Account created on 15 September 2015, over 9 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi @sébastien-fr

Can you please mention from which version you upgraded to 4.0.0-alpha6? 

I followed these steps and couldn't reproduce the issue you stated. 

1. Installed dev version dev-4.x
2. Created some conditional fields.
3. Upgrded to 4.0.0-alpha6 - No errors
4. Refreshed the conditional fields => Content (Any Type) page - No errors

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Please review the patch. Likewise, I also created the content from devel and the padding applied for both mobile and desktop.
I am also not sure about the file (which the correct place to modify or not).

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🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Ah! , that was crazy 😄. hopefully you can check the release plans in git or so (

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Patch #4 And search and filter functionality to the dashboard Needs review applying cleanly on 2.x-dev. But why you removed translations for the form element's title?

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

The rector patch was not applied cleanly. Please check the patch below.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

hi @Anybody whenever I create the MR, many changes are coming along with that. I'm not sure why, Can you please check?
I followed the command given in the issue fork only.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@TR can you please mention the status change to closed also? Why is it not there in the latest version as the OP mentioned the issue version as 8.x-3.0-beta4

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

hi @bajah1701, There is already an MR for this and it's merged in the dev version. please use votingapi:3.x-dev@dev.

Maybe this needs to be ported to the Beta version.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Same issue here. I am posting two images. One is the original image uploaded and the other is WebP converted.
I set the Image quality in the webP configuration as 100.

As I can not upload the webP image here, I am posting the webP image uploaded in a image hoster(

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

I am getting an error like as follows when connecting to the db: 

TypeError: Unsupported operand types: MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument + array in Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source\SourcePluginBase->next() (line 400 of /var/www/html/web/core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/source/SourcePluginBase.php)

Any idea? 

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Created an MR to Hide and show the Scroll to top link . Please review.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Can you reiterate your issue? I am getting the MediaWiki Filter API form in the text formats . Attaching ss.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi, @Marcus sent you that mail, and as suggested by @sandy we could start with a simpler one :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@jcnventura you can consider granting credits to the people who have contributed :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi, @Marcus_Johansson thanks for the detailed response. I like to work on the tasks you mentioned, But probably I need to get more on the module workflow and related modules (Also I might need a test API key to test things out). Thanks.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Here is a patch if you are still getting error on config page.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@nicxvan Created an MR to address the changes. Please review.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

sorry about that @anybody I was trying to fix the config error, rather not checked the usage in the code. +1 for MR 👍

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

After removing the theme_display: null from the config (layout_paragraphs.modal_settings), import it again (drush cim -y), run the config-inspector report it worked for me. Attaching the screenshots.

Actually there is no way to provide a patch a MR for this, as the particular configuration is over rided after making the changes in Layout Paragraphs Modal Settings from layout_paragraphs Configuration settings.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Thank you @omrmankar it worked. postman things :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

its because the module is trying to connect to the telemetry default endpoint specified in the opentelemetry.settings.yml (http://localhost:4318). Either need to disable it or enable the server and try.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Please review the patch. thanks

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Actually i was working on the MR at the same time :) .. checked in local and its working fine. attaching screenshot. Thanks

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Thank you @VinmayiSwamy for noticing it. Here is the corrected patch.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi @Anaconda777 Please check the patch. And it is always recommended to use latest package of the module on latest Drupal version :) if you upgrading PHP to the latest.
As D7 support is already ended.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Tested the patch and its working fine. I guess in that case we can remove the hardset initilization too.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Can you please make the post to English as served in english language :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@lolgm Actually the patch didn't included the new plugin file (my bad :( ). Corrected it and included your changes also. thanks.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

please review the patch.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

The states API have a change recently in core, see this: on issue: 🐛 States API doesn't work with multiple select fields Needs review . Idk conditional_fields making use of states API, but posted if that helps.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

$entity->access('permission') has been deprecated since D10 and gives the warning( ).

Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in  
         drupal:9.2.0 and an error will be thrown from drupal:10.0.0. Call      
         \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck() with TRUE or   
         FALSE to specify whether access should be checked.

Anyway to check explicit access for the entity in getDefaultOperations?

for eg:

public function getDefaultOperations(EntityInterface $entity) {
    $exists = isset($this->templates[$entity->getGathercontentTemplateId()]);
    $operations = [];
    if ($exists && $entity->access('update') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('edit-form')) {
      $operations['edit'] = [
        'title' => $entity->hasMapping() ? $this->t('Edit') : $this->t('Create'),
        'weight' => 10,
        'url' => $entity->toUrl('edit-form'),
    if ($entity->access('delete') && $entity->hasLinkTemplate('delete-form')) {
      $operations['delete'] = [
        'title' => $this->t('Delete'),
        'weight' => 100,
        'url' => $entity->toUrl('delete-form'),
    return $operations;

here i think its explicitly checking access for 'update' or 'delete'. So the entityQuery->accessCheck(TRUE) would work? as its for the whole access right?

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Please review the patch. thanks

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Thanks for the update @agentrickard.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

I am working on this. will raise a new MR for coding standard and modify the current one.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

hi @AstonVictor the translation string can be corrected, and i couldn't see any error if by default i am not selecting any permission or roles assigned to it (If that is meant by validation returns FALSE if the admin doesn't add configurations on the settings page.).

yea didn't added the new permission but thought to manage in the configuration form itself (Not sure about this).

But your way works too 👍. rather than these this workflow need to be confirmed to be correct by @aronne. Thanks

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@codesquatch I wonder why the hook_update is used in place for to add these fields? drush updb created the fields for me.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Way to go. This patch is not yet available in '2.0.0' version. The installation still fails on D10 :(

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@geocalleo i raised against 2.0.0 now. First i tried to raise in the git UI itself (as there no code change), but it didn't worked. Thats why there is a intermediate MR :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Yea sure @geocalleo i will do that

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@mahyarsbt sure i am interested to contribute. Hope you don’t mind giving credits:)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@aronne thats correct. I also think creating a new configurable permission, that can be assigned to a role by an administrative role user.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

I think you have to typecast to string in this case along with the empty check. Please check:
I have updated the MR, please check.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

MukhtarM made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

I am too not geting this reproduced in local. In fact i wonder when i enable Enable/Disable local tasks display what are the changes would effect? As node edit and delete already there. (may somebody point here would help)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi I am using D9.5 and here is the patch that works for the custom date fields (I combined the #18 and #3 basically, but there were some tweaks needed as #18 was not applying cleanly). It works well to apply the custom SQL format to the custom field. Thanks

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

@sandipta There are some Eslint and phpcs errors in the pipeline. Can you please check?

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

I think it would make sense. If that is here is the patch :)

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi @solarDog You have to change the cocoen_beforeafter.js to

(function ($, Drupal, once) {

  Drupal.behaviors.beforeafter = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      once('.cocoen-beforeafter-container', context).cocoen();

})(jQuery, Drupal, once);

As well as point the core/once library in cocoen_beforeafter.libraries.yml (Which will remove the once error for you). I will provide a patch soon.
As jquery.once is deprecated in favour of core/once as you said.

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Hi @clarkssquared The patch from MR is applying fine for me. Please follow this instruction to apply the patch MR:

🇮🇳India mukhtarm

Ok here is a workaround that is serving the private blob files directly using SAS token (We don't need to save locally to save the storage). Also resolves #15 📌 Support private containers and try to serve locally from the server Needs review . Thanks

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