Account created on 19 February 2013, over 11 years ago

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🇺🇸United States W01F

Just to throw fuel on the fire - I also came across this module: . As a seasoned Drupal architect and builder, I'm still a bit confused as to the best path/methods forward here to support a number of clients. I can see this being very confusing for someone just getting started, or at least confusing if they're concerned about the "best" manageable and sustainable path forward to implement robust phone functionality.

🇺🇸United States W01F

Hi @Orkut, I would simply recommend:

  1. Starting a discussion with the current maintainers of this module and reaching out to the OptimizeDB maintainers to discuss potentially joining forces, including:
  • Which module would be best to promote as recommended
  • Deprecating the other, possibly with an upgrade path?
  • Identify any features, code improvements, etc. that could/should be done on the identified module to take forward.
  • Update all information and docs - module pages with mentions of the other/previous modules, readmes, possibly the comparison listed above, etc.
  • Alternatively, if the discussion reveals a valid reason to maintain both modules such as different important implementation points, target users or cases, etc. - then a note to that effect explaining the differences to help guide potential users should be added to the module descriptions.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Okay, created similar issues for both of the other modules - hopefully these can be combined in some way, shape, and form, and it looks like the three interested parties can join forces for one, well supported module!

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hi Tzatziki, you mention Gin - but core will also soon have a dark mode option baked into Claro/Olivero core themes as well if I'm not mistaken.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Jigarius, we came up with another solution for allowing customizable flyouts similar to and compatible with the core Olivero flyout. Let me know if you'd like to take a look - production implementation is for the filter flyout (on mobile) under the Olivero burger menu here -

    Let me know if even reviewing this implementation may be helpful.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    +1 to "Display tooltips" per longwave's suggestion - my preference would be off by default.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just also chiming in I ran into this trying to uninstall the older 2.0.2 version of the Group module from a 10.2.6 install. I had to recreate the offending/missing group types, then uncheck all but the default Admin allowed permissions, then I could remove the group types again and proceed without hitting additional errors.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just commenting I finally got around to removing group v 2.2.2 from a site, and this was the last step. I had to reinstall group, manually delete these two views (group nodes, group members), then uninstall and remove the module again, and everything looks good.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Thank you very much! That is extremely helpful and I will continue to dive more into this in the coming weeks. As I said, I'm already using and enjoy this on a few sites already in cases where the content editors want an easy way to add some of their own CSS/JS and understand the general implications - risks and best practices.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I can't replicate this on any of my Drupal 10 (various versions) sites.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Seeing this as well for regular authenticated users that want to make use of the toolbar for easy (permitted) content adding and editing, but don't need to see Configuration, Reports, etc. that they only get "Access denied" for anyway.

    Wondering if this can/will be fixed, or if the idea is to wait and swap to the new core admin toolbar coming in... 11?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Closing as seems to be a duplicate of Better Exposed Filters: Textfield in auto-submit filter with Ajax should retain focus submitted Needs work , which has a working patch for the expected ajax behavior on the latest 6.x dev version.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Updated the title to be clearer regarding the purpose of this issue as requested. Here are some examples of what I think the ideal alternative height should look like, and would like other's opinions.

    Would a simple toggle option for one reduced height option be sufficient, or would a numeric field to set the desired height in px/rem be desirable? Also, any other options (e.g., vertical centering - top, middle, bottom - for the header elements, manual option to set mobile menu swap width, etc.)?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just looking into some site improvements, including adding modern CSP policy header recommendations, and would also love some basic descriptions and potentially suggestions for setting this up for sites.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Thanks @murilohp, and thanks for the fast response. I would just include some of that explanation in the similar modules section. Makes complete sense and I may be switching over soon as well to simplify the module/code on our team's end, allowing that config to be done in the Adsense panel as well!

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hi Gaus, just following up on this - I discovered that using trimmed with aggregation turned on will show raw output. The fix is to also select "Format" as a "Group columns (additional)" setting in the Aggregation settings for the description field.

    This should resolve this - thank you.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Following this in case there's a backport to D10

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Well, I don't think a note simply stating you're closing it because it's "old" is a proper method to close tickets.

    Might I recommend something a bit more helpful, such as "We do not currently intend to support this feature." or "We do not currently have time to develop this additional feature, but are open to contributions if someone would like to take this up. Closing for now." Or... possibly even a "After reviewing the request, I realize this is already possible, and am including instructions for how to implement below, with a reference in the readme."

    But generally the maintainer of module leaving a note that doesn't even convey they took the time to read a submitted ticket is rather discouraging. If you find yourself strapped for time or lacking technical expertise to respond properly, I would suggest opening the module up and advertising for a co-maintainer.

    Note: Copy/pasting my response from the other ticket that was inadequately closed... as that was the method used for the closing comment.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Well, I don't think a note simply stating you're closing it because it's "old" is a proper method to close tickets.

    Might I recommend something a bit more helpful, such as "We do not currently intend to support this feature." or "We do not currently have time to develop this additional feature, but are open to contributions if someone would like to take this up. Closing for now." Or... possibly even a "After reviewing the request, I realize this is already possible, and am including instructions for how to implement below, with a reference in the readme."

    But generally the maintainer of module leaving a note that doesn't even convey they took the time to read a submitted ticket is rather discouraging. If you find yourself strapped for time or lacking technical expertise to respond properly, I would suggest opening the module up and advertising for a co-maintainer.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just following up here for clarification as we're also seeing some confusing reports for several sites in Google Analytics recently and are trying to track the cause down.

    Uploading screenshot of what I'm understanding are the recommended settings to, again as I understand we should have to:

    • avoid the deprecated 'ping' method
    • continue to display the hreflang sitemap for the language variant standard recommended by Google
    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just following up here that a dark mode would indeed be wonderful, and the "sync with system" option as seen on symfony's site would be a welcome automated feature. In general is D.O looking to move to a new theme other than bluecheese with the next major upgrade? Is there a good page resource for either of those - D.O's upgrade plans and theme development?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    First, thank you both for your work on this so far.

    I'm setting back to "needs work" and will endeavor to detail the issues a bit more here.

    The original issue was only about the potential for accidental double-tapping, resulting in a potentially frustrating menu access experience for users on mobile.

    The current delay as currently implemented actually degrades the user experience. Users expect immediate responsiveness when using buttons, links, anything really. So we don't want to disrupt (or delay) the near instantaneous open/close action of the menu upon a press.

    Rather, after a press and open/close action has been performed, we should add a short delay until the button again becomes functional.

    That is:

    1. User presses burger menu to open (or close).
    2. Trigger to open (or close) menu instantly fires and moves the menu.
    3. Burger menu button is deactivated for .5s (or whatever the current delay is fine)
    4. After delay, button becomes useable/clickable again.

    Thank you everyone, and I hope that helps.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    This would be fantastic as a submodule... just saying =)

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Well, I may have fixed it for my use case at least. I just changed the permissions for the media library view from:

    - Permission, view media


    - Role, authenticated

    That seems to have done the trick for me. Now at least all the users see in the popup is the "Choose files" option.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I have a similar use case where I want to expose a media field for upload to anonymous users to add documents for review, but don't need or want them to see any existing documents. I've already limited them being able to access documents, but on testing they still seem to be able to view the names and select to insert on the media popup. A simple upload form would be ideal.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just came across this and wondering if anyone has had success with this module or another in tandem to recognize faces to determine focal points and help "smart crop" images.

    I have this module installed, but still see some room for improvement, such as on this page:

    You can see several of the images awkwardly crop the faces.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I think the download part actually works fine, but it is very difficult to actually click on the link that opens in Photoswipe. So it likely just needs a style update.

    I'm attaching two screenshots of a simple node that has a Powerpoint media file attached, and then what the download link looks like when it opens in Photoswipe.

    I think the link and text should be larger and easily legible.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I believe this is issue (and potential solution) is with Photoswipe, not Splide.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I just tried adding the translation filter on the node autocompletion callback view used for search autocomplete and this didn't work (screenshot attached). We're are using the 3.x-dev@dev version of the module on Drupal 10.2.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hi Sandeep... had a few long weeks. Translation simply needed to be enabled as it does for all types of fields. Closing - and thank you!

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I just tried the patch on a multilingual Japanese/English site on Drupal 10.2 and using Taxonomy Manager 2.0.9. I can see the translate fields below the terms on the Taxonomy Manager page for vocabularies, but hitting "Save term" doesn't save, and redirects to the TM term edit page, where editing the translated fields (I'm just using titles) doesn't save correctly either.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Absolutely I can facilitate related, interlinked issues for the projects concerned, if Andrei is interested in connecting with the other maintainers.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Agreed, I think I initially excluded the non-10.2 compatible modules. Apologies if I didn't, or at least didn't denote them as being for previous major Drupal versions.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just seeing multiple solutions for very similar functionality and recognizing both the potential for collaboration/consolidation among module maintainers and making the overall module landscape for potential Drupal users easier to understand and navigate, i.e. assess their various options, analyze the differences in their functionality, and choose a solution.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Ahh.. okay, I was confused because the module description includes that:

    "The module provides a form element that can be used programmatically but also integration with Better Exposed Filters and Webform.

    ...suggesting it can integrate with webforms, but not dependent upon it. In my case I was interested in testing it out with some BEF buttons for some views on a site that isn't even using webforms.

    So now I'm curious if this could be changed to an optional integration if webforms is installed, or I think the module page should change the wording or include additional information that webform is required.

    Thank you for the fast response!

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Just noting here the maintainer has mostly moved to a new slideshow library and module - .
    This is what we're using now.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Seconding as this is the only factor keeping us from testing implementation of Easy Responsive Images.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hi, is this in the new dev version and testable?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I had a similar issue, where if JS aggregation was disabled, and a user logged out, they wouldn't be able to log back in and would only see the error message that JS needed to be enabled on their browser.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    +1 to Same Page Preview getting in Core.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    I don't have the devel_php module. If I uninstall and reinstall the module - would that ensure capturing that decimal places change in the database?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hmm, it is possible I actually posted this in the wrong module's issue queue?? Thank you for the response Eric, I'll close it for now.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Hi matslats, I'm currently using version beta3. Is this fix in the dev version (even though it's older)?

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    This seems to be fixed and works in D10 by updating the module file give/src/Form/Donation/PaymentForm.php with:

    1. Adding "use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;" at the top.

    2. At line 163, replacing with:

    if ($give_settings->get('log_problems')) {
      // Use the ModuleHandler service to get the module path.
      $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
      $mod_path = $moduleHandler->getModule('give')->getPath();
      // Define the drupalSettings for problem logging.
      $form['#attached']['drupalSettings']['give']['problem_log'] = [
        'donation_uuid' => $donation->uuid(),
        'url' => Url::fromUri("base:$mod_path/give_problem_log.php")->toString(),
    🇺🇸United States W01F

    W01F created an issue.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Came here looking for this exact thing - I did some wonky CSS to make it more user friendly on mobile, but agree with original poster that having the entire "button", text + arrow, would be more intuitive and easier to use OOB.

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Fastest response ever! I updated, tested, and agree it works beautifully - much, much better selecting and embedding experience for users, thank you!

    🇺🇸United States W01F

    Also having content editors hitting this on a multilingual site

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