module but without success.
Error: mentions_crud_update() in Class "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event" not found (line 174 of /var/www/html/testsite/web/modules/contrib/mentions/mentions.module).
So, it seems like there is no other choice but to wait for missing tags issues in Ckeitor5 to be fixed.
Thanks by the way...
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
nice to hear that...THANKS
Any news, please?
Maybe I'm missing something but I could not see a different branch or repository on drupalcode.org.
We have to make an important decision. We have serious problems with starting our project with privatemsg or with private message module. Private message module has nice features, but most of them do not work. There are many problems in D10 version and it seems that there is no active work. Privatemsg looks more stable and smooth but not like D7 version and other module. It works more like a mail system.
If you really want to upgrade to d10, think again. Because the private message module(3.x) is a complete disaster. The last messages you sent do not appear in the stream. You must refresh the page after each message. You cannot tell this to your members. Load previous message button is not working. You cannot list previous messages.
If the private message is important to you, I suggest you think again.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
I agree with Codebymikey. Patch links are easy to use. On the drupalcode.org project page, we don't get lost between codes and repositories.
Hi Jurgen,
Thanks for reply. Danse is ok, got it.
Maybe I'm missing something, please correct me if I'm wrong. Other than your videos on youtube, many thanks for these videos as well, but no other videos or tutorial documentation. Ecaguide is like an index not more.
I'll cut it short, since it's not the subject of this here. I wanted to answer in order not to be rude.
Of course, I always want to help and support.
Thanks again.
I tried something but no success.
But I can access to this path... "/user/1/message-subscribe/subscribe_user" or "/user/1/message-subscribe/subscribe_node"
/user/1/message-subscribe .... is still access denied....
It worked for nodes but it shows the same error for the comments.
I have the same problem.
I uninstalled and reinstalled message subscribe and message ui modules but still no change.....(without danse)
But if I install danse , I can access my message subscription. :))
I think danse provides something missing in the subscribe module.
I stopped using it because there is no filtering of notifications in the danse module. I left danse and it came up again :))
Installing danse would be a silly solution if I want to use the message subscribe module.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
jaydenpearly → created an issue.
I've tested again. It's proven that entity browser module delete authenticated role when it's uninstalled.
I thought of applying the patch when it comes to the importantn issue and performance is concerned.
I actually have no idea about how it indexes or what it is :))
You probably know something. thanks.