β changed the visibility of the branch 3.x to hidden. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork. β created an issue. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork. β created an issue.
I attached the latest patch from the MR. β created an issue.
I attach the latest patch from the MR just in case this task won't be merged soon.
Attaching the latest patch from the MR. β changed the visibility of the branch 3480896-drupal-11-compatibility to active. β changed the visibility of the branch 3480896-drupal-11-compatibility to hidden. β created an issue.
I added required changes that give other modules the ability to alter props and slots before they are passed to the render array.
Also, I'm attaching the patch. β changed the visibility of the branch 3458850-props-alter to active. β changed the visibility of the branch 3458850-props-alter to hidden. β created an issue. β created an issue.
I made a fix when nested blocks added via the inline_entity_form module didn't have the edit button visible when you edit the block. Also, this fix fixes the issue when you can't see nested blocks while the node is not saved.
This patch can be applied to Drupal 10.2.x.
While MR isn't merged, I'm attaching a patch based on the latest MR that can be applied to Drupal 10.2.x.
I'm attaching a patch based on the latest MR that can be applied to Drupal 10.2.x.
dinazaur β credited β .
Thanks @bohart for your work. I merged your changes to codebase ;)
Thanks everyone for the work. Merged the latest changes to the codebase.
I created a new branch and re-rolled code to the 10.2.x. core branch.
Attaching the re-rolled patch for the Drupal 10.2.0 version(taken from the new MR !6023) β made their first commit to this issueβs fork. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
When I apply this patch and try to add fields to the group content, I receive the next error:
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: 'group_relationship_type' entity with ID 'community-group_node-record' already exists. in Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase->doPreSave() (line 519 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityStorageBase.php).
Attaching an updated patch that solves this issue. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Thank you all for your work. I merged the code to the dev branch. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Thank you all for your work. I merged the code to the dev branch.
Thanks, everyone, I merged the MR.
I confirm that the patch doesn't work with the JSON:API module.
I updated the latest patch and added the fix for the computed field.
Hi @labboy0276, I use this module in several projects and I would like to offer to take the maintenance of this module. β created an issue.
I updated the module a little bit, and made the following changes:
- Added composer.json file;
- Moved sensitive data to state;
- Added config/install and config/schema files;
- Created custom graph_mail key type.
- Added integration with the key module;
- Fixed critical issue when the getEmailFromString method couldn't extract email from the string;
- Fixed the logic when default email didn't use by default.
- Re-worked the mail plugin to make it use objects instead of the array as the mail argument;
- Created the GraphMailHelper service.
- Wrote the hook_update function that moves sensitive data from config to state.
- Added configuration to the info file. Created the menu item for the module configuration form.
- Code cleanup/optimization.
What needs to be done is to add tests.
When I created this issue I saw that we have the 2.0 version of the module, but it's not compatible with Drupal <10 version.
I think we can migrate some logic from this issue to the 2.0 version later. β created an issue.
bohart β credited β .
Never mind my previous comment. It turned out that the patch made by the bot applies without a problem if we won't use a custom composer package to install this module to bypass composer validation.
I can confirm that the patch provided in comment #2 works like a charm.
I was not able to apply the patch provided by the bot so I created the new one that apply without a problem.
I created a patch with the required changes to the composer.libraries.json file to make it compatible with D10. β created an issue.
Checked the code and tested the functionality. Everything working like charm.
Hello @Snap β ,
I left one comment in your MR. Please check it and add changes if you feel that they are reasonable.
The patch looks good, everything works like a charm.
Thank you @snap_x for your work. β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Working on this ticket during #LutskGCW23