Account created on 6 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
  • Trainee Software Engineer at Specbee 

Recent comments

Hi, Applied patch #2, getting error.

Hi, Applied MR 37 Now the linkedin and youtube icons are visible. Attaching the screenshot.

Hi, i couldn't reproduce the broken Bottom to top issue. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 10! Fixes the issue mentioned #7. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Hi, I have applied MR 57. The mini pager style looks good, but I found a minor vertical alignment issue with the 'prev' and 'next' texts. It feels like they have moved slightly down.

Hi , Tried applying patch #2 getting an error. Attaching the error screenshot for reference.

Hi Applied MR 31, The mini pager has been styled but it would be better if previous and next buttons have some background color as per theme.

Hi, Applied patch #3, no visible changes were observed.

Hi , Applied MR 20! The hamburger menu is now visible and also the issue mentioned #9 is fixed. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 5 The form has styled and looks fine but found a issue regarding the checkbox alignment. Attached the issue screenshot for reference.

Tried to apply MR 53! Failed due to an error. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Hi , Applied MR 10! Cleanly applied and the menu styles looks good. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 6 which applied without any error; still the banner image is not rendering for me.

Applied MR 3. The broken menu styles are now fixed. The appearance would be further improved by removing the left space in the submenu. Attaching screenshots after the MR for reference.

Applied MR 20. The text in the first section of the footer is not clearly visible due to its color, while the other sections look good.

Hi, Tested MR 27,Applied cleanly and the space looks good.

Hi, Applied MR 29, Fixes the input search box height issue. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Applied patch #7, which aligned the checkbox text more accurately below, moving it downwards. Attaching the issue screenshot.

After applying MR 4, I noticed that the contents are now visible on the front page. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 7!, The pager style looks good and fixes the issue mention #8. Attaching the screenshots for refernce.

Hi, applied MR 23 ,Fixes the spacing issue in password reset page mobile view.

Hi, MR 8 Applied cleanly and hamburger only appears on mobile menu.

Hi, MR 2! applied cleanly but no visible changes found after MR.

Applied MR 17!, The space looks fine now. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 16, Now the section is visible.

Hi, Applied MR 9, Now the breadcrumb is visible. Attaching the screenshot for refrence.

Applied the changes, Mobile responsiveness issue fixed.

Tested MR 14, Applied cleanly and the page looks good now. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Applied MR 6! Fixes save button and preview button size issue. Attaching ss for reference.

Hi , Applied MR 5!. Fixes the broken footer issue. Attaching screenshot for reference.

Hi, Applied MR 3!. The space has been reduced and looks fine. Attaching the screenshots.

Patch #2 was applied without any issues, but there were no changes after it was applied.

Hi, Tried applying MR 9! Failed to apply. Attaching the error ss for reference.

Applied MR 24! and the footer looks good. Attaching the screenshot for reference.

Hi applied patch #3, applied cleanly and the menu looks good on mobile view. Attaching the screenshot for reference

After applying patch #2, the logo provided by the theme is now visible.

Hi, Applied MR 6, tabs looks good. Attaching the ss for reference.

Tried applying patch #2, failed due to an error.

HI. After applying the MR 12 site showing error. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Tried applying patch #3, getting an error. Attaching the error screenshot for reference.

Hi, After applying MR 13, the homepage error that occurred after updating the banner has been resolved. We can now successfully change the banner image without any issues.

Hi, applied MR 8, successfully changes the old twitter logo to new one.

Hi, After applying MR11, I observed that the slider rendering issue has been resolved. Now, if no value is provided for the slider, it does not display.

Hi, Tested MR MR 10; changes the Old twitter logo to new one successfully.

Hi, After applying MR 12, I noticed that the hamburger menu now opens correctly when clicked. However, the first menu item is not fully visible when the menu initially opens; it only appears properly when I scroll. I've attached a screenshot of the issue for reference.

Hi, Tried to apply MR 20, getting an error. Attaching the error ss for reference.

Hi, applied MR 12, Pagination looks good on both desktop as well as mobile views.

Hi, applied patch #8, the table looks good on desktop as well as mobile views. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, Tried to apply patch #2, failed to apply, shows some error. Attaching the error ss for reference.

Hi, applied MR 11, which resized the image but i could see the image is still somewhat blur .Attaching the ss for reference.

Hi, I applied MR 17, which resolves the icon alignment issue. Attaching ss for reference.

Hi, I applied MR 19, which changed the menu font color. This makes it visible now, resolving the issue.

Hi, I applied MR 1, but the image icon in the footer is still broken. The issue has not been resolved.

Tested MR 20, Applied cleanly and fixes the search result alignment issues. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

I tried applying MR 16, but the hamburger menu overlaps the admin toolbar and is not functioning properly as expected. It isn't opening. I'm attaching a screenshot of the issue for reference.

Hi, patch #2 applied cleanly and allows users to add up to 5 slides. However, if a value is not provided for a particular slide, it results in a blank white display. Therefore, it would be better to have an option for users to choose the number of slides they want to add.

Hi, MR 19 applied cleanly and looks good on desktop view. On mobile the last part of input field goes out of screen. Attaching the issue screenshot for reference.

Hi, Tested MR 18, applied cleanly and styling looks good, but found a small issue regarding checkbox alignment at bottom. Attaching the screenshot of the issue for reference.

Hi, tested MR 29, applied cleanly and contact form style looks good in both desktop and mobile views.

Hi, applied MR 8, fixes the menu scroll issue, adds scroll if there's more content in the region.

Hi, applied the MR 4, fixes the the text visibility issue. Attaching ss for reference.

Hi, reviewed the patch #2, applied cleanly and the form looks good on both desktop and mobile views.

Hi, Tested the Patch #2, fixes the table style issue, the style looks good. Attaching the ss for reference.

Hi, the MR 6 applied cleanly and looks good on desktop after applying MR, but in mobile view the input fields goes out of the box.Attaching ss for reference.

Hi, MR 5 applied cleanly and comment section looks good on both desktop and mobile views. Attaching the screenshots.

Hi, MR 20 applied cleanly and fixes the broken footer issue. Attaching the ss for reference.

Hi, MR 8 applied cleanly and fixes the checkbox issue. Attaching ss for reference.

Hi, applied MR 13, applied cleanly and readmore buttons look good.

Applied the patch at #4, which corrects the submenu style. However, the arrow icon appears slightly lower than expected. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, tried to apply patch #2, failed to apply. Attaching error ss for reference.

Hi, After applying patch #2, the logo now appears below the header initially, but as you scroll, it transitions to fit within the header region. Attaching the screenshots for reference.

Hi, applied the MR 19, list style has been removed and the breadcrumbs look good.

Hi, Reviewed MR 26, fixes the Reset Password, Username, or email address input box display issue. Attaching screenshots for reference

Hi, I reviewed the MR 8. The buttons appear good, although aligning them vertically with the fields would look better.

Hi, Reviewed mr 28, the menu is working fine for desktop view but for the mobile view still could see toggle menu not working.

Production build 0.71.5 2024