- 🇮🇳India TanujJain-TJ
Filters and search are still missing from dashboard, updating the version to 2.x.
Adding a patch file that adds Date Range Filter and Keyword Search field to search for Title, Email address & Body from Mail. - 🇮🇳India Pinesh Kumar
Issue #123456: Updated DashboardForm to be compatible with Drupal 9/10 coding standards
This patch updates the DashboardForm class in the Mail Safety module to adhere to the coding standards of Drupal 9/10. The changes include:
- Updated reset btn id(#edit-keyword-search) for keyword search.
- Updated class dependencies to use the correct type-hinted interfaces.
- Updated translation function calls to use $this->t() for proper translation handling.
- Updated class and method comments to provide more meaningful descriptions. - 🇮🇳India mukhtarm
Patch #4 ✨ And search and filter functionality to the dashboard Needs review applying cleanly on 2.x-dev. But why you removed translations for the form element's title?