- Issue created by @daddison
Hi @daddison
It is too complex question in the fact. The first one you can do is update CSL. It can be too old and in not actual state.
Also you can edit it to make render look as you want. We are not so good at this, so we prefer to use not modified csl files from CSL official repository.
We don't update it to because we try to not change current sites behavior. In the fact we did it when updated citeproc library. But it was really needed.
All issues from this list was created for old citeproc library and could be not actual.If you think the CSL rendered incorrect the most likely citeproc make something wrong. You can create issue there https://github.com/seboettg/citeproc-php/issues
We can also check it but it requires a lot of our time and we already reviews a long list issues which needs to be merged.
We say thanks users who make patches and RTBC. This helps us so much.