Account created on 22 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

Just found out what I'm missing. Simply add the configuration files with your theme's name, then uninstall and reinstall the theme. It will fix it.

thakurnishant_06 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

The error you're encountering is likely due to the fact that the minimum stability set in your Composer configuration is "stable". Since the module is still in development and a stable version hasn't been released yet, Composer is unable to resolve the dependencies properly.

To quickly address this error, you can adjust the minimum stability setting in your Composer configuration to "dev". This change will allow Composer to install modules that are in the development stage.

thakurnishant_06 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

There are still some phpstan issues that needs to be addressed before merging.
Setting the status back to NW

Updated the readme file kindly review changes.

Hi @valic,
I wanted to bring a minor issue to your attention— the file name appears to be incorrect. To enable automated testing with GitLab CI, rename the file to .gitlab-ci.yml .

Thanks for the prompt response. I will implement suggested the change.

Changes looks good to go and the pipe line work fine.
Moving it to RTBC

Fixed all the errors and warnings flagged by the Gitlab CI pipeline .

Addressed the Eslint warnings Flagged by the Gitlab CI and the last pipe line run didnt flag any new error.

Added the changes to fix all the Eslint warnings/errors flagged by GitLab CI .
Ran the Pipeline and it didnt flag any new errors.

Reviewed and tested the changes in the DDEV environment, I can confirm that the reported PHPStan issue has been addressed. The last pipeline run did not flag any new PHPStan errors also the remaining Eslint issue has also been fixed here - 🐛 Fix eslint issues Needs review

Moving to RTBC

Fixed all the Eslint warning / errors reported by the Gitlab CI .

thakurnishant_06 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Hi @scotteuser,
Fixed all the errors and warnings reported by the Eslint , Kindly review the changes.
Thank you.

thakurnishant_06 changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

thakurnishant_06 changed the visibility of the branch to hidden.

Reviewed the MR7 , added some minor update and rest of the changes looks Ok.
Moving to RTBC.

@Mohd Sahzad,

Please don't change the status if the files require changes or until all changes are done. I have assigned this issue to myself, so please wait until the issue is unassigned. Kindly adhere to the issue etiquette for contributions , and ensure that you follow the Drupal to check the required standards for the README file.

Changing status back to Need Work as there are many unnecessary changes that needs to be removed

It still doesn't follow the Drupal standards. I will work on this

Hi @bluegeek9 ,
Updated as per suggestion.

Please update the readme file in markdown format as per the recommended drupal template.

Hi @larowlan,
Updated the file as per the suggestion.

@agentrickard Please update the default development branch, and I'll proceed to address and resolve the ESLint warnings and errors.

Hi @Mingsong,
I have reviewed and tested the changes, and everything looks okay. I applied the patch to the local project, and all ESLint errors have been addressed.
Moving to RTBC !
Thank you.

Hi @oriol_e9g,

Although the Readme.txt has been replaced by, there are still some improvements that need to be made. Could I raise another MR to enhance the layout of the readme file?

It is possible that manually starting the chromedriver background process could serve as a solution . Upon closer look it seems tests runs differently between the legacy test bots and GitLabCI .

As for the notifications, GitLab does offer email notifications for pipeline failures. You can configure these notifications in your GitLab account settings under the Notifications section. Please refer to the following article Notification emails

Thanks @nitin_lama ,
Changes looks good . Moving it to RTBC., the latest development version (8.x-2.x-dev) already includes the file.

Tested the patch, and it applied cleanly. However, as the development shifted to GitLab, Merge Requests are now more preferable for better mergeability over patches.
Added #MR 2. It successfully added the configure gear icon at the extend page . Attached screenshot for reference.
Moving to RTBC.

Reviewed MR 3. The changes here are as per the Drupal template, and it contains all the suggestions suggested in #8.
Moving to RTBC.

Updated the Hook Help . Attached screenshot for reference.

If we refer to the previous readme.txt, it has a usage section where it describes some configuration details about this module. Please update this section with useful information that will help users configure this module.

@Nupur Badola, please carefully review the MR and highlight only the necessary changes according to the Drupal template. Regarding your comment, there is no need for this change:

In the Maintainers and Requirements section, only one maintainer/requirement is given, so the hyphen (-) is not required.

Since this section is titled "Maintainers," even when there is a single maintainer, the content of this section can be a list of maintainers, even in the case where there is just a single maintainer.

Changing back to Need Review.

Added the missing dependencies, executed the test, and verified that it doesn't raise any new errors.

svinfotech1@svinfotech1:/opt/lampp/htdocs/testing$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyze web/modules/flysystem/ -c web/modules/flysystem/phpstan.neon
 11/11 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%

 [OK] No errors

The last pipe line run was also clean .
Moving it to RTBC.
Thank you.

@Eli-T, I have installed all the dependencies required for PHPStan, but I'm still encountering errors in my local setup.

Hi @nitin_lama ,
All the changes look good, except for the configuration section. If we refer to the previous readme.txt, it has a usage section where it describes some configuration details about this module. Please update this section with useful information that will help users configure this module.

Hi @doxigo
Locally rebased and Fixed the merge conflicts.

@Haris Khan Jadoon your patch is just a duplication of the Readme.txt file. Please adhere to the Drupal template , and ensure that the readme is formatted in Markdown. Therefore, your current patch is incorrect.
Considering that the current issue involves the use of MR 3, please utilize it for incorporating any updates or changes instead of submitting a patch.

Reviewed the MR and the updated changes removed the trailing space from the routing file.
Moving issue to RTBC.

Hi @mahtab_alam,
There is no need to add a core key if your module supports multiple Drupal versions, i.e., versions later than Drupal 8. The rest of the changes look good.

I've reviewed MR15, and it successfully adds the GIT CI template to the project. However, the pipeline flags numerous code style errors. But these issues can be addressed in a follow-up task/issue. Lets setup the pipe line in repo first.
Marking this issue to RTBC.

Yes it seems tests runs differently between the legacy test bots and GitLabCI .Let's prioritize fixing the test discrepancies to ensure consistent test results.

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