The only reference to how a Planet Feed can be produced, in the Planet Drupal content guidelines, is Important issue for blogs hosted on Github → , which can be removed, since:
- It is about an issue happened time ago (more than ten years ago)
- The linked issue, #2164219: Meta: Feeds "looking" broken due to -1002 missing schema → , is described from the Planet Drupal guidelines itself as This most likely won't help
- The Planet Drupal guidelines does not put restrictions on how the content of a Planet Drupal feed is produced, but rather on its content
For the last point, I would rather not add suggestions on how a Planet Drupal feed can be produced. That can go in a different documentation guide, if it can provide enough details to be useful to somebody who wants to add their feed on Planet Drupal.
Where do I suggest that? This is my suggestion: "Your feed must have a maximum of ten posts."
Since no further limits are described, a maximum of ten articles on Planet Drupal, where articles older than three months and three weeks are automatically discarded, means that a feed should, in average, publish not more than an article every two weeks, or the articles from the same visible on Planet Drupal would become more than ten.
What reported on 📌 Clean up Drupal Planet for old posts Active was caused by an issue on Drupal core. There is no need to put a limit for those cases, since it is possible to removed articles from Planet Drupal. In That issue, @drumm also posted this comment, which I read it as There is nothing to worry about.
It's not really practical to do any manual cleanup since newer posts will usually push occurrences of this down by the time someone can look at this.
I don't suggest that should make any changes
Actually, any restriction on articles/feeds described on
Planet Drupal →
are a condition for an action content moderators should take. If the guidelines say that a feed must have a maximum of ten posts, content moderators should do something when a feed does not respect that limit, similarly to what is done when a feed is not updated in more than two years.
So, yes, adding that "clause" does require makes any change.
For what I recall, 10 articles from the same feed have never appeared on the first page.
If it happens because a site publishes 12 different articles in a week, I do not see that as a problem because we should incentivate good articles on Planet Drupal, or Planet Drupal will "die."
If it happens because an issue on how a feed is generated from a site, single articles can be removed, or the feed can be suspended until the issue is resolved. There is no need to put a limit that is then valid for every feed on Planet Drupal.
A limit basing on how many articles from the same feed appears on the first page of → , → , or → makes less sense.
What should article's authors do before publishing an article? Check →
and wait somebody else publish an article?
What should be done when there are more than 10 articles from the same feed on the first page of Planet Drupal or any regional variant?
If you are proposing to use a view to show the articles added to Planet Drupal (and the regional variants), this is something that need to be proposed for the customizations project. None of the Aggregator module's settings allows to set a view to show the added articles.
On /admin/config/services/aggregator/settings, there are no settings for ordering the posted articles.
Since /planet is a path alias for /aggregator/categories/2, the output of that page is produced from the Aggregator module. There is no way to alter how to order articles listed there.
I cannot say the output on that page is altered in some way. I suspect it is so from the Blog text that appears on the top of the page. (The Aggregator module does not seem to categorize its output in such way.)
Since there is already a custom module used for the block showing that information, I guess that module will be ported to Drupal 10. Only the maintainers of this project know what the plan is, though.
We should incentivate writing articles worth for Planet Drupal. Asking to post a new article every two weeks seems going in the opposite direction.
I would not ask to somebody who is willing to share an article that could be helpful to the community to first check how many articles already in the feed are still visible on Planet Drupal. I could also not imagine somebody reporting a feed with more than 10 articles visible on Planet Drupal.
If there are exceptional cases, those can be handled cases by case, similar to what done when a feed contains an article that does not suit Planet Drupal: It is sufficient to move the article to an aggregator category that is not publicly shown.
This requires a code change in one of the custom modules used on Given is migrating to Drupal 10, it is probable this feature request will be postponed.
I added dieterholvoet as co-maintainer.
I added lussoluca as maintainer.
Your feed must have three posts already and at least one post created within the last three months means a feed could be asked to be added to Planet Drupal in June and have an article created on March and two articles older than three months and three weeks, which would also mean that, after three weeks, no article would be visible on Planet Drupal.
dbiscalchin has last logged in more than two years ago. I made tim-diels, who was already co-maintainer, a maintainer.
I published 🐛 AddConstraint() unexpected behaviour Active . The account has been confirmed by nico.b.
Feeds are required to have posts created in the past three months and three weeks because older articles are not even added to Planet Drupal and posts are automatically discarded after three months and three weeks.
Without those requirements, somebody could ask to add a feed with articles that will never appear on Planet Drupal, or somebody could ask to add a no longer active feed without adding new articles. In neither those cases the feeds should be added.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
As a side note, the issue title needs to contain the full project name, which in this case is Responsive and off-canvas menu, not the project machine name, or part of the project name.
ajitdalal is no longer maintainer/co-maintainer of this project.
As long as the feed contains at least two articles published in the past three months and three weeks, the feed is fine.
Articles published in the last 30 days are preferable for the added feed because it shows the feed is constantly updated. It is a positive point which is considered when reviewing the feed.
I added svendecabooter as co-maintainer, since no comments for declining the offer have been posted.
There is no need to wait for 15 days more: A maintainer agreed to make you a maintainer, which means having all the permissions on the project. I added the missing permission.
Added a link that automatically creates an issue in the right issue queue.
Improved formatting; fixed a typo; added a description of what information the created issue needs to contain.
Effectively, the documentation needs to be corrected. It says If you followed the steps above, you have already created an issue requesting that your group be moderated. Here is how the process works. but the previous steps did not say an issue must be created, nor exactly what the issue needs to provide.
That said, the group gets a +1 from me. A second review from another moderator is necessary. Without that, after seven days the group will be approved (since I gave a +1).
I would add that, lately, the "trend" is no longer creating groups on, but community projects → on, which are described as:
Community projects can be used for any purpose that supports or enhances the Drupal project and community. Examples could be non-code projects used to manage groups or initiatives within the Drupal community such as Drupal camps or working groups. They don’t contain modules or themes for use on other websites.
As described in Forming a new group → , the group must first be created, and then an issue which provides a link to the group is posted on this queue. The group is reviewed; if it passes review, it is removed from the moderation queue. That makes the group accessible to everybody.
Basing on 🐛 User repeatedly closing issues that should remain open Active , I would think this issue needs to be re-opened.
It could also be better to leave the task to close the issue to somebody else.
@niranjan_panem On which bases do you claim this issue is outdated? Did you verify it cannot be reproduced?
All the messages to the maintainers have been sent.
This is the first message I sent. I will send the other messages right after posting this comment.
Hello Pratik,
I am contacting you because nicxvan ( → ) offered to become co-maintainer for Commerce Repeat Order ( → ), a project you created for which you are project owner and maintainer.
May you post a comment on 📌 Offering to comaintain Commerce Repeat Order Active about accepting or declining the offer? Please do not reply via email; we need a reply on the offer issue.
Without a comment posted on that issue in the next 14 days, nicxvan will be probably made co-maintainer.Project moderators will not remove the existing maintainers/co-maintainers; the project owner will not be replaced either. Maintainers cannot change the project owner; co-maintainers/maintainers can only be removed/added by people who have the permission to administer co-maintainers/maintainers.
I am contacting all the people who can administer co-maintainers/maintainers for the project.
As last note: This offer is about being co-maintainer, which is different from being a maintainer. A co-maintainer is a person who does not have all the permissions on a project. Even though being co-maintainers could mean having just a single permission, we expect a co-maintainer to have the following permissions on the project: Write to VCS, Edit project, Maintain issues, Administer releases.
If there is any reason for not giving all those permissions, please explain that on 📌 Offering to comaintain Commerce Repeat Order Active .Best regards,
Alberto Paderno
-- project moderator
-- site moderator
The status has been changed because we are waiting for a reply.
Please post a comment after 14 days, if your offer has not been declined. It will show you are still interested in maintaining this project and it will serve as reminder an action is required for this offer.
This is the other message I sent.
Hello Prathamesh,
I am contacting you because Martin ( → ) offered to become co-maintainer for VWO ( → ), a project for which you are maintainer.
May you post a comment on 💬 Offering to co-maintain VWO Active about accepting or declining the offer? Please do not reply via email; we need a reply on the offer issue.
Without a comment posted on that issue in the next 14 days, Martin will be probably made co-maintainer.Project moderators will not remove the existing maintainers/co-maintainers; the project owner will not be replaced either. Maintainers cannot change the project owner; co-maintainers/maintainers can only be removed/added by people who have the permission to administer co-maintainers/maintainers.
I am contacting all the people who can administer co-maintainers/maintainers for the project.
As last note: This offer is about being co-maintainer, which is different from being a maintainer. A co-maintainer is a person who does not have all the permissions on a project. Even though being co-maintainers could mean having just a single permission, we expect a co-maintainer to have the following permissions on the project: Write to VCS, Edit project, Maintain issues, Administer releases.
If there is any reason for not giving all those permissions, please explain that on 💬 Offering to co-maintain VWO Active .Best regards,
Alberto Paderno
-- project moderator
-- site moderator
This is the first message I sent.
Hello Anil,
I am contacting you because Martin ( → ) offered to become co-maintainer for VWO ( → ), a project for which you are maintainer.
May you post a comment on 💬 Offering to co-maintain VWO Active about accepting or declining the offer? Please do not reply via email; we need a reply on the offer issue.
Without a comment posted on that issue in the next 14 days, Martin will be probably made co-maintainer.Project moderators will not remove the existing maintainers/co-maintainers; the project owner will not be replaced either. Maintainers cannot change the project owner; co-maintainers/maintainers can only be removed/added by people who have the permission to administer co-maintainers/maintainers.
I am contacting all the people who can administer co-maintainers/maintainers for the project.
As last note: This offer is about being co-maintainer, which is different from being a maintainer. A co-maintainer is a person who does not have all the permissions on a project. Even though being co-maintainers could mean having just a single permission, we expect a co-maintainer to have the following permissions on the project: Write to VCS, Edit project, Maintain issues, Administer releases.
If there is any reason for not giving all those permissions, please explain that on 💬 Offering to co-maintain VWO Active .Best regards,
Alberto Paderno
-- project moderator
-- site moderator
The status has been changed because we are waiting for a reply.
Please post a comment after 14 days, if your offer has not been declined. It will show you are still interested in maintaining this project and it will serve as reminder an action is required for this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.
I am closing this issue since there has not been any follow-up action as described in How to become project owner, maintainer, or co-maintainer → from the person who opened this offer.