Patch works
Hi @AndrewGearhart
Module don't have a possibility to render any type of entity in CSL, like node for example. It could not contain all required fields for render.
This way for render in CSL we need to use References.
And your steps of recommended solution is migrate your Nodes to References with "Migrate" core module.
If you need help with migration, you can contact us at
Sorry. Which library doesn't get updates? Did you try to create issue here?
Do you see on packagist it is deprecated?
So the easy solution should be that the first part is intepreted as the last name, an the comma separeted part, as the name.
What's about middle name?
Other problem if we add configuration key to parser package that we don't have configuration page in module for this.
It more relates to name parser library than bibcite problem.
You can use this patch as temporary solution if it works correct for you.
In the fact I don't understand in which cases it is middle name and which second last name. How we should separate this?
Hi Finn Lewis
Update issue title since we don't use AcademicPuma.
Could you provide an example of such reference to let us check this issue?
Hi @daddison
It is too complex question in the fact. The first one you can do is update CSL. It can be too old and in not actual state.
Also you can edit it to make render look as you want. We are not so good at this, so we prefer to use not modified csl files from CSL official repository.
We don't update it to because we try to not change current sites behavior. In the fact we did it when updated citeproc library. But it was really needed.
All issues from this list was created for old citeproc library and could be not actual.
If you think the CSL rendered incorrect the most likely citeproc make something wrong. You can create issue there
We can also check it but it requires a lot of our time and we already reviews a long list issues which needs to be merged.
We say thanks users who make patches and RTBC. This helps us so much.
It is vertical tabs and it can't be opened by default. No need this changes.
I reviewed changes. I think that users don't need to check options each time on import. And it should be global module settings.
Also what do you think about options to update existed entities not just skip it? →
This issue won't be included in next release.
We have some ideas about implementation this function.
Obviously you can use patch as a temporary solution until it will be finished.
3.0.x-dev version already switched to "seboettg/citeproc-php": "^2.6"
The issue is not actual.
You're partially right about status of this issue. We applied patch which you suggested with modification. And we installed bibcite crossref to the drupal core 10.
If it's fatal now then the reason in renanbr/crossref-client. We'll make research asap, but you also can make it and suggest another one MR to library.
The reason module can't be installed for recommended version of Drupal is dependency on psr/cache and as result cache/array-adapter. We'll research it too, but the most possible it is issue in core, not in module or library.
@Taran2L need to add GitlabCI to enable automated testing →
We updated dependecies in both branches.
@rbrandon Also, I created new issue.
Trim given name
AardWolf → created an issue.
Hi @johnnny83
Please wait updated citeproc library nearest time. Also you can change csl at any time and update render output.
Patch not actual anymore. We're working on changes.
3.0.x version compatible with D10 only.
You can use 2.0.x version for D9.
Planned to include it in beta5.
Updates applied to dev branches.
We don't need to check php version. It is Drupal core requirement.
Close as outdated.
hxdef → credited AardWolf → .
hxdef → credited AardWolf → .
hxdef → credited AardWolf → .
hxdef → credited AardWolf → .
Hi @Liam Morland
Tested patch on branch 3.0.x with
References table has no header for bibcite_links
Got an error.
Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException: Element matching xpath "//div[contains(@class, "bibcite-reference-table")]//tr[td[text() = "Download citation"]][td//a[text() = "Google Scholar"]]" not found
We plan to fix it later.
You can update your MR if you know the way how it should be fixed.
Thank you.
Duplicate. Will be fixed here.
Error: Call to a member function getName() on null in Drupal\bibcite_bibtex\Normalizer\BibtexReferenceNormalizer->extractContributors()
Hi @bkosborne
It looks like a good MR. But we'll postpone it to the next release where we plan to switch citeproc version officially.
Thank you.
Will be fixed in referenced issue.
Error: Call to a member function getName() on null in Drupal\bibcite_bibtex\Normalizer\BibtexReferenceNormalizer->extractContributors()
Nice patch. Fixed.
You can switch to latest version 3.0.x-dev and check bibcite on D10 and PHP 8.0+
Or you can try latest 2.0.x-dev for D8, D9
It would be helpful.
We plan to update dependencies asap after beta3 release
Hi menteb.
The 1.4 version doesn't save webhook URL. I think it could be a reason of error.
I checked the latest 1.x-dev version and it is working as expected.
We plan to release new version with fixes this month.
In the fact, function processMessage is internal helper function which not used anywhere outside class and it is a reason to be private.
sendMessage function can overriden and don't need to use internal helper function in it.
If you don't think so then private modifier should be excluded from all OOP languages.
But it used in some other contrib modules.
For example in Config split module: \Drupal\config_split\ConfigSplitCliService::import
And I think function modifier shouldn't be changed.
Thank you for the patch.
Changes in the dev branch.
Hello @j.cowher
Thank you for your patch. But in the fact we just need to revert some changes made last year in 1.x branch.
In SlackSendRequest.php properties already protected.
There're only missing typehints, but it is another issue.
Can you provide some additional information?
Hi @Toki
I can suppose next temporary solution. It contains code of hook from #2 💬 Sort Reference view by last name of first Contributor Active it required to sort by first author in the Reference.
Also needed to add relationship to Contributor. Add field, Last Name for example, to sort to the field list and exclude it from display.
Then needed to open Format Settings and set this field checkbox Sortable and radio Default sort.
It works for my instance for admin views bibcite_reference_admin which shows References in Table format.