🇮🇳India @Nupur Badola

Account created on 26 April 2022, about 2 years ago
  • Software Test Engineer at Specbee 

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed 3452607-3.patch, the patch is working fine for me. Hence marking it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed 3452769-5.patch , the patch is not working for me.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!5, there is no horizontal bar present now. hence moving this to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!4, the patch is working fine , hence moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Hamburger icon is not appearing for me , eventhough the menu is present. Also Please review the highlighted section in the attached screenshot.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!29, the CSS for tags is not working as expected.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Menu is overlapping for 2nd tier menu.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!17, number bullet is appearing before the breadcrumb , which should not appear.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

I am not able to get Read More button . Please mentioned the testing steps. so that i can reproduce the issue

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Space is still required between the two articles

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Hamburger icon is hiding beneath the admin toolbar.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!20, No extra white space found.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Tabs are appearing fine but overlapping the Message Text.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Text Field is appearing fine however, help text is not appearing.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!10, this is not working as expected.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Please provide the correct path, unable to add the slogan.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!21, the patch is working fine for me

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!25, Message text is not overlapping.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!24, this is working fine for me as well.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Please mention the testing steps as i am not getting read more button.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

This issue is resolved however there are multiple issues in this theme

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Getting website encountered error while applying the patch.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Getting website encountered error while applying the patch.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR!11, the patch is working fine and the checkboxes are aligned.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Image is not stretching, the issue is resolved. Hence marking it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed MR !11, the patch is working as expected.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

@ravikant By applying patch.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Sub Menu is still not aligned . Please refer the screenshot given below

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Still Breaking on the resolution 767 px. Please fix this.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Hamburger icon is appearing fine on 767 resolution, however when click on the icon, it is not getting expanded.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

CSS is still breaking for the menu in responsive.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Issue is not fixed. Please see the below screenshot for your reference.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Footer is not appearing as it should be. Screenshot is added for reference

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Patch is not working as expected. Hamburger icon is still visible on footer in mobile view.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

1. Hamburger icon is not working for resolution below 767 resolution.
2. Menu is breaking on 767 resolution.
3. For the resolution above 767, the menu is cropping.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Patch is not working as paginations are still hiding behind the article cards.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Issue for space on the right side in article page in mobile view is still appearing.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Label is white in color, hence not visible to user.
Please fix.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

@sourojeetpaul With your recent MR, the hamburger icon is not visible now. Please look at the screenshot

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed the patch and Drop down and menus are not working.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

No section is present for social share icons. Please review.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Last line of the hamburger icon is appearing as half. Please fix this.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Patch is working fine for the resolution 992.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Scroller is added but not able to view all the tags in that autocomplete field. Unable to scroll till the end.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Sub menus are appearing fine in the site.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Space is still appearing for 768X1024 resolution.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed the patch, working fine as expected.

🇮🇳India Nupur Badola

Reviewed the patch, working as expected.

Production build 0.69.0 2024