Account created on 19 February 2013, almost 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States w01f

Thank you for the additional information @cmlara - it sounds like we wait to see if any of the maintainers chime in, while also possibly pursuing some changes to the maintainer review and authentication process?

I would also recommend instituting a mandatory periodic review of maintainers for modules (with current versions of supported Drupal - shield "covered by security team") reportedly used on over 10k (or some threshold) sites.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Setting this back to "Needs work" as it's obviously not "Fixed", but I'm unsure if another Status is more appropriate.

@deekayen, @shrop, @ms2011 and @bdone - please be aware of and provide any guidance/assistance in this matter.

@cmlara - as you flagged this as questionable, it would make sense for you to provide more guidance as well, including:

  1. "reaching out to the official maintainer" - unless I'm missing something, it appears both @dieterholvoet and @a.dmitriiev attempted to reach out to the maintainers
  2. are there guidelines for recommended/required:
    1. channels for this, e.g. Slack, user profile contact form, email, etc.
    2. number of outreach attempts (or number of channels attempted)
    3. elapsed time to allow for response
  3. is there also a process whereby to audit maintainers and remove inactive members - 13 seems a bit excessive, especially with no engagement on this issue from a maintainer for two months
  4. should @dieterholvoet be made a co-maintainer instead to proceed?
  5. what should happen now? next step?

Flagging as questionable sounds appropriate if the proper process wasn't followed, but it's not actually helpful in rectifying the issue without some additional context/direction.

🇺🇸United States w01f

I think we're getting the same error:

"drush updb" gives:
[error] Search API Autocomplete requires this module and version. Currently using
Search API version
(Currently using Unresolved dependency Search API (Version >= 8.x-1.20 required)

🇺🇸United States w01f

w01f created an issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

@freelock Hey John, I haven't changed any of the Rules on older sites in a while, haven't used Rules since they had that semi-recent overhaul to be D10/11 compatible, and am just getting started with ECA myself.

I was considering myself as more one of the eager target audience for this comparison information than a knowledgeable found of existing knowledge for... though I can contribute to a table when I find time to learn ECA better myself.

🇺🇸United States w01f

You can't upload an SVG, but you can define the path to an existing SVG. Ideally users should be able to do either, and the basic CSS would work for most use cases - perhaps similar to how the SVG image module handles basic width and height?

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just checking in if anyone else has tested and we can possibly get this in - we're starting to ready and launch more D11 sites and so far these commits seem to allow quicklink to work for us.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Per the rules , if the maintainer doesn't answer in two weeks the issue may be escalated to the project ownership issue queue.

However, someone would need to be interested in stepping up for this.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Chiming in with the same information as in my other post:

Per the rules , if the maintainer doesn't answer in two weeks the issue may be escalated to the project ownership issue queue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just wondering how dark mode as a core feature for Claro (and Olivero) are coming along - are they still in development. I just saw this new module in contrib I'm likely to going to give a try - .

🇺🇸United States w01f

@jurgenhaas, hey Jurgen - would you or another ECA maintainer be able to help build out the above comparison table to help describe the differences between the Rules and ECA modules for new (and existing) implementers/decision makers?

🇺🇸United States w01f

+1 for at least adding ECA as an alternative on the Rules description page. Also agree an easy to understand breakdown of pros/cons and key differences would be great for new Drupal users (or even old ones).

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hmm, any chance of getting a short write-up/tutorial on how to implement and example, suggested config to use for interested adopters of the new dashboard features in non Drupal-CMS projects? I think that would definitely help with exposing the feature to an initial wider audience and getting engagement (including myself =) ).

🇺🇸United States w01f

Is there a significant benefit to UI, UX, etc. from how AddToAny posts to social media? Or all things being equal, Better Social Sharing Buttons would be considered the better way to go, you think?

🇺🇸United States w01f


Current navigation is:

Nav menu > Extend

  • > Update (tab) shows /admin/modules/update
  • > Available updates (link) shows /admin/reports/updates

Nav menu > Reports > Available updates also shows /admin/reports/updates

🇺🇸United States w01f

Also requesting some additional options for the filter if they don't already exist (I can't find them).

We'd like to be able to create and use custom entity reference views for the tagify autocomplete dropdown. We need to be able to change the sort (new to old, instead of old to new), and being able to add other filters would be useful as well.

🇺🇸United States w01f

This also looks good - I would add both of these to the module description page. Also, if the module can allow 3 or more individuals to chat together at once, I would have a picture depicting that as well.

Lastly, if the chat can be configured as a pop-up on the screen, as traditional chats typically are, and not as an entirely different page, I would include a picture of that.

🇺🇸United States w01f

This is a good start. Can we get screenshots of an example conversation with one or multiple users?

🇺🇸United States w01f

Confirming removing "final" line 15 in /src/Controller/CountryAutocompleteController.php file allows the site to correctly run drush updb/cr or run update.php from the site again.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Wondering if this improvement will also work for images stored in cloud storage options such as S3, Azure, etc. via modules such as the S3 File System and Flysytem ?
Once the images are stored in the external cloud storage, will this still work in capturing exif data on demand for already loaded/saved images and media?

🇺🇸United States w01f

I am seeing this on a site recently updated to 10.3.7 and using both country and flags modules. The php_errorlog file shows the following error:

[09-Nov-2024 10:44:22 Asia/Tokyo] PHP Fatal error: Class Drupal\flags_country\Controller\CountryFlagAutocompleteController cannot extend final class Drupal\country\Controller\CountryAutocompleteController in /home/customer/www/ on line 0

Flags (Flags Country) version 2.0.0-alpha1
Country version 2.1.0

🇺🇸United States w01f

Very interested in getting this module caught up with all recent code updates and D11 compatibility for a specific education site I maintain - any chance on getting final review and a release out? =)

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just checking in on this - have a few projects looking to upgrade to D11 that currently use Responsive Favicons. I think this is still the best solution for muliti-platform/display favicons - or is there going to be a replacement for D11?

🇺🇸United States w01f

Tested and can confirm Merge request !14 resolves the issue on Drupal 11.0.5 site.

🇺🇸United States w01f

@amateescu, I don't believe you meant to close the ticket as a duplicate of itself?

🇺🇸United States w01f

This discussion is continuing in the similar thread - 💬 Similar module - Social Media Links Active . I think it would be great for this module's maintainer to weigh in.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hi Shelane, thanks for helping to parse this out.

So "Social Media Links Block and Field" is the only one for links to the website's social networks?

And all three:

  • Better Social Sharing Buttons
  • Better Social Share
  • AddToAny Share Buttons

- provide links to share node/entity content on visitor's social channels?

I do not know who created what first, etc. - but I do see value in maintainers of different, but analogous functionality modules at minimum discussing, with the hope of potentially collaborating to join forces, experience, knowledge, energy, and resources to create one, best practices, best supported module.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Tested on a D11.0.5 site with a bunch of other modules - works well, no conflicts, no issues!

🇺🇸United States w01f

Testing patch and appears to still show tags when beginning a search with tag-related letters. Screenshot attached.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hi @gxleano, I'll be able to test later - but if this is an issue with the Realname module as my first suspicion, I'm unsure if the fix in compatibility would best be in this module or there? Thoughts? I can create a ticket over there, or move this ticket there, but I think having input from someone familiar with the code first would be a good start.

🇺🇸United States w01f

w01f created an issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Tested line changes to src/Form/ResponsiveFaviconsAdmin.php and appears to function correctly.
If we are removing backwards compatibility, the 9 and 10 should be removed from the info.yml file.
core_version_requirement: ^11

🇺🇸United States w01f

I can confirm the settings above resolve the duplicate issue. Attaching a screenshot as well.

🇺🇸United States w01f

@jdleonard that's a pretty steep barrier to entry that would dissuade many prospective Drupal clients/users from using Forge to test out Drupal.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Confirmed that works - assuming you mean something like:

.chosen-with-drop { min-width: 200px; }

That works for me. 150px appears to even be sufficient to prevent it from looking overly narrow when the user starts typing.

🇺🇸United States w01f

@marcus_johansson, just updated and tested the latest dev build - looks fixed!

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just throwing in another - has a pretty slick dashboard template as a part of it.

🇺🇸United States w01f

I did run updb and it still showed the WSOD error when attempting to AI translate.

I just updated from dev-1.0.x 3c91124 => dev-1.0.x 0aca34b and discarded my changes, and tried again, but hit the same WSOD.

I made the same modification as outlined above and once again it's working correctly.

🇺🇸United States w01f

I can confirm the patch changing all LoggerChannelFactory > LoggerChannelFactoryInterface resolves the issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Currently the parent container works exceptionally well on desktop.

In the Gordillo.Legal example, it allows the ToC and social media links to float together.

The real estate issue only happens on mobile devices. The ToC floats correctly and helpfully at the top (as long as the blog doesn't have too many headers, but I don't know a solution for that case). But the sibling elements also float which becomes obstructive.

If we could tweak the js target, that would solve this issue:
1. Target only ToC by default.
2. If parent container is defined, target that.
3. If parent container breakpoint is defined, switch from ToC to parent container at that point.

🇺🇸United States w01f

I disagree here - I think 2 sizes for basically choosing to group ToC with sibling elements on a larger screen that has more real estate, or limit to just the floating ToC on limited size mobile, would be sufficient for 95+% cases.

But we can rig something very simple up to unset the siblings on mobile for our case I think.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Not sure how I downloaded the wrong package before, but just tested and that works beautifully.

🇺🇸United States w01f

I can't reproduce this now either. Thanks for the quick response!

🇺🇸United States w01f

@marcus_johansson, I'll add some screenshots for clarity. Even when the address field is set to be translatable, it only successfully translates the Country and Prefecture.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Thanks Marcus, noted and appreciate the info!

🇺🇸United States w01f

@mably, I just downloaded and applied the forked module code, but I don't see a configure option on the Extend module page or in the configuration settings for the toc.js block added via Layout Builder.

I'm adding the Toc.js via Layout Builder on an "Article" content type.

🇺🇸United States w01f

First, wow @mably, thanks for the fast reply.

I was initially thinking using js to find the immediate parent would be better as it wouldn't require managing a specific class on just the parent where toc is used. And I wasn't sure if setting if setting a class/ID might cause cause to load and actions in other places it shouldn't.

That said, let me give your solution a try on two quick use cases and I'll report back what I find!

🇺🇸United States w01f

w01f created an issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

w01f created an issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Apologies, I was confused as to the confusion - to confirm, the Glossary standalone, old module is not being used. This is solely using the Glossary display option within core Views.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hi, yes it still appears to be an issue.

As you can see on this live page:

Current behavior/solution:
When on the page for a specific letter (e.g., "K") the breadcrumbs shown will normally be Home > Glossary > Glossary.

The only option to "fix" this is to check the option in Easy Breadcrumbs to hide exact duplicate breadcrumbs.

Ideally, visiting a specific letter in a Glossary view would show breadcrumbs such as Home > Glossary > K.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just following up that I noticed similarly that for multi-week events, the text is only shown in the first week, but it would be clearer if either the whole same description/text or at least the event name was repeated in the subsequent weeks.

Right now if you had two events that spanned two weeks together, you wouldn't be able to easily tell what they were without looking at a previous week, and even then you'd have to guess based on the order.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Sent you an email - happy to report back on the solution pending getting it sorted out.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hi Itamair... no idea what I did or happened, but it now seems to be fixed. Thank you for taking the time to also investigate and your thorough responses. If I figure out what changed I'll follow up here to potentially help anyone else who might experience the same thing.

🇺🇸United States w01f

w01f created an issue.

🇺🇸United States w01f

Just chiming back in that I believe some Evolving Web folks are working on a revamped design for D.O - not sure if a dark mode is being included there, but maybe?!

🇺🇸United States w01f

Hi Italo,

Here are additional, hopefully helpful details.

The referenced fixed issue was for Drupal 8 - I was including it as it seems related, though for a different major Drupal version.

The issue presents itself when using Layout Builder on a content type and selecting the "Leaflet Map" formatter option for a Geofield-type field block. For example:

For views using the Leaflet Map format, the popups do indeed show the correct selected interface language. For example:

I'm including the leaflet part of the config in LB for the

        layout_id: layout_onecol
          label: ''
          context_mapping: {  }
            uuid: 831530ed-4b00-40b5-adaa-7e67867314fb
            region: content
              id: 'field_block:node:location:field_location'
              label: Location
              label_display: '0'
              provider: layout_builder
                entity: layout_builder.entity
                view_mode: view_mode
                type: leaflet_formatter_default
                label: above
                  multiple_map: false
                  leaflet_map: 'OSM Mapnik'
                  height: 400
                  height_unit: px
                  hide_empty_map: true
                  disable_wheel: false
                  gesture_handling: true
                  fitbounds_options: '{"padding":[0,0]}'
                    control: false
                    options: '{"position":"topleft","title":"Reset View"}'
                    control: false
                    options: '{"position":"bottomright","maxWidth":100,"metric":true,"imperial":false,"updateWhenIdle":false}'
                    control: true
                    options: '{"position":"topright","setView":"false","returnToPrevBounds":true,"keepCurrentZoomLevel":true,"strings":{"title":"Locate my position"}}'
                    automatic: true
                    value: ''
                    options: '{"permanent":false,"direction":"center"}'
                    control: '1'
                    content: "<h2>[node:title]</h2>\r\n[node:field_address]"
                    options: '{"maxWidth":"300","minWidth":"50","autoPan":true}'
                    force: false
                      lat: 0.0
                      lon: 0.0
                    zoomControlPosition: topleft
                    zoom: 14
                    minZoom: 1
                    maxZoom: 18
                    zoomFiner: 0
                    iconType: marker
                    iconUrl: ''
                    shadowUrl: ''
                    className: ''
                      x: ''
                      'y': ''
                      x: ''
                      'y': ''
                      x: ''
                      'y': ''
                      x: ''
                      'y': ''
                      x: ''
                      'y': ''
                    html: '<div></div>'
                    html_class: leaflet-map-divicon
                    circle_marker_options: '{"radius":100,"color":"red","fillColor":"#f03","fillOpacity":0.5}'
                    control: true
                    options: '{"spiderfyOnMaxZoom":true,"showCoverageOnHover":true,"removeOutsideVisibleBounds":false}'
                    include_path: false
                    control: true
                    options: '{"position":"topleft","pseudoFullscreen":false}'
                  path: '{"color":"#3388ff","opacity":"1.0","stroke":true,"weight":3,"fill":"depends","fillColor":"*","fillOpacity":"0.2","radius":"6"}'
                    values: ''
                    control: false
                        placeholder: 'Search Address'
                        title: 'Search an Address on the Map'
                      position: topright
                      input_size: 25
                          weight: 0
                          checked: false
                          weight: 0
                          checked: false
                          weight: 0
                          checked: false
                      min_terms: 4
                      delay: 800
                      zoom: 16
                      popup: false
                      options: ''
                    lazy_load: true
                    fences_field_tag: div
                    fences_field_classes: ''
                    fences_field_items_wrapper_tag: none
                    fences_field_items_wrapper_classes: ''
                    fences_field_item_tag: div
                    fences_field_item_classes: ''
                    fences_label_tag: div
                    fences_label_classes: ''
            weight: 6
            additional: {  }
        third_party_settings: {  }
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