Tested in Drupal 10.3.10 and 11.0.9. Setting to RTBC.
Tested with 11.0.9 and see no issues. Moving to RTBC.
Patch applied to this issue's branch
Drupal 11 Compatibility
Needs work
I'll apply the patch here: https://www.drupal.org/project/protected_pages/issues/3456307 🐛 Workspaces Incompatibility RTBC
I'm getting a fatal error in Drupal 11.0.9 when the workspaces module is enabled:
TypeError: Drupal\protected_pages\EventSubscriber\ProtectedPagesSubscriber::__construct(): Argument #1 ($aliasManager) must be of type Drupal\path_alias\AliasManager, Drupal\workspaces\WorkspacesAliasManager given, called in /app/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 in Drupal\protected_pages\EventSubscriber\ProtectedPagesSubscriber->__construct() (line 91 of /app/web/modules/contrib/protected_pages/src/EventSubscriber/ProtectedPagesSubscriber.php).
Thanks for the work on this @sarwan_verma!
Thanks for the patch @sarwan_verma!
Thanks for the patch @sarwan_verma!
We should set the default version to use bootstrap 5 since that works with JQuery 4.
Check for Drupal 11 code compatibility: Checked - no deprecations found
Check for PHP 8.3 compatibility: Checked - no issues found
Check for jQuery 4 compatibility for all supported bootstrap versions (3, 4, 5):
Confirmed the module works for all supported versions of bootstrap in D11. Versions 3 and 4 will require users to downgrade JQuery core to 3.7.1
See libraries-override
https://www.drupal.org/node/2497313 →
Update core version requirements to include Drupal 11: done
I was able to successfully create containers with drush. Validation checks out as well. Moving to RTBC.
Ready for further review.
mmarler → created an issue.
The 2.x branch has a bootstrap version selector to help add conditional logic to this issue. Changing the status to active.
mmarler → changed the visibility of the branch 2.x to active.
mmarler → changed the visibility of the branch 2.x to hidden.
Hi all, I've created a patch that adds the 'nav-stacked' class to the tab's
- element per the documentation for Bootstrap 3. I have not tested this with Bootstrap 4 and 5.
The fix should also support Bootstrap 3 and 4. Both use 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
class. Also, in #3 we'll want to keep the
Confirming when 'Display day of the week' is checked, the day of the week is displayed. If the date range spans different weeks, the day of the week is not displayed. Setting to RTBC.
mmarler → created an issue.
Added tests using PHP 8 and Drupal 10.
Thanks for reporting this @chike! At first I thought this was normal Drupal behavior, when a field has data you can't delete it. However, it looks like the RSS field is bundled with the feed_block module that prevents it from being uninstalled. I wonder if it would be better to pull out the RSS field into its own module?
mmarler → created an issue.
Looks like the configuration settings have completely changed in the 3.0.1 version. To fix this error, import the new configuration settings in gtranslate.settings.yml. You'll then need to reconfigure the settings.
Reviewed, tested and merged. Moving to Fixed.
PHP syntax error is reported in the tests:
line 142 A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'Google'
Adding a +1 here too. My team will be upgrading sites to Drupal 10 on May 23rd, and would love to have a stable, Drupal 10 compatible release for the Features module. Thanks for all the work on this!
Patch ready for review!
@sharayurajput the patch looks good! Moving to RTBC.
Looks good.
Thanks for testing this @himanshu_jhaloya! Can you please check against the 2.x branch instead 2.0? Some of these issues have been fixed in the 2.x branch.
Thanks for the patch @noorulshameera! I've applied the patch on a local install of Drupal 10 and was able to install the Media Responsive Thumbnail module. I did find one error running drupal-check, I think this might be a false positive though.
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Line src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/MediaResponsiveThumbnailFormatter.php
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155 Call to an undefined method
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