Working on it.
Hi @murz,
Your changes are good and working fine but we also need to do the same thing in importFieldValue
function in order to import content smoothly, so I've made the necessary changes, pls check.
Working on it.
Hi @perryjanssen,
This solution is working fine for me as ConfirmFormInterface do not require entity locking since they do not modify entity data directly.
Attaching ss for reference.
But we would like to here best solution from @alexpott
arunsahijpal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@chsdaiguil I think there may be some issue at your end or maybe you are using multilingual site that's why it is happening, I am not sure.
@bramdriesen and @berdir please look into this.
I meant- Check screenshot(ss) for more information.
I've made the changes in the original MR and hide the new MR, please check.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3497021-deprecate-getFormName to hidden.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3497021-confirmforminterfacegetformname-serves-no to active.
Hi @chsdaiguil,
It doesn't show 1 vote when its 0
see ss for reference
Hi @cebab54,
I've sent mail using this module and I didn't see any warning so could you pls tell me the steps to reproduce this and how can I add tokens to this?
I've made the changes that you suggested, pls review.
Hi @liam-morland,
I've tried to add dependency using calculateDependencies()
method present in BehaviorSettings.php
file but it doesn't adding the dependency although I've tried it by modifying schema but it didn't work too , so it would be a great help if you could suggest me some approach that how can I add dependency to it.
Working on it.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3497021-confirmforminterfacegetformname-serves-no to hidden.
Could you please provide me the Change Record link so that I can use it.
It would be great help if you could suggest me some change so that the pipeline could pass as it is bit problematic for me.
Hi @quietone and @joachim,
So should i revert my changes and add a deprecation comment instead?
pls review now.
Hi @tstoeckler and @smustgrave ,
I've added the test with batch and also I've updated the content
key check, pls review
Nice Work @gaurav-gupta,
As mentioned on clicking the checkbox the effects are not being applied to its derivative image styles but after applying the efffects are also applied on derivative image styles.
Sharing the recording for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
The changes LGTM
But @niharika.s I was already assigned to this issue and was working on it, so please check before you start working on an issue.
Working on it.
I've updated the code as you have asked, plc check.
Hi @batigolix,
I've tried this on
on D11 site, as we have to choose the operators according to the amount of items available so I've modified the code with appropriate checks with testing. I am providing a patch which you can test.
Just to know that this issue repo has a file which is not there in 7.x-dev
version and this version is causion error
Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginException: Plugin (taxonomy_index_name_depth) instance class "Drupal\views_taxonomy_term_name_depth\Plugin\views\argument\IndexNameDepth" does not exist. in Drupal\Component\Plugin\Factory\DefaultFactory::getPluginClass() (line 97 of /app/web/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Plugin/Factory/DefaultFactory.php).
pls check this also
Working on it.
Deleted .orig files, pls check.
I've checked it on my local and assure that the error is resolved by the above patch/MR.
Good work,
I've tested the MR on my local and I assure that all the changes have been done and this is also working for Drupal 9.
Attaching ss for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Hi @tanushree-gupta,
There are 2 problems in this
- Insufficient space for 1st level menu items
- 2nd level submenu is overlapping the 1st level menu
Attaching the ss for reference
Hence moving it to NW.
Great work everyone!
I've checked the issue on my local and I assure that this issue has been resolved after applying this . It is working fine for every resolution.
Adding ss for reference.
Hence moving to RTBC.
Good to hear that!
Then shall we move issue to RTBC?
Hi @tstoeckler,
I've added the missing space and has also fixed phpcs but there is one test failing pls check.
Working on it.
Hi @stado,
I've added a hook so that the content owner can't rate on his content, pls check.
Removed the help text, pls check.
Oops I missed that one, but I've updated it now pls check.
Working on it.
Hi @solideogloria,
I've added the null types, pls check.
Working on it.
Wroking on it.
@joachim , could you pls check now.
Removed the whitespace.
I've updated the ReindexForm and the pipeline is also green now, pls check.
@joachim, IDK why it is not finding ''confirm" key in SearchConfigSettingsFormTest
could you pls check it, and the second SearchMultilingualEntityTest
error is not due to the change made in getFormName()
I've fixed the indentation issue but now a phpunit functional is failing
I think it is due to this Line of code as it should be this if ($form_state->getValue('confirm')) {
because Form submissions in Drupal are processed through $form_state
Should i change it?
Corrected the indentation.
Hi @joachim,
Yes, I think we can remove the if ($form_state->getValue('confirm'))
condition from UserMultipleCancelConfirm::submitForm()
as the confirm field is no longer relevant. Since ConfirmFormInterface
is inward-facing, I agree that getFormName()
can be removed without deprecation.
I've done the changes pls check.
Hi @abhiyanshu,
I've improved the styling of the contact form pls check.
Attaching ss for reference.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3496701-styling-contact-form to hidden.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3496701-UI-doesn’t-look to hidden.
Working on it.
I've tested the MR on my local and I assure that now the link is pointing to thecorrect destination.
Attaching ss for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Hi @phenaproxima,
I've made the changes pls look.
Great work @kalash-j,
The MR LGTM as it has solved the deprecated method error, attaching ss for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Working on it.
Thanks for reporting this error.
I've removed the unnecessary part of code, please check.
Hi @narendrar,
I've parsed through whole codebase and corrected Drupal.t() where required, please check.
Hi, Great work!!
I assure that the changes made solves the issue, all the settings are loaded correctly attaching ss for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Working on it.
I've added all the necessary checks and now there is no error so moving it to NR, kindly check.
arunsahijpal → changed the visibility of the branch 3493976-error-call-to to hidden.
Here are the ss of the config_inspector report, pls check.
Hi @trackleft2,
I've updated the new configurations and also added the machine name as the type for role id, kindly check.
Working on it.
Hi @jibla,
I've tested this on Drupal 10.4.0-rc1
and php 8.3
as these are the module's requirement, and then the module is enabling perfectly.
Hi @roberttabigue,
Fixed the remaining phpcs errors, kindly check.
Working on it!
Hi @yasminorj ,
I've fixed the phpcs errors and the phpcs is also passing the pipeline, kindly check.
Hi @gurumurthy_r,
I have updated the configuration form to accept the custom texts for Zoom in/out buttons, I've removed the images folder as it was overriding the custom texts and also as the user is only entering the custom text not an image.
If you want to make it compatible with images too feel free to ask and if you also want the button size to be increased or decreased on Zooming in/out then we can remove this property
font-size: 14px;
from css.
I've also enhanced the styling for better accessibility.
Attaching ss for reference.
Woking on it!
@useernamee ,
I've ignored the word through .gitlab-ci.yml, please check.
I've tested the changes on my local and i assure there are no phpcs errors left.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
I've done the changes from my end please check it.
There are some phpunit tests that are failing see if we can skip them.
Great Work @kul.pratap and @john-franklin,
I've tested MR!22 and MR!24 on my local and phpcs doesn't reports any error, and phpcs is passing in the pipeline too!
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Nice work @kul.pratap !!
I've tested this on my local and I assure the issue has been completely resolved, uploading the ss for reference.
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Working on it!
I've added .gitlab-ci.yml, kindly check.
Hi @sbrandt,
Your repo seems to be empty, kindly check.
Working on it!
Hi @cmlara,
As the cspell is passing the pipeline so moving it to RTBC.
Hi @hablat and @marcoscano,
I've applied the patch and created MR for the same, please check it.
arunsahijpal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @mherchel,
I've removed the get started bullet point from oilvero theme, please check it.
Working on it!
arunsahijpal → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @berdir,
I've removed all the drupal calls (mentioned by phpstan) and used dependency injection instead, please check it.
Hi @alexpott,
I've allowed phpcs failure and the phpcs is also passing the pipeline, kindly check.
The pipeline is all green now and the MR seems to be working fine
Hence moving it to RTBC.